Useful advices on searching of this website for information
Future of Pharmacy
Szabolcs Dobson: The possible near future of pharmacy from pharmacy history point of view, in May 2024
Géza Stájer: Modern Pharmacist Education and Social Challenges of the Next Century
Zoltán Vincze: The Future of Pharmacist Education
Károly Nikolics: The Future of Pharmacy in the Countries of the Common Market
Mihály Takács: What Is Expected of Us in the First Decades of the Next Century?
Géza Stájer: Glance at the Future – 2050
Géza Turányi: Parody on the future of pharmacy from 1939
Norbert Czigány: Pharmacy 2.5 – a vision from 20
Research Articles
List of Articles on the History of Pharmacy published in the journal “Gyógyszereink” of the National Institute of Pharmacy
Katalin Kapronczay: About Research in Archives in General
Katalin Kapronczay: Advice to Young Researchers
Judit B. Szalkay: Articles on the History of Pharmacy in the Bulletin of Medical History
A Team of the Hungarian Academy of Science (MTI) under the supervision of Gazda, István: Literature of Medical History and the History of Pharmacy between 1981 and 2000
Klára Lóránd (an Interview): The Bozsó Collection and Pharmacy Collection in Kecskemét
Éva M. Román: Recollections on the Mormon project of microfilming parish registers in Hungary
Szabolcs Dobson: Scientific-civilisation-marketing bubbles or how science is transformed to pseudo-science: a case study on antifebrile pharmacotherapy
Szabolcs Dobson: What would happen to the Hungarian pharmacists in a flu epidemics similar to the 1918-1919 spanish flu? Thing we can learn from the pharmaceutical history of the 1918-1919 flu epidemics.
Szabolcs Dobson: Readability test of hand-written medical prescriptions among Hungarian community pharmacists in 2018
Szabolcs Dobson: Readability test of hand-written medical prescriptions among Hungarian community pharmacists in 2018 – Attachment 1.
Szabolcs Dobson: Readability test of hand-written medical prescriptions among Hungarian community pharmacists in 2018 – Attachment 2.
József Antall: The pharmacy history and the Semmelweis Museum, Library and Archive of the History of Medicine
Education of Pharmacists
János Halmai: Testaments of a Pharmacy Apprentice from the 17th Century
Károly Zalai: A Historical Survey of Activities and Institutions Connected with Medicines
János Halmai: Plans for Pharmacist Education in the year 1848
Gyula Rádóczy: A Historical Survey of Pharmacist Education in Hungary
János Halmai: The Evolution of Modern Pharmacist Education between 1876 and 1945
Erzsébet Sági: Pharmacists graduating in the first 20 years of the Medical Faculty of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences
Erzsébet Sági: The first decades of the Pharmacist Education at the Medical Faculty of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences in the 18th Century
István Szentgyörgyi: Hungarian Pharmacist Education in the Second Half of the 19th Century
Bertalan Zboray, Károly Zalai: The University Pharmacy in the Service of Healthcare and Education
Tünde Ambrus: 60 Years of the independent Education in the Czech and Slovak Republic Sándor Mozsonyi: 5 years of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Medical University of Budapest
Antal Végh: Reform of Higher Education and Pharmacist Education
János Ragettli: Tasks of Training Beginning Pharmacists in Pharmacy Practice
Imre Oláh: Comments to the Article of Ragettli, János “Tasks of Education of Freshly Graduated Pharmacists in Pharmacy Practice”
Antal Végh: Reform of Higher Education and Pharmacy
István Novák: A Short History of Pharmacist Education at the University of Szeged
Viktor Ligeti: 10 years of Pharmacist Technician Education
Sándor Mozsonyi: Problems of our Pharmacist Education
Dezső Horváth: A Few Words about Continuing Education of Pharmacists
Tibor Kádár: State, Role and Perspective of Pharmacy
Károly Nikolics, Dénes Horváth: A Few Acute Questions of Pharmacies
Dezső Küttel: Comment to the paper “Problems of our Pharmacist Education”
György Kedvessy: The Rebuilt Drug Development Technology Institute of the University of Szeged
Ernő Dworschák: Fields of activity for Pharmacists and the Proposal for Reform in the Education
András Kolossváry: Problems of Young Pharmacists
Lászlóné Nógrádi, György Szász: A Few Problems of Pharmacist Education
András Háznagy: Teaching Pharmacies – Teaching Pharmacists
Kálmán Vidovszky: A Survey of Young Pharmacists’ Life- and Working Conditions
Károly Zalai: Facts of the Past and Present of the 60 Year Old University Pharmacy in Budapest
20 Years of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Marosvásárhely
Tibor Kádár: The Importance of the Department of Pharmacy at the Institute for Continuing Education of Physicians
László Kálmán, Gáborné Pogátsa: Increasing Importance of Pharmacists in Health Education
Károly Zalai: 20 Years in the History and Principles of the Development of the University Pharmacy in Budapest
Pál Szigetmiklósi: A contribution to the History of the University Pharmacy in Budapest
Károly Zalai: The Role of Pharmacies in Pharmacist Education
Editorial board: Forum about Specialized Pharmacy Training
Editorial board: Some Current Issues of Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician Education from the Perspective of Teaching Pharmacists
Aurél Baranyai: The Lost World of Pharmacy Apprencices
Editorial board: Pharmacy and the Training of Pharmaceutical Experts
Samu Zalányi, Sarolta Börcsök Bodor: Some Problems of Pharmaceutical Education and Post-graduate Training on the Basis of an Investigation Performed with the Interview Method
Béla Láng: A New Pharmaceutical Center of the Institute for Continuing Education of Physicians
Józsefné Váradi: Position and Problems of Specialized Pharmacist Education
Károly Zalai: Specialized Pharmacist Education in Hungary
Kurt Kempler: Difficulties in the Development of Training of Pharmaceutical Apprentices in the 19th Century
András Rixer, Károly Zalai: Teaching Pharmacy Management at Universities in Hungary in the 19th Century
Márta Maros-Lugosi: First Proposal Dated 1751 to Establish a University Pharmacy
Károly Zalai: The Role of Institutional Pharmacies in Pharmacist Education
György Kedvessy: Plans to Reform Pharmacist Education at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Szeged
György Szász: Plans to Improve Pharmacist Education at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Budapest
László Tráser: An Analysis of Cultural Habits of Pharmacy Students
Károly Zalai, András Rixer: Teaching the History of Pharmacy at Hungarian Universities
Károly Zalai, Gyuláné Maros: Chemistry Textbook for Pharmacy Students by Professzor Jakab Winterl
Antónia Gottl, Lajos Hegedűs: A 200 Year Old Pharmacy Certificate from Pest
Kurt Kempler: About the Impact of Certain Factors upon Pharmacist Education
Mihály Kata, Géza Regdon: The Importance and the Problems of Enrolling Students into Universities
Géza Regdon, Mihály Kata: Teaching Pharmacy Students during Summer Practices and Board Exam Practices
Tibor Nagy: Considerations about the Article “Teaching Pharmacy Students during Summer Practices and Board Exam Practices”
György Szász: The Evolution of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Hungarian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Student Committee: Potentials for Scientific Development in our Profession from the viewpoint of young pharmacists
Kurt Kempler: Thoughts during Editing of the Pharmacists’ Yearbook
András Háznagy: About Competitions Dedicated to the Memory of Rozsnyay
Károly Zalai: Development of Pharmacist Education
Mihály Kata, Béla Selmeczi: Development Plan for Pharmacist Education in Szeged
Károly Zalai: The Impact of MD Theses in the Evolvement and Development of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Hungary
Ferenc Dávid M. at al.: 50 Years in the Life of the University Pharmacy at the Medical University of Pécs
Emil Minker: New Educational Demands that Have Emerged during the Daily Work in Pharmacy
Emil Minker: Is Teaching Clinical Knowledge Necessary in Pharmacist Education?
András Rixer, Károly Zalai: Background and Introduction of Pharmacy Organization and Management into the University Curriculum in Hungary
Mihály Kata, Béla Selmeczi: Questions about Intellectual and Psychological Abilities Necessary in the Pharmacist Profession
Editorial board: Guidelines for the Curriculum of Pharmacist Education
Károly Nikolics: For Attracting Young Scientists
Mihály Kata, Béla Selmeczi: Experiances on Entry Exams
Károly Zalai: The 1988 Modernization of the Pharmacist Education in Hungary
Editorial board: Why have I become Pharmacist? – Call for Application for a Scholarship
Kálmánné Kovács: How Have I Become a Pharmacist – How Do I See My Profession?
Mihály Kata, Géza Regdon: Experiences of Final Exams for Graduates in Szeged
Editorial board: 40th Anniversary of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Gábor Rácz: Revival of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Marosvásárhely
Károly Nikolics: Current Issues Regarding Pharmacist Education
György Stampf, Mihály Kata: The Reform of Pharmacist Education
Endre Hőgyes: The History of Pharmacist Education in Hungary until the End of the 19th Century.
Árpád Gyérési et al.: Pharmacist Education in Marosvásárhely; Generations of Pharmacists in Marosvásárhely
Károly Nikolics: Current Thoughts on Pharmacy Education
Mária Péter H.: New Principles of the Organization the State Control on Medicines in Hungary
Géza Stájer: Perspectives of Hungarian Pharmacist Education
Antal Brantner: History of the Institute of Pharmacological Chemistry in Budapest, Part 1.
Antal Brantner: History of the Institute of Pharmacological Chemistry in Budapest, Part 2.
Mihály Takács: Education of Pharmacist during the Years of Social Changes, Part 1.
Mihály Takács: Education of Pharmacists during the Years of Social Changes, Part 2.
József Laszlovszky: Forced Journey of Pharmacist Students in Germany in the Academic Year 1944/1945, Part 1.
József Laszlovszky: Forced Journey of Pharmacist Students in Germany in the Academic Year 1944/1945, Part 2.
Mihály Kata: 25 Years’ Experiences and Results of Teaching Pharmaceutical Ethics at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Szeged
Károly Nikolics: Thoughts about Post-graduate Education
Zoltán Vincze: Activity of the Semmelweis Medical University, University Pharmacy, and the Institute of Pharmacy Organization and Management between 1992 and 1995
Károly Zalai: The Impact of the Activity of the 225 Year Old (Budapest) Medical School on Pharmaceutical Research, Education and Practice
Imre Kőhegyi: Where Are You and How Are You Freshly Graduated Pharmacists?
Mihály Kata, Géza Regdon: Education of Pharmacy Technitians in Szeged
Bertalan Zboray: 90 Years of the University Pharmacy in Budapest
Mária Péter H.: Famous Teachers of Pharmacists at the 125 Year Old Ferencz József University of Arts and Sciences in Kolozsvár
Mária Péter H.: 50 Years of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Marosvásárhely
Mihály Takács: Are We Far Behind the Pharmacist Education of the European Union?
Béla Noszál: 50 Years of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at SOTE
Géza Stájer: The Discreet Charm of Pharmacy
Géza Mezey: Considerations about Stájer, Géza: “The Discreet Charm of Pharmacy”
Lajos Botz: Meditations on “The Discreet Charm of Pharmacy”
Mihály Kata: Comments on Stájer, Géza: “The Discreet Charm of Pharmacy”
Géza Stájer: Bye-bye Discreet Charm
György Bacsa: Humble Thoughts upon Reading the Article of dr. Stájer, Géza: “The Discreet Charm of Pharmacy”
Géza Stájer: Selective Misunderstandings
Mihály Takács: Faculty-density
Mihály Kata, István Erős: Questions on the Integration of Universities
György Stampf, Zoltán Vincze: We Are Getting Integrated – Our New Name is Semmelweis University
Zoltán Vincze, Sylvia Marton: About the New System of Pharmacy Specializations
Mihály Kata: Law, Ethics and Pharmacy
Mihály Horváth: 30 Years in the Service of Specialization and Post-graduate Education
Mihály Takács, Krisztina Takács-Novák: About Pharmacist Education for non Pharmacy Employment
András Rixer, Zoltán Vincze: The Beginnings and Evolution of Pharmacist Education in Hungary
Gabriella Magyar-Pintér: A Few Ideas about the New System of Specialization
György Kedvessy: 80 Years of Pharmacist Education in Szeged
Emil Minker: Who Were the First Pharmacist Students at the Time of Start of University Education in Kolozsvár?
István Erős: Recommendations of the European Union and Pharmacist Education in Hungary
Gellért Karvaly: Teaching at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Szeged University – A Students’ Perspective
Emil Minker: First Pharmaceutical Records in the History of the University of Kolozsvár
Mihály Kata, Géza Regdon: Szeged – 80 Years in the Service of Pharmacist Education and Elite Pharmacist Education
Csongor Szabó: 80 Years of the University Pharmacy of the University of Debrecen
Emil Minker: Where Was the Compounding Shop and the University Pharmacy in Kolozsvár?
György Tatár: How was Pharmacist-Physician Professor Gyula Mikó removed from the University of Debrecen in 1950?
Judit Kornélia Horváth, Dénes Horváth: An Analysis of the Chemistry Chapter of the Pharmacy Textbook for Pharmacy Apprentices from a 100 Year Perspective
Mihály Kata, Mónika Ferenczi: Post-graduate Education of Pharmacists in the Previous Century, Part 1.
Mihály Kata, Mónika Ferenczi: Post-graduate Education of Pharmacists in the PreviousCentury, Part 2.
Károly Zalai: The History of the Doctoral Training at the Semmelweis Medical University
Károly Zalai et al.: Pharmaceutical Doctoral Theses at the Semmelweis Medical University
Károly Zalai: Pharmaceutical Doctoral Theses at the University of Kolozsvár from 1872 to 1918
Károly Zalai: The Hungarian Doctors of Pharmacy of the University of Vienna in the 19th Century
Pál Varga: Doctors of Pharmacy graduated at the Universities of Debrecen
Nándor Lóránd, Eszter Tóth-Sebők: Development of Pharmacist Education in Hungary, with Special Regard to Kecskemét
Károly Zalai: 25 Years’ Review of Scientific Qualification and Pharmacy
Károly Zalai: Development of Pharmacy Management and Social Pharmacy in Hungary and Abroad
Károly Zalai:Integration of the History of Pharmacy into the Pharmaceutical Sciences
Károly Zalai: International Activity in the Science History of Pharmacy
Károly Zalai: Scientific Qualification and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Béla Selmeczi: Research Projects in the Institute of Drug Technology of the Medical University of Szeged
Balázs Hankó, Krisztina Takács-Novák: Pharmaceutical Chemistry in Pharmacy Practice
Gergely Magos: Social Social Background of Pharmacist Students at the Hungarian Pázmány Péter University of Arts and Sciences between 1920 and 1944
Nándor Lóránd: The diary of József Katona on the pharmacist education from the end of the 19th century
Áron Ferencz, Lajos Dávid: History of the Institute of Pharmacy and University Pharmacy of the Ferenc József University of Sciences (Kolozsvár)
Frigyes Perényi: Pharmacist Education at the Nagyszombat University, 1770-1777
Mihály Kata, Géza Regdon sen: The teachers of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Szeged
Mihály Kata, Géza Regdon sen: The external teachers of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Szeged
István Erős: The history of an university Institute. Part I.: The beginnings – Professor Lajos Dávid, the first director of the Institute was born 125 years ago
István Erős: The history of an university Institute. Part II.: Dr. dr. h.c. György Kedvessy was born 100 years ago – Education in the center of attention
László Szögi: Students From Szabadka in European Universities (1416-1918)
Gyula László Szabó: Renowned predecessors of the pharmacologists of Pécs, Hungary
Szabolcs Dobson: Evolution of the pharmacy technician profession in Hungary
Gyöngyi Bodolai : The 70th anniversary of the Hungarian language pharmacist education in Marosvásárhely (Transylvania, Romania)
Szabolcs Dobson: A story emerging out of the past: Dr. Márta Dózsa, a teacher and pharmacist (1900, Pancsova-1981, Miskolc)
Adrienn Nagy: Organizing the druggist vocational training in Hungary in the first half of the 20th century
László Szabó: History of the pharmacist university education in Pécs,
Lajos Hegedűs: The first Hungarian Pharmacist Oath from 1861 (Orvosi Hetilap 28 (118), 1668-1669 (1977))
Pharmacy during History
Kurt Kempler: Labour Organizations of Hungarian Pharmacy from 1800 to 1944
János Halmai: Pharmaceutical Aspects of the 1848 War of Independence
József Antal: Reform Proposal of József Horváth
Zsigmond Jakabházy: World War I. and Drugs
Jenő Székely: Upon the 40th Anniversary of the Hungarian Soviet Republic
Szabolcs Dobson: Pharmacy in Hungary during the Great Depression
György Benkő, Tibor Kurucz: The State of Pharmacy in Hungary during World War II.
György Benkő, Tibor Kurucz: The pharmaceutical situation in Hungary during the World War II
Károly Kapronczay: Public Life and Research of the History of Medicine in Hungary in the 1950-ies.
Sándor Polgár: Economic Activity of the State Pharmacy Chains
Zoltán Flór: 10 Years of our Socialist Pharmacy
Gyula Vilmon: Pharmacy – An Organic Part of the Hungarian Health Service
Jenő Lázár: Socialist Development of Pharmacy in Hungary
Antal Végh: Socialist Pharmacy – Socialist Pharmacist
Jenő Lázár: The National Institute of Pharmacy
István Barna: 10 Years of Socialist Pharmacy
Gyula Vilmon: The Achievements of the Past 10 Years
Elemér Schulek: 10 Years of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Antal Végh: Pharmacy and Chemistry
Pál Szabó: Ideas from a 10 Year Perspective
László Kovács: Achievements of County State Pharmacy Chains
István Barna: Activity of the State Pharmacy Chain of the Budapest Municipal Council in 1959
Józsefné Broczky: 10 Years from the Pont of View of the Pharmacy Technicians
Károly Zalai: Thoughts about the Development of Pharmacy
Rezső Kuttel: Is Selling OTC Medicines Important in Modern Pharmacies?
László Kovács: Problems of Pharmacy
Jenő Lázár: New Year – New Tasks
Gyula Vilmon: Organization and Management Issues of Pharmacy
Károly Zalai: The Evolution of Pharmacy Management
Bertalan Zbóray: 100 Years Ago
Kurt Kempler: Capacity Planning of Pharmacies
István Rázsó: On the 20th Anniversary of our Liberation
Gyula Tamáskovits: Pharmacy and Profession
Csaba Kolozs: Activities of Pharmacists of Győr-Sopron County on Behalf of the Social Development of Pharmacy from the Beginning of the 20th Century to World War I.
Zoltán Szabó: The Foundation of the Alliance of Hungarian Medical Societies and Associations
Jenő Lázár: The New Economic Mechanism and Healthcare
Károly Zalai: Issues Concerning the Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Hungary
György Kedvessy: Wider tasks
Zoltán Szőkefalvy-Nagy: On the Centenary of the Meeting of Hungarian Physicists and Natural Scientists in Eger
László Henerári: Pharmacy during the Hungarian Soviet Republic
Tibor Kurucz, György Benkő: About Pharmacy during the Hungarian Soviet Republic
Grants for the Anniversary of the Hungarian Soviet Republic
Georg Petrus: Thoughts about the Ethical, Sociological and Sociopolitical Aspects of Pharmacy
Jenő Lázár: Two Decades of State-run Pharmacy
Jenő Lázár: About our Pharmacy
Tibor Kádár: In Memory of the 25th Anniversary of our Liberation and the 20th Anniversary of Socialist Pharmacy
Georg Petrus: International Organizational Forms of Pharmacy
Sámuel Zalányi, Sarolta, Börcsök Bodor: About the Establishment of the Narional Library of Pharmacy
Ferenc Szabadváry: 100 Years of the Chemisty Pavilion
Károly Zalai: Change of the Concept of Pharmacy from Rozsnyay to the Present
Marianna Bánó-Fleischman, Károly Zalai: The State of Pharmacy in the Year 1872, when the Capital City of Budapest was Created
Károly Zalai: Important Pharmaceutical Aspects of a Thousand Years of Health Legislation
László Larencz: Social Status and Ambitions of Pharmacy Apprentices in the 19th Century
Károly Zalai: Legal Regulation of Scientific Information on Newly Introduced Medicines
Editorial board: 1st National Conference on the Organization of Work in Pharmacies
Károly Zalai: Data of French-Hungarian Pharmaceutical Relationships
Ernő Stenszky: Thoughts about a Some Health Policy Issues in Pharmacy
Editorial board: 10 Questions about Current Problems of Pharmacy
Kurt Kempler: 19th Century Initiatives of Pharmaceutical Associations and Societies on International Standardisation of Drug Compounding
Nándor Lóránd: Meeting of Pharmcists 75 Years Ago on the Golden Sand (Kecskemét)
Kurt Kempler: Data on the Foundation and 19th Century Activity of the Royal Medical Association of Pest-Buda
Kurt Kempler: About Some Problems of Pharmacy in the Hungarian Economy
András Rixer, Károly Zalai: Publication Activities of Pharmacists in Hungarian Medical Journals up to the Publication of the First Hungarian Pharmaceutical Journal.
Károly Zalai: Main Trends in the Development of Hospital Pharmacy
Editorial board: From 1945 to April 1975
Bronnyikova, G.: Training and Employment of Pharmacists in the State Pharmacy Chains of the Soviet Union
Editorial board: National Conference on Pharmacy Management
Károly Zalai, Noémi Oltványi: Development and Structure of Literature on Pharmacy Management from 1963 to 1974 on the Basis Bibliographical Data
Károly Zalai, Noémi Oltványi: Development and Structure of Literature on History of Pharmacy from 1963 to 1974 on the Basis Bibliographical Data
Pál Varga: Concenpts of the Hungarian Soviet Republic about Pharmacist Education
László Kósa, Károly Zalai: Place and Role of Pharmacists in Providing Drug Information
György Harangi: New Regulations Regarding Prescription and Dispensing of Drugs
Editorial board: Thoughs about the Papers of Kurt Kempler and Dezső Küttel on Problems of Pharmacy
István Kaszanitzky: Changing Tasks, Changing Pharmacies
Zsuzsa Kővári-Tóth, Károly Zalai: Data on the Pharmaceutical Aspects of Medical Doctoral Theses
Kurt Kempler: Problems of Pharmacy Addressed at the National Meeting on Public Health
Gábor Simon Kis: Recent Developments in the Socialist Pharmacy
Gábor Simon Kis: Structure and Organisation of Pharmacy in Hungary up to 1950
Béla Láng: Thoughts on Pharmacy at the Turn of the Century
György Harangi: Theory and Practice of Management of Pharmacy
Mariann Bánó-Fleischmann, Károly Zalai: Evolution of the Pharmacists’ Oath
Lajos Hegedűs: History of the Pantheon of the Hungarian Pharmacy
Samruk, Sz. G.: Thoughts About Hospital Pharmacy
Ernő Stenszky: New Developments in Community Pharmacy Activities in Association with the New Regulation on Drug Supply Coming into Force in 1977
József Spielmann, Maior Ovidiu: Old Transylvanian Pharmacists’ Oaths
Kurt Kempler: About the Pharmaceutical Policy of the Hungarian Soviet Republic
Kurt Kempler: Important Aspects of the Development of Education of Pharmacy Technicians
Attila Szabó: Emergency Money in Hungarian Pharmacies from World War I. to the Hungarian Soviet Republic
Emil Minker: Thoughts on Primary Healthcare
Rudolf Schmitz: Current State of the History of Pharmacy
Károly Zalai: Perspectives of Scientific and Practical Cooperation of Pharmacists and Physicians
Noémi Oltványi: Drug Information Service of the National Institute of Pharmacology and the Most Important Sources of Drug Information
Károly Nikolics: On the Way of Progress
Lászlóné Péntek: 20 Years of National Radioactive Drug Supply and the Most Important Tasks of the Near Future
Editorial board: Some Ideas on the Planning of Pharmacies
Attila Csépányi: Drug Safety from the Doctor’s Perspective
Editorial board: The Pharmacist Should Be a Drug Expert
Miklós Csajtai: From the Linguistic History of Pharmacy, Part 1.
Miklós Csajtai, Tibor Szabó: From the Linguistic History of Pharmacy, Part 2.
Zoltán Vincze: About Patient Compliance
Károly Zalai: FIP and the Hungarian Pharmacy
György Harangi: Place and Tasks of Pharmacy in the Hungarian Health Care
Kurt Kempler: A Short History of Hungarian Pharmacy
István Bayer: Tasks of the National Institute of Pharmacy
György Szász: Pharmacist Education in Hungary
Emil Minker: Pharmacist Education at the Medical University of Szeged
Tibor Láng: Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Manufacturing in Hungary
Tibor Erdei: Foreign Trade of Drugs in Hungary
József Váradi: Organization and Functioning of Community Drug Supply in Hungary
Tamás Mohr: Hospital Pharmacy in Hungary
Tibor Kurucz: Hungarian Military Pharmacy
László Kósa: Drug Information and its Sources
Gizella Somogyi: Organization of Drug Utilization Research in Hungary
József Laszlovszky: Hungarian Pharmacopoeia
László Kovács: Specialist Pharmacist Education and Post-graduate Pharmacist Education
Editorial Board: Position Statement of the Health Policy Committee on the Scope of Marketed Goods in Pharmacies
Margit Vitkóczy: Comments
Károly Szász: Comments on the Position Satement of the Health Policy Committee
Dénes Horváth: Comments on the Position Statement of the Health Policy Committee on the Scope of Marketed Goods in Pharmacies
István Gara: Comments on Health Policy Issues Regarding Medicinal Plants and Cosmetics
József Váradi: On the Life of State Pharmacy Chains and Regional Organizations of the Hungarian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Part 2.
József Kotsi: The Role of the Pharmacist in Delivering Information on New Medicines
Ernő Stenszky: State and Role of Pharmacy in the Hungarian Healthcare System
Attila Tornai: Wages and Living Conditions of Pharmacy Owners and Employees in the Middle of the 19th Century
László Heneráry: Pharmacy Codex
Erzsébet Halmai-Tihanyi et al: Proposal on the Qualification System of high turnover Pharmacies
Károly Zalai: Scientific and Practical Development, Policy and Tasks of Pharmaceuticy
Miklós Láng: Browsing in the Old Issues of Journal Gyógyszerészet on the Occasion of its 25th Year of Publication
Kurt Kempler: Tasks and Perspective of Pharmacy
István Pastinszky, István Pastinszky: Healing and Pharmacy in Latin Proverbs and Quotes
György Kedvessy: About the Definition of Drugs
Kurt Kempler: About Some Ethical Problems of the Doctor-Pharmacist Relationship in View of Its Historical Development
György Kedvessy: Laws prior to the First Act on Healthcare
Kurt Kempler: The Role of the Rockefeller Foundation in the Establishment of the Institute of Public Health
Domokos Bándi, Endre Csák: Tasks of Drug Supply in Medical Institutions
Kurt Kempler: Professional Guidelines on the Development of Healthcare and Social Affairs in the 7th five-year-plan.
Károly Zalai: From the Degree of Doctor Pharmaciae to Doctor Universitatis
Domokos Bándi, Endre Csák: Factors Hampering the Development of Drug Supply in Medical Institutes
Mariann Bánó-Fleischmann, Tamás Mohr: Data on the History of Hospital Pharmacy in Hungary up to 1945
János Ragettli, Györgyné Marsal: Opportunities and Problems of Organizing Socialist Brigade Movement in Pharmacies
Editorial board: Comment on the Article “Opportunities and Problems of Organizing Socialist Brigade Movement in Pharmacies”
Bertalan Zboray: Leasing a Pharmacy in the Previous Century
Mariann Bánó-Fleischmann, Tamás Mohr: History of Hospital Pharmacy in Hungary between 1945 and 1982; Outlines of a Professional Development Policy
Ernő Stenszky, Károly Nikolics: Current Questions of Pharmacy to be discussed by the Committee of Social Welfare and Public Health of the Hungarian Parliament
Kurt Kempler: Upon the 125th Anniversary of the Launch of the Journal “Gyógyszerészi Hetilap”
Gábor Rácz, Mária Péter H.: A Historical Review of Hungarian-language Pharmaceutical Literature in Transylvania
Imréné Pintér, Károly Zalai: The Development of Healthcare and Pharmacy in Hajdú-District until 1876
Kurt Kempler: Data on the History of Nationalization of Community Pharmacies, Part 1.
Kurt Kempler: Data on the History of Nationalization of Community Pharmacies, Part 2.
Kurt Kempler: Data on the History of Nationalization of Community Pharmacies, Part 3.
Kurt Kempler: Data on the Developmentof the National Characteristics of Medicinal Economy
Editorial board: For Better Appreciation of Network Development
Kata, Mihály: Ethical Issues in Pharmacies
Csaba Kolozs: Controversies, Difficulties and Further Progress
Editorial board: Thoughts of a Practicing Pharmacist about the Pharmacist Profession
Csaba Kolozs: Thoughts about Pharmacy of Recent Years
László Lárencz: Comment
László Kovács: 40 Years of Pharmacist Conferences in Hungary
Kurt Kempler: Data Concerning the Social Prestige of Pharmacists over Time
László Szabó: Recollections of Pharmacists of the 1848 War of Independence
László Csongor Fehér: The Invention of the Wheel
Mária Vaitkus-Kinczer: Community Pharmacy in Zala County in the Reform Age
Zoltán Vincze, Károly Nikolics: In the Interest of Pharmacy
Miklós Csajtai, Erzsébet György-Kovács: Participation of Pharmacy Workers in Solving Public Health Protection Issues
Károly Nikolics, Ernő Stenszky, Zoltán Vincze: Thoughts on the State of Pharmacy
István Bayer: New, International Agreement on Narcotics
Mariann Bánó-Fleischmann: Pharmacy-related Reforms of the 1848-49-War of Independence
Zoltán Hankó: They that Sow the Wind…
Károly Szász: Legal regulation – good regulation
Zoltán Vincze, Károly Nikolics: The Activity of the Hungarian Society for Pharmacological Sciences
Editorial board: The Hungarian Chamber of Pharmacists has been established
Zsuzsanna Matejka: Modernization of the Social Security System
Sándor Felföldy: Professional and Economic Situation and Aspirations of the State Pharmacy Chains
Géza Fenyvesi: Development opportunities of the internal vested interests in the State Pharmacy Chains
Gyula Rádóczy: Labour Organizations of Hungarian Pharmacists, Part 1.
Gyula Rádóczy: Labour Organizations of Hungarian Pharmacists, Part 2.
Béla Rétsághy: Activity, Program and Statutes of the Trade Union of Pharmacy Workers
Károly Nikolics: Recollections of a Hectic Decade: 1940 -1950
Márta Szili-Decsi, Károly Zalai: The Beginnings and Development of Pharmacy in Somogy County from 1760 to 1950
István Bayer: Quo vadis pharmacia – A Private Opinion
László Lárencz: Thoughts about a160 Year Old Price List
Géza Rádóczy: Trianon – from Pharmaceutical Perspective
Mariann Bánó-Fleischmann: Development of the Social Security System in Hungary until 1945
András Borsos: Insolvency Court Proceedings against Pharmacists from Zala county in the in the 1840-ies
Nándor Loránd: About the History of Hungarian Pharmacy in Transsylvania
Editorial board: The First Year of Private Pharmacies
Károly Nikolics: Thoughts about the Privatization of Drug Supply
Gyuláné Maros, Mária Lugosi: Movements for the Establishment of the Hungarian Chamber of Pharmacists
Károly Zalai: Evolution of the Independent Pharmacist Profession in Europe
Vera Schwartz: The History of Pharmaceutical Price Lists in Hungary
Antal Brantner, Zoltán Hankó: Knowledge of the Past and Examination of the Present – Precontitions of a Successful Future
György Südy: When is a Pharmacy Profitable?
László Kovács, Zoltán Hankó: Our Honorary Money is the Gratitude of the Patient
József Antall: Pharmacy and Politics
Zoltánné Marjay: About the Legal Regulation of Drug Prescription and Dispensing
Andrea Gál-Cseri: The Social Background of Initiatives of Establishing Pharmacies in Zala County in the First Half of the 19th Century
Károly Nikolics: Ethics of Everyday Life
Zoltán Hankó: Pharmaceutical Ethics and Private Pharmacy
György Südy: Are Pharmacies still Profitable?
Ferenc Szigetváry: Thoughts about the Hungarian History of Pharmacy
Bertalan Zboray: The Society for Natural Sciences and Pharmacists
József Lakatos: Should Free Market Pricing Be Used for Drugs
József Bartus: Thoughs on the appropriate transformation of community pharmacies
Károly Nikolics: Recollections on the 1950-ies
Károly Nikolics: Pharmaceutical Aspects of the 1956 Revolution and War of Independence
Ágnes Pozsonyi-Gyüre: Evolution of Laws and Regulations on Pharmacy in Hungary
György Körmöczi: Trends in Profitability of Drug Trade in Hungary
Editorial board: What do Pharmacists Expect?
Katalin Gáborján: Commemoration of the Martyrs Executed in Pusztavám on 16 October 1944
Károly Zalai: Polish-Hungarian Pharmaceutical Relationships in the Recent Past
Károly Nikolics: Recollections on the 60s and 70s
Bertalan Zboray: Let’s Remember the Old Times
Péter Tétényi: The History of the Research Institute for Medicinal Plants, Part 1.
Péter Tétényi: The History of the Research Institute for Medicinal Plants, Part 2.
Sándor Küttel: Galenic Laboratories at the Crossroads
János Mezei: Opportunities of Drug Manufacturing Plants (former Galenic Laboratories)
Lajos Papy: The Impact of Decree 9-1995 of the Ministry of Welfare on the Drug Manufacturing Plants
Károly Nikolics: Thoughts from the Past – Lessons for the Future
Tamás Mohr, Antal Samu: Past, Present and Future of Private Pharmacies
György Südy: Thoughts on the Present of Wholesale of Drugs
Károly Zalai: 30 Year Anniversary of the Institution for the History of Pharmacy at the Philipp University of Marburg
Sándor Dörnyei, István Bayer: 100 Year Anniversary of the First Hungarian Pharmaceutical Conference
Sándor Dörnyei, István Bayer: Pharmacy at the Milleneum Exhibition
László Szmodits: What have Pharmaceutical Journals written about 50 Years Ago?
Károly Nikolics: Thoughts About Individuals, Communities and Professional Journals
László Kovács: Recollections of the Time When Journal Gyógyszerészet was Launched
András Rixer: Opportunities of Pharmacists to Publish in Hungarian language in the 19th Century
Mária Péter H.: Pharmaceutical Periodicals in Transylvania
György Kedvessy: Data on the Development of the Hungarian Professional Pharmaceutical Language
László Kovács: Grant for Shopwindow Displays
Antal Brantner: Pathfinding and Road Signs as Reflected in Journal Gyógyszerészet, 1957-1989, Part 1.
Antal Brantner: Pathfinding and Road Signs as Reflected in Journal Gyógyszerészet, 1957-1989, Part 2.
Károly Nikolics: Annual Meetings of Hungarian Doctors and Natural Scientists in Sopron
Károly Nikolics: About our Problems
Zoltán Hankó: The Medicine Act has been enacted
Károly Nikolics: Thoughts on Trade Unions
Károly Nikolics: Thoughts on Pharmaceutical Way of Thinking
Zoltán Hankó: “Pharmacy Scale” – About Some Problems on the Definition of Pharmacy
Zoltán Hankó: “Pharmacy Scale” – About the Establishment of Pharmacies
Zoltán Hankó: “Pharmacy Scale” – About the Rights of Patients and Consumer Protection
Károly Nikolics: Thoughts at the Threshold of the New Millenium
György Stampf: Pharmacists and Veterinary Public Health
György Kedvessy: History of the Healthcare of the Hungarian People’s Republic 1945-1990
Zsolt Kuron: The Role of the Pharmacy Shopwindow in Pharmacist-Patient Relationship
Mária Péter H.: Professional Associations of the Hungarian Pharmacists in Transylvania
Zoltán Hankó: Being entrapped
Zoltán Hankó: Our Losses
Károly Nikolics: Thoughts on the International Relationships of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Profession
Károly Zalai: 75 Years of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Profession and the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society
László Kovács, Zoltán Hankó: For the Defense of Our Values
Károly Kapronczay: History of the Public Medical Administration in Hungary
Károly Kapronczay: Medical Societies – Professional Lobbying
Károly Kapronczay: Health Protection of the Mothers and Infants – Healthcare in Schools
Károly Kapronczay: Population – Epidemics
Károly Kapronczay: Historic Development of the Hungarian Health Insurance System
Károly Kapronczay: Thoughts on the History of the Hungarian Hospital System
Károly Zalai: Thoughts at the “Pro Patria 1939-1945” Memorial Tablet of Our Pharmacists
Erzsébet Sági: Pharmacists Who Died in World War II.
Zoltán Hankó: On the Activity of and Tasks of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society
Zoltán Hankó: Professional Opportunities in the Mirror of Social Expectations
István Grabarits: In Memoriam 1848
Editorial board: Position Statement on the Draft Plans of Government Measures
Editorial board: Debates on the Margin
Miklós Láng: Doctor Universitatis versus Doctor of Sciences
Zoltán Hankó: State and Pharmacy
Mária Péter H.: First Mentioning of Words “Patika” and “Patikárius” in Writing in Transylvania
Mihály Kata: Events of 1956 at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Szeged
Sándor Dörnyei: A Nearly 400 Year Old Printed Drug Advertisement
József Ernyey: Hungarian Pharmacy during the 19th Century
István Bayer: Commemoration of a Historical Anniversary
István Bayer, Sándor Dörnyei: Some Aspects of the History of International Cooperation in Pharmacy
István Bayer, Sándor Dörnyei: Some Aspects of the History of International Cooperation in Pharmacy, Vol. 3 Part 1.
István Bayer: Some Aspects of the History of International Cooperation in Pharmacy, Vol. 3 Part 2.
Erzsébet Sági: Pharmaceutical Journals Published in Hungary in Hungarian language from1848 to 2000
László Lárencz, Jenő Kutas: On the Centenary of the First “Gyógyszerészet” Journal
Judit Gergely: About the History of the Conferences on Drug Research in Debrecen
István Bayer: 25th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Budapest Declaration by the FIP Congress
Mária Péter H.: The Transylvanian Museum Society in Service of Science for 150 Years
Klaus Meyer: The Society for the History of Pharmacy – German or International?
Mihály Kata: 1956 – What do Pharmacy Students at Szeged want?
István Bayer: Reality on the Scale – Success or Failure?
Endre Táplányi: The Latest Medals for Pharmacists
Szabolcs Dobson: Medicines and World War I in Hungary
Editorial board: 20th Anniversary of the Liberation of Hungary
Editorial board: 1917-1967
Kurt Kempler: Data on the Hungarian Pharmacy – Social background of Pharmacy Employees
Kurt Kempler: Evolution of the Number of Pharmacies in Hungary up to 1918
Gyula Rádóczy: Data on the History on the Structure of Military Medicine of the War of Independence of 1948-49
Sámuel Zalányi: Problems of Pharmacists in 1933-34
Károly Nikolics: Greetings to our Fellow Journal “ Gyógyszerészet” on its 25th Anniversary
Károly Zalai: Changes in the Pharmaceutical Way of Thinking and Attitude in Hungary in the 20th Century
András Rixer: Beginnings and Development of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Press in the 19th Century
Károly Zalai: Welcome at the FIP-Congress
Ria Benkő et al.: Role of Pharmacists in Handling of Antibiotics in Hospitals and Intensive Care Units
József Horgos et al.: Counterfeiting of Medicines, a Life-Threatening World-wide Phenomenon
Tamás Ágh, Ágnes Mészáros: Health Economic Aspects of Compliance to Therapy
András Inotai et al.: Assessment of the Dimensions of Drug Related Expenses in Hungary
Veronika Dóczy, Ágnes Mészáros: Compliance, Methodology and Studies in Hungary
Imre Boncz et al.: The Effect of Law on Economic Use of Medicines on the Number of Pharmacies from 2007 to 2010 in Hungary
Tünde Ambrus: Some Data to the on the History of the Slovensko Pharmacist Association
János Borvendég: 50 Years Anniversary of the Journal Gyógyszereink
Editorial board: Editorial Board Meeting to celebrate the 50th Year Anniversary of Journal Gyógyszereink
Editorial board: Celebration at the National Institute of Pharmacy
Editional board: Formal Commission meeting of Gyógyszerészet
Mária Terplán-Balogh: Celebrating the Old-New Journal Gyógyszereink
Editonal board: The commemoration of the 50th anniversary of founding OGYI
László Szmodits, Szabolcs Dobson: Holocaust and Pharmacy I – The Hungarian Jewry and pharmacy utill the law of ‘Numerus Clausus’
László Szmodits, Szabolcs Dobson: Holocaust and Pharmacy II-III. – II. The Hungarian Jewry and pharmacy in the period of antisemitic laws and Holocaust; III. Victims of the Holocaust
Gyógyszerészi Szemle, 1943., 31-32.: Problems associated with Jewish pharmacies to be bougth out
Gyógyszerészi Szemle, 1943., 41-44.: The Home Secretary announced a tender for 29 pharmacies, which are subjects to the Antisemitic Law
Gyógyszerészi Szemle, 1943., 167-169.: Results of tender for Jewish pharmacies
Egyesített Gyógyszerészi Lapok, 1944., 33-35.: The Big Run (thoughts about the tender for Jewish pharmacies)
Gyógyszerészi Hetilap, 1944., 220-223.: Results of tender for Jewish pharmacies and announcement of a new tender
Egyesített Gyógyszerészi Lapok, 1944. 7-8.: On the removal of Jews from pharmacy
Egyesített Gyógyszertári Lapok, 1944., 66-67.: New thoughts about the tender for Jewish pharmacies
Egyesített Gyógyszerészi Lapok 1944., 102-104.: Problems associated with the takeover of Jewish pharmacies
Life pictures (small news and announcements from journals from 1942 to 1944)
Gyógyszerészi Szemle, 1944., pp. 54-57.: The Home Secretary has announced a tender for 52 pharmacies
Gyógyszerészi Szemle 1944., pp. 71-72.: Comment to a point of the new pharmacy tender
Gyógyszerészi Szemle 1944., pp. 162-164.: 1370-1944 ME Ordinance of the Ministry of the Hungarian Kingdom
Csongor Szabó: Fourty years of the Hospital Pharmacy Division of the Hungarian Society for Pthe Pharmaceutical Sciences
Zoltán Vincze: Foundation and development of the Hungarian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1924-2014
Pál Baranyai: History of a pharmacist tourist association in Pécs
History of the Healthcare Scientific Committee
István Erős: On the 50th Mátyás Rozsnyay Memorial Contest, 1965- 2015.
Erő István: Missing pages from the history of the Mátyás Rozsnyay Memorial Contest (1995-2011) – Gyógyszerészet 55 (7), 398-404 (2011)
Szabolcs Dobson: Which one was first: medical representatives or cell phones and company cars? A short history of medical representatives in Hungary
Nándor Lóránd: About the practical benefits of pharmacy history collections
Nándor Lóránd: Thoughts on papers published in the column “From the history of pharmacy”
Nándor Lóránd: Answer to the paper of Ödön Menner Jr. “Let’s comment”
Gergely Magos: Pharmacy bubble scheme. Corruption as an economic relationship. (in Markets in societies and history). Eds.: Károly Halmos – Zsuzsanna Kiss – Judit Klement. Budapest, 2014, pp 480-492.
János Böszörményi, Bertalan Zboray: Situation of the Hungarian pharmacy in the years after 1945
Szabolcs Dobson, Károly Kapronczay, László Szmodits, Júlia Singer: Opposite trends. An analysis of the lifespan of doctors and pharmacists born between 1800 and 1925. Medical Tribune 14, 6 (May, 2016)
Szabolcs Dobson: Philosophical thoughts of a pharmacy historian about medicines, alternative medicine, miracle drugs, doctors and patients
Szabolcs Dobson: Disappointments in the everyday practice of pharmacy with the eyes of a pharmacy historian
Károly Nikolics: The researchers of the pharmacy of Sopron. In ‘Tanulmányok Csatkai Endre emlékére. A Soproni Múzeum kiadványai 2. (Sopron, 1996)’
Ferenc Benkő: How should the doctor handle the pharmacists? – Rules of Fr. Hoffmann’s “Medicus politicus”
Szabolcs Dobson: The 28. 07. 1950 nationalisation as the Day of Mourning of Pharmacy, or some thoughts about the problems of utilization of history by politics
Szabolcs Dobson, Adrienn Illés, Dániel Dobson, Dénes Dobson: Analysis of the lifespan of Hungarian and German male pharmacists born between 1800 and 1904
Mihály Kata: The year 1956 at the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Medical University of Szeged
Árpád Gyéresi: Lectures and publications on pharmaceutical sciences in the Pharmaceutical Division of the Transylvanian Museum Association from the beginning up to now (1991-2011)
Zoltán: The 100 years of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) from 1912 to 2012
Ed. Board: Commemoration of the 1848 revolution
György Stampf: The history of the Dr. Sándor Mozsonyi Foundation
Csongor Szabó: The Hospital Pharmacy Organisatiton is 40 years old
Attila Dévay: The place and role of pharmacy in the modern society
Attila Dévay: About the task and the moment
Zoltán Vincze: The foundation and development of the Hungarian Society for Pharmacy, 1924-2014
Zoltán Hankó: The B/1764 report of the government on the community pharmacies
Károly Kapronczay: The health care of Southern Hungary (‘Délvidék’) from 1526 to 1914
Katalin Kapronczay: The 30th Itinerant Conference of the Hungarian Medical Doctors and Naturalists in Szabadka, 1899
Szabolcs Dobson: Who was János Pintér, pharmacist, the chief planner of the 1950 nationalization of the Hungariann pharmacies?
Szabolcs Dobson: Ms Elza Bárány (1881-1945), the first female pharmacist born in Karcag, Hungary
Szabolcs Dobson: Who was Sándor Nánássy, director of the Company of Nationalised Pharmacies?
Szabolcs Dobson: About the mistakes related to the origins of pharmaceutical care, with the eyes of the pharmacy historian
Gergely Magos: The first phase of nationalization of the Hungarian pharmacies, or how István Örkény, the pharmacist-writer offered his pharmacy to the government as a gift for the 70th birthday of Stalin?
Béla Bodó: The secret of longevity (an interview with György Csathó, MD and pharmacist, 1933)
Gergely Magos: Aryanisation of Pharmacy in Hungary between 1938 and 1944
László Szmodits: Personal commemorations on the history of the Pharmaceutical History Division of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society
Károly Kapronczay: Healthcare reforms in Central Europe in the 18th century
Mihály Kata: The privatisation process of the County Pharmaceutical Centers has ended in 1996 Explanations to the XXX. Act of 1948 on Pharmacy
Mária H. Péter: Commemorations on the events happening 100 years ago, together with their pharmaceutical consequences (Trianon)
Gergely Magos: Big government, unfulfilled dreams. Professionalisation of the Hungarian pharmacy
Szabolcs Dobson: The history of complains and hopes of pharmacists in a nutshell from 1920 to 1939
Szabolcs Dobson: Actual problems of pharmaceutical care and compounding in Hungary, 2020
László Szmodits: A history of the Hungarian pharmaceutical organisations, 1919-1941
László Mihu: Pharmacies of Budapest from 1949 to 1956
Gergely Magos: The ’white gown’ and the ’rolling pharmacist’
László Szmodits: Studying the history of pharmacy
László Huszár: Medals of pharmaceutical relevance in the Semmelweis Museum of the History of Medicine
Zsigmondné Csoma: Pharmacy and numismatics – Az Érem 35, 1997
Gyula Varannay: Medals associated with the Hungarian pharmaceutical sciences – Az Érem 37-38, 1966
Gergely Magos: Pharmacist leaders of the Hungarian Soviet Republic in the Budapest court
Mária Vida: Topography of Pharmacy Equipment of Historical and Artistic Value in Hungary
Vilmos Csanád: Names of Pharmacies in Historic Hungary
Szabolcs Dobson, Dénes Dobson: Name-giving Conventions of Pharmacies in Hungary, 1932 – 2013
Istvány Czagány: Buda city Doctors and Pharmacists in the Age of Feudalism.
Bertalan Zboray, Vilmos Csanád: Data on the History of the Buda and Pest Pharmacist Collegium
Less Well Known Data on the History of Pharmacy in Transylvania
Béla Borsos: Glassware in the Old Pest-Buda Pharmacies
Júlia Lengyel: Old Pharmacies in Pest County in the 18-19th Century – Ráckeve
János Halmai: The “Golden Unicorn” Pharmacy in Debrecen
Júlia Lengyel: Medicinal Product Depot and Public Hospital Pharmacies up to World War II in Budapest
Júlia Lengyel: The History of the Pharmacy in Aszód
Júlia Lengyel: The History of the Pharmacy in Szentendre
Júlia Lengyel: Early History of Secular Pharmacy in Vác up to 1848
Magdolna Sz. Tóth: Medicaments and Equipment of the Pharmacy of II. Rákóczi György in Gyulafehérvár in 1650
Árpád Fazekas: Pharmacies in Szabolcs County at the End of the 19th Century
Pál Voit: An Old Pharmacy in Pest
Iván Balassa: Pharmacies in Tokaj-Hegyalja in the 17-19th Century
Alica Petrovics: Sámuel Kazzay and the First Pharmacy in Debrecen
Árpád Blázy: The History of the Pharmacy in Keszthelyi up to 1867
István Budaházy: New Data to the History of Pharmacy in Nagyvárad (Oradea)
István Czagány: The History of the “Arany sas” Pharmacy in the Buda Castle
Gabriella Jantsits: New Data on the History of “Arany Sas” Pharmacy
István Grabarits: Secret History of “Fekete Sas” Pharmacy
Anikó Heréb: The History of the “Sipőcz” Pharmacy
Anikó Heréb: History of the “Szerecsen” Pharmacy in Pécs in Images
Arnold Marosi (ed.): From the History of our City – the Pharmacy (Székesfehérvár)
Klára Mayer: The “Szerecsen” Pharmacy in Pécs
Nóra Papp: Pharmacy Museum in Kolozsvár (Cluj)
Ágnes Farkas: Pharmacy Museum of the Jagiellonian University of Cracow
Béla Láng: About the Polish Museum on the History of Pharmacy
Ágnes Farkas: A visit to the Royal Pharmacy in Spain
Ágnes Farkas: Pharmacy Museums
János Végh: Figurative windowpanes of the “No. 801” Pharmacy in Budapest
Béla Horváth: A visit to Recently Modernized Pharmacies
Csaba Kolozs: Tracing a Listed Pharmacy in Győr
István Kaszanitzky: Swivel Stands in Pharmacies
K., K: The New Central Pharmacy in Vác
Béla Rimay: Pharmacy “No. 801”
Zsuzsanna Somorjai: From the Diary of a Pharmacist Candidate
Ottó Pucsay: A New Institutional Pharmacy
Csaba Kolozs: Practical Ornaments in the Pharmacy
Jenő Mohay: New Pharmacies of the Veszprém County State Pharmacy Chain
Kurt Kempler: New Headquarters and Drug Depot of Pest County State Pharmacy Chain
Kurt Kempler: New Headquarters and Drug Depot of Pest County State Pharmacy Chain 2.
Dezső Küttel: Building, Rooms and Equipment of a Modern Pharmacy
Barnabás Göllner: Comments on the Article “Building, Rooms and Equipment of a Modern Pharmacy”
Kurt Kempler: Experiences in Pest County Regarding Modernization of the Pharmacy Network
Kurt Kempler: Experiences in Pest County Regarding Modernization of the Pharmacy Network 2.
Kurt Kempler: Experiences in Pest County Regarding Modernization of the Pharmacy Network
István Kaszaniczky: Planning the Restoration of Pharmacies in Budapest
József Bencze: From the History of Health Care in Vas County
Kurt Kempler: Some Aspects of Modernization of Pharmacies
János Halmai: About Pharmacy Museums
László Szarka: The Goethe Pharmacy in Jena
Tamás Mohr: Use of Vitrines in Pharmacies
Gyula Szigethi: On the Pharmacy in Finland
Csaba Kolozs: A Study on Work Safety and Health Protection of Pharmacy Employees
Pál Bertalan: Institutional Pharmacies
Albert Molnár: Historical Facets of Healing in Hungary from the Age o Turkish Occupation
István Szentgyörgyi: Glassware in Laboratories in the Pharmacy of the 18th Century
Margit Horváth: Opening of a Pharmacy Museum in Sopron
Lászlóné Egervári: Report about a Study Trip
Zoltán Vincze: An Exibition on the History of Pharmacy in Kecskemét
Botond Kocsis: Books of the Pharmacy Museum in Sopron
István Szentgyörgyi: Pharmacy and Historic Preservation
István Czagány: The “Fekete Sas” Pharmacy in Buda Castle
Endre Táplányi: The “Fekete Sas” Pharmacy in Buda Castle
Zoltán Vincze, Zsuzsanna Fodor: A Study Trip in the GDR (German Democratic Republic)
Bauer H.J.: University Pharmacies in the GDR (German Democratic Republic)
Sándor Felföldy: A Study Trip to Poland
Kurt Kempler: Data on the Establishment and Difficulties of Management of the First Pharmacy in Nagykőrös
Kurt Kempler: Evolution of the Number of Community Pharmacies in Hungary
László Veress, Zsombor Veress: The Pharmacy Museum in Segesvár
János Ragettli: The Importance of Specialized Pharmacies in the Service of the Population’s Drug Supply
Nándor Lóránd: Wooden Jars in the Pharmacy Historical Collection in Kecskemét
Terzér Kárpáti-Gangl Teréz, Zsófia Kárpáti: Data to the History of the “Arany Kígyó” Pharmacy in Sopron
Eleonóra Lendvai: The History of the Institutional Pharmacy of the “Szent Imre” University Teaching Hospital
Csaba Kolozs: Pharmacies in Borsod County at the time of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867
Mariann Bánó-Fleischmann: The First Pharmacies of the 150 Year Old Újpest
Miklós Gerencsér: Two Centuries of the “Arany Sas” Pharmacy in Győr
Bertalan Zboray: A Model Pharmacy
Lajos Hegedűs: The Model Pharmacy of Gyula
Imre Halász: Pharmacies of Zala County in 1850
Ödön Menner, Mária Szajkó-Takács: The History of the “Szarvas” Pharmacy in Tiszalök
Miklós Láng: 40 Years Ago; the First Months of the Pharmacy in Pasarét
János Ragettli: Comments on the Article “40 Years Ago…”
Sándor Felföldy, László Pávics: About the Drug Supply of Veszprém County
Sándorné Jankó-Szabó: Pharmacies in Pápa
Miklós Láng: Nationalization of the Réthy Pharmacy and Factory and Winding up of the Latter
Tibor Horváth, János Ritli, János: Drug Supply in Szabolcs-Szatmár County
Leona Kiss Jankó-Szabó, Károly Zalai: The “Fekete Sas” Pharmacy in Veszprém
Leona Kiss Jankó-Szabó: Data on the History of the Karlovitz László Pharmacy in Pápa, Part 1.
Leona Kiss Jankó-Szabó: Data on the History of the Karlovitz László Pharmacy in Pápa, Part 2.
Antal Brantner: Listed Pharmacies Were Renovated and a Pharmacy Museum Opened in Pécs
Júlia Szalontai-Lengyel: Pharmacies and Pharmacists in Pest County in the 19th Century
Bertalan Zboray: Pharmacies of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God in Hungary
Éva Bozsoki: The History of the “Széchenyi” Pharmacy Museum
Ferenc Szigetváry: Thoughts on Name-giving Conventions of Pharmacies
Vilmos Csanády: Names of Pharmacies in Historical Hungary
Leona Kiss Jankó-Szabó: “Gránátalma” Hospitaller Order of St. John of God in Pápa
Bertalan Zboray: History of “Szent István” Pharmacy in Ország Street in Buda
Erzsébet Sági: Ancient Pharmacies of Jesuites n Hungary on the Basis of Recent Research
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Ungvár
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Zágráb
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Pozsega
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Szakolca
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Eperjes
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Trencsén
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Kassa
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Nagyszombat
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Pozsony
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Eger
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Győr
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Székesfehérvár
Erzsébet Sági: The Former Jesuite Pharmacy in Kőszeg
Magdolna Ács-Sánta: 200 Years of History of “Gránátalma” Pharmacy in Pécs
János Rayman: Advertisement Activities and Advertisement Coins of the “Remény” Pharmacy in Pécs at the Beginning of the 20th Century
István Budaházy: New Data about the Beginnings of the First Pharmacies in Nagyvárad (Oradea)
László Szmodits: About the “Ernyey József” Library of the History of Pharmacy
Barnabás Tóbiás: The “Bethlen Gábor” Pharmacy in Nagyenyed
Mária Péter H.: Data on the History of Foundation of Transylvanian Pharmacies
Sándor Kecskeméti, Mihály Kata: History of the Pharmacy in Körösladány
Dénes Horváth: Names of Hungarian Community Pharmacies
János Schuth: Data and Recollections of the History of Pharmacies of Szigetvár
Júlia Lengyel: Data on the History of Hospital Drug Supply in Budapest Part 1.
Júlia Lengyel: Data on the History of Hospital Drug Supply in Budapest Part 2.
Alajos Józsa: Data on the History of the Pharmacy in Mosonmagyaróvár
Ferenc Benkő: The Library of the City Pharmacy in Debrecen in Sámuel Kazay’s Lifetime
István Matolcsy: Pharmacy in the Seged Monastery
Lajosné Nékám: Old Italian Pharmacy Containers
Erzsébet Reisner: Károly Than Pharmacy, Sopron
József Antall: Guidelines on the protection of pieces of pharmacy furniture and equipment of historical and artistic value
Katalin Kiss-Ábrahám: ‘Divine Providence’ Pharmacy in Békés
Nándor Lóránd: A short presentation of a collection of old pharmacy tools and belongings from Bács county and the past of pharmacies of Kecskemét
Nándor Lóránd: Historical evolution of pharmacy and pharmacies in Kecskemét
Nándor Lóránd: Data on the history of pharmacy Nr. 12-11 (former Szent Lélek patika – Pharmacy to Holy Spirit) in Kecskemét
Nándor Lóránd: Data on the historical evolution of pharmacy network of Bács-Kiskun county and its famous pharmacists
Nándor Lóránd: Art Nouveau in the pharmacy
Nándor Lóránd: Chapters from the history of pharmacies of the 600 year old town, Kecskemét 1.
Nándor Lóránd: Chapters from the history of pharmacies of the 600 year old town, Kecskemét 2.
Nándor Lóránd: Pharmacies and medicine-supply of Kis-Kunság (Little-Cumania in Hungary) in the 18th and 19th centuries
Endre Szemkeő: Pharmacist councils
Norbert Duka Zólyomi: Material and professional problems of museums of the history of pharmacy
Klára F. Mentényi: Research on the Jesuit and later Benedictine chapter house of Kőszeg, Hungary
Lajosné Nékám: The Pharmacy of Kőszeg, Hungary
Imre Gráfik: “Fekete Szerecseny” (Black Saracen) Pharmacy House of the Pharmacy Museum of Kőszeg
Ferenc Szigetváry: The Pharmacy Museum of Kőszeg, Hungary
István Grabarits: Results of my research on the Pharmacy Museum of Kőszeg, Hungary
Ferenc Szigetváry: The Pharmacy Museum of Kőszeg, Hungary
Ferenc Szigetváry: Old pharmacy vessels from Vas County, Hungary
Ferenc Szigetváry: A pharmacy owned by the Jesuit monastic order
Zoltán Bicsok, Béla Kósa: Data on the history of the first pharmacies of Csíkszék, 1808-1855 (Transylvania)
Levente Lázár: A study on the structural changes of the furniture of Fekete Sas (Black Eagle) Pharmacy of Csíkszereda, Transylvania
Ferenc Benkő: The pharmacies of Debrecen in the 18th century. Publishen in “A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve 1976” (Debrecen, 1977)
Aurél Baranyai : From the pharmaceutical past of Baranya county. (In “A Baranya Megyei Levéltár évkönyve, 1972.” (Pécs, 1973)
Árpád Nagy: The history of the former “Magyar Király” pharmacy of the Society of Jesus, 1713-1773. In “A Heves Megyei Levéltár közleményei 1. (Eger, 1973)”
Ferenc Berta: Pharmacists and pharmacies in Szolnok. In ‘Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Levéltár Évkönyve 21. (Szolnok, 2006)’
István Dobrossy: The history of the pharmacies of Miskolc from 1762 to 1918. In ’Miskolc története IV-2 / 1848-tól 1918-ig (Miskolc, 2003)’
Pál Varga: The history of the pharmacies of Debrecen, established in the 19th century. In ‘Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve 1976 (Debrecen, 1977)’
Erzsébet Löffler: The Telekessy Pharmacy Museum. In ‘Az Egri Múzeum Évkönyve – Annales Musei Agriensis, 1989-1990)’
Mónika Lipp: Artists, pharmacists and nurses: the Hospitallers of Eger in the 18th century. In ‘Archívum – A Heves Megyei Levéltár közleményei 20. (Eger, 2013)’
Katalin Pataki: The pharmacy of the Capuchins in Hatvan (1785-1787). In ‘A Heves Megyei Levéltár közleményei 20. (Eger, 2013)
Aurél Baranyai: Two old pharmacies in Pécs, 1696-1926. In ‘A Baranya Megyei Levéltár évkönyve, 1974-1975. (Pécs, 1976)’
Györgyné Porkoláb: Pharmacy of Miskolc up to the nationalization. In ‘Miskolc a millecentenárium évében 2. (Miskolc, 1997)’
Zoltán Écsy: The pharmacy of Miskolc after the nationalization. In ‘Miskolc a millecentenárium évében 2. (Miskolc, 1997)’
János Halmai: About the “Ernyey József” Pharmaceutical Museum. In ‘Az Országos Orvostörténeti Könyvtár Közleményei’ Vol. 36. (1965)
Márta Lugosi: The project of foundation of a pharmaceutical museum in Hungary
József Antall: The history of the medical and pharmaceutical museums in Hungary
Tibor Hollauer: The “Fekete Sas” Pharmaceutical Museum in Székesfehérvár
Szilvia Megyaszai: About the old pharmacies of Püspökladány
Attila Godzsák: An account on the results of pharmacy history research of Sátoraljaújhely (Hungary). Source: Új Orpheus – a Kazinczy Ferenc Múzeum Értesítője, 2016
Gyula Orient: The birth and development of hospitals and pharmacies of Transylvanian monks and physician priests
Attila Almási: Visit in Vértesacsa, in the Kazay Pharmacy
Borbála Fábián: Pharmacies in Southern Hungary (‘Délvidék’) in 1875
Borbála Fábián: Pharmacies and pharmacists in Baja (Hungary)
Mihály Sövény: The short history of pharmacy in Bácsalmás (Hungary)
Ágnes Mészáros: The Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy in Kecskemét (Hungary)
Csilla Bartos, Makai Ilona Bartos, Rita Ambrus, Mihály Kata: The history of pharmacies of Szabadka (Subotica)
László Lárencz, László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of Pécs
András Emődi: Once again about the early history of pharmacies in Nagyvárad (Oradea)
Viktor Gyimes: The 300-year-old luxury pharmacy
Attila Godzsák: The pharmacists and pharmacies of Sátoraljaújhely (Hungary) during the Great War
Gyuláné Pankotai: The history of pharmacies in Hajdúszoboszló (Hungary)
Péter Kovács: : The Black Eagle Pharmacy (Székesfehérvár)
Viktória Szima: History of the pharmacies of Székesfehérvár (Presentation on the 16th of August, 2017, Székesfehérvár)
Éva Schrey-Máthé: The history of foundation of the pharmacy of Szentgotthárd (Hungary)
Ördög Ferenc: Ways of evolution of Hungarian pharmacy names (In Név és társadalom, Budapest – A Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság Kiadványai 160 sz 235-239 (1980))
Ördög Ferenc: Re-discovering our lost pharmacy names in Hungary (Pannon Tükör – I. évfolyam 4, 55-58 (1996))
Varga Mária: New pharmacy names in Heves county (Hungary, 2007)
Bölcskey Andrea: Current pharmacy names in Hungary (Névtani Értesítő 25 – 218-224 (2003)
Szabolcs Dobson: Scientific-civilisation-bubbles or how science is transformed into pseudoscience: the antifebrile therapy as a case study
Küttel István: From Pforzheim to Kőszeg – History of the Küttel family
Várszegi László, Szabó László Gyula: The old pharmacies of Pécs (Hungary)
Szabolcs Dobson: Miklós C. Pártos, probably the first Hungarian pharmacy chain owner
László Szmodits: The Hungarian Catholic Clergy and the Pharmacy
Gyula László Szabó: The current place of the „Arany Sas” (Golden Eagle) pharmacy in Pécs, in the former house of Lipót Leowy, a well-known physician of Pécs
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 1st district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 2nd district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 3rd district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 4th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 5th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 6th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 7th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 8th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 9th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 10th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 11th and 22nd district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 12th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 13th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 14th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 15th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 16th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 17th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 18th district of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 19th district of Budapest (Kispest), Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 20th district (Pesterzsébet) and the 23rd district (Soroksár) of Budapest, Hungary
László Szmodits: The history of pharmacy of the 21st district of Budapest (Csepel), Hungary
Dezső Kosztolányi: The Pharmacist. Gyógyszerészi Közlöny 43, 6 (egyesített 18.) szám
Károly Acsádi: The big dream or the or the mustache fixer of Tiszaújlak (Hungary) int he literature (Film, Színház, Irodalom, 51., 19
Szabolcs Dobson: A history master class, or reading a prescription from historical point of view: Neupon syrup on a probably more than 90 years old prescription
Gyula László Szabó: From the medicinal herb garden of the Pécsvárad Benedictine Monastery to the Nékám pharmacy – in the footsteps of the thousand years old Hungarian pharmacy and hope for the future
László Szmodits: The history of Veszprém (Hungary) and the pharmacy of Veszprém
Hubay-Iványi Katalin: The history of the Pharmacy Company of the County Council of Szabolcs-Szatmár County (Hungary), 1950–1990
A new Pharmacy Museum is to be opened in Kézdivásárhely (Romania, Transylvania) on the 13th of December, 2018.
Dénes Attila: The fist pharmacy of Békéscsaba (Hungary)
Dobson Szabolcs: Online harrassment of community pharmacists and technicians by customers due to reading their name badges
Árpád Blázy, Károly Zalai: Evolution of the pharmacy system in Zala county (1711-1849)
István Czagány: The baroque pharmacies of Hungary
Szabolcs Dobson: The Hungarian pharmacy in the mirror of documents of the „Magyar Korona” pharmacy (Balassagyarmat) from World War I. to the 1950 nationalisation
Ödön Menner Jr.: The old „Szarvas” pharmacy of Tiszalök (1847)
Ottó Domonkos: The first Pharmacy Museum of Hungary in Sopron. Soproni Szemle 63(1), 114-117 (2009)
Schneider Attila: A deadly shot from a pharmacy? From the history of the Csaba vezér (today Városmajori Segítő Mária) pharmacy in Budapest
Csaba Horváth: The first seven pharmacies of Rákospalota
Csaba Horváth: The pharmacies of Pestújhely
Adrienn Izsak-Simon: The history of the ’Hunter’s Pharmacy’
Gergely Magos: The history of Apostol pharmacy, Budapest (1893-1950)
Robert Offner: Re-opening of the Pharmacy Museum in Cluj (Kolozsvár, Romania), in the Mauksch-Hintz house
Katalin Jakabovics: Three decades of pharmacy in Pécs (1950-1980), the role of the Golden Eagle (Arany Sas) pharmacy
Katalin Jakabovics: Three decades of pharmacy in Pécs – Attachment 1
Katalin Jakabovics: Three decades of pharmacy in Pécs – Attachment 2
Katalin Jakabovics: Three decades of pharmacy in Pécs – Attachment 3
Katalin Jakabovics: Three decades of pharmacy in Pécs – Attachment 4
Katalin Jakabovics: Three decades of pharmacy in Pécs – Attachment 5
Katalin Jakabovics: Three decades of pharmacy in Pécs – Attachment 6
Katalin Jakabovics: Three decades of pharmacy in Pécs – Attachment 7
Katalin Jakabovics: Three decades of pharmacy in Pécs – Attachment 8
Pharmacy Inspections
Norbert Duka Zólyomi: Fundamental Reforms of Inspection of Hungarian Pharmacies in the 18th Century
Mária Péter H.: Documents from the 18th Century on Inspections of Transylvanian Pharmacies
Zelmos Antal Nagybákay: Medical –Pharmaceutical Aspects of a Drug and Grocery Shop at the End of the 18th Century
János Halmai: Minutes of Pharmacy Inspections in the First Half of the 19th Century
Imréné Somogyi: Pharmacy Inspections in Tolna County in 1844-45
Ágnes Romhányi: Hungarian Pharmacists and their Shops at the End of the 18th Century
Mária Zádor-Zsoldos: Minutes of Pharmacy Inspections from the Jász Region in the 19th Century
Elemér Schulek: Novel Aspects of Investigations of Medicinal Preparations
László Kálmán: Decree of the Minister of Health
Ferenc Kövecs: Let’s Re-structure the Work Flows in Pharmacies
István Vitéz: Hygiene of Pharmacies
Pál Bárkányi: Relationship of Practical Pharnacists to Law.
Pál Szentmiklósi: Increase in the Drug Expenses in the Health Insurance Budget as reflected in the Professional Journals
State Pharmacy Chain of Győr-sopron County: Problems of Expanding Drug Warehouses
Lajos Abonyi: Organization, Institutions and Tasks of Veterinary Public Health
Kurt Kempler: Internal Analysis and Audit of Pharmacies
Tibor Kádár: Public Health Activities of Pharmacists in Pest County
Kurt Kempler: Health Education in Community Pharmacies
István Vitéz: Hygiene-related Tasks in the Development of Pharmacy
Dezső Küttel, Ferenc Szigetváry: Ways and Future of Network Development
György Fischer: Occupational Health Aspects in the Develoment of Pharmacies
Kurt Kempler: About a Few Contradictions in theProfessional and Economic Activities of State Pharmacy Chains
Salava, M.: The Pharmacist Profession and Health Education
Sándor Makay: Presentation of the New Draft Guidelines on Building and Furnishing Pharmacies
Rezső Förster: Data on the Beginnings and History of Chemistry and Food Analysis in Budapest Capital City
István Szentgyörgyi: Introduction of the Metric System and its Effects on Pharmacy in Hungary
Zoltán Tornyos: Some Organization Issues of Clinical Drug Supply
Sándor Takács et al.: Inspection of Hygiene in Pharmacies
Józsefné Váradi et al.: Examination of Work Sharing in Pharmacies
Zsuzsa Vásár: Comment on the Articles Published
Dezső Küttel, Ferenc Szigetváry: Network Development in the Spirit of Hungarian Pharmacopoeia 6.
István Vitéz: Establishing an Aseptic Workstation in the Pharmacy
György Fischer et al.: Microbiological Inspection of Air in Pharmacies
Lajos Mádai: Characteristics of Drug Prescriptions of General Practitioners
László Burgetti: Data on Categorization of the Pharmacies in Veszprém County
Kurt Kempler: Factors Affecting Work Efficiency in Pharmacies
Miksa Almásy: Marketing
Miksa Almásy: Marketing 2.
Solich J., Kahay, J: Management, Organizational and Economic Problems of Pharmacy
László Burgetti: Drug Information Activity
Zoltán Tornyos: Main Types of Healthcare Systems
Csaba Kolozs: Storage Problems in Pharmacies
Dezső Küttel, Ferenc Szigetváry: Some Issues Concerning the Organization and Design of the County and Regional Galenic Laboratories (Drug Manufacturing Plants)
Dezső Horváth: Roles and Opportunities of Institutional Pharmacies in Toxicology Service
Dezső Küttel: Professional Supervision and Drug Control in Pharmacies Nationalized 20 Years Ago
Dezső Küttel, Ferenc Szigetváry: Issues Concerning Design and Development of County Pharmaceutical Analytical Laboratory
Braenden Olav J.: Operation of the United Nations Narcotics Laboratory in Geneva
Attila Őrsy: Investigation of the Microbiological Stability of Some Preparations of the Formulae Normales (Hungarian National Formulary)
Ernő Stenszky et al.: Thoughts on the Pharmacy Network in Hajdú-Bihar County
Géza Szepessy: Pharmacy Inspection in the 18th Century
Editorial board: About the Function of the Community Pharmacy Network
Kurt Kempler: Recent Changes in Workforce Supply of Pharmacies
István Kaszanitzky: Proposal of a New, Modern Design of High Turnover Pharmacies
Lajos Répay: Old Weights and Other Measuring Tools in Pharmacies
Géza Szepessy: A Short History of Weights
Kurt Kempler: A Survey on Pharmacists Working Outside of Community Pharmacies
József Váradi: Results and Prospective Problems of Network Development
Tamás Mohr: Implementation of Organizational Theory to Pharmacies
Károly Zalai: A Few Organizational Issues of Hospital Drug Supply
József Spielmann et al.: Pharmacy Inspections in Transylvania in the Middle of the 18th Century
István Simonyi: About the Problems of Pharmaceutical Quality Control Institutions
József Spielmann et al.: A Draft Transylvanian Price List
Miklós Csajtai et al.: An Empirical Test on the Proportion of Pharmacists Regularly Reading the Journal “Gyógyszerészet” and Their Fields of Interest
István Télessy: Modernization of the Management of Drug Stocks of Pharmacies by the Introduction of a Card System
István Hartai, Ibolya Kersmayer: The Use of Card System Instead of Stockpiling in Pharmacies
Kálmánné Katona, Barna Tóth: Potentials of Computers in Drug Supply
Miklós Csajtai, Sámuel Zalányi: Analysis of Professional Efficiency of Activities of Pharmacists
János Simon Fiala: Roles and Opportunities of a Hospital Pharmacists in the Clinical Setting
Margit Vitkóczy: White Areas in Pharmaceutical Dispensing
János Kiss: Organization of Work Flow in Hospital Pharmacies When High Numbers of Injured Patients Get Hospitalized
Gyöngyvér Soós, Zoltán Tornyos: The Role of the Clinical Pharmacist in the Drug Information Service
János Simon Fiala et al.: Technological, Organizational and Sterility Experiences with infusion solutions from 1954 to 1974
János Ragettli: Relationship of Work Organization and Work Competition in Pharmacies
László Kósa, Károly Fäller: Survey on the Sources of Drug Information among Pharmacists
Miklós Csajtai et al.: Optimizing the Size of Safe Drug Stockpile
József Hamvas: Judiciary Aspects of Pharmacy
Balázs Bugyi: Data to the History of Occupational Disorders of Pharmacists
Gábor Vastagh: State Drug Control in Hungary Started 50 Years Ago
Pál Rózsa: Evolution of the State Control of Pharmacies and of the System of Pharmacy Inspections
István Bayer: The Role of the National Institute of Pharmacy in Drug Control
Kurt Kempler: Problems of the Quantitative Measurement of the Work Performance in Community Pharmacies in the New Reimbursement System
Tamás Mohr: Main Tasks and Problems of Hospital Drug Supply
Sámuel Zalányi: Parameters of the Life and Work Conditions of Hungarian Hospital Pharmacists
Péter Bod: Present and Future of Hospital Pharmacy as Viewed by the Chief Physician
Margit Vitkóczy: Analysis of the Access to Pharmaceutical Service in the Capital
Gábor Simon Kis: Analysis of Organizational Units of Drug Supply
Kurt Kempler: Experiences in the New Reimbursement System
Domokos Bándi et al.: Data to the Calculation of Necessary Staff Number in Hospital Pharmacies
Domokos Bándi et al.: Data on Factors Determining the Activities of Hospital Pharmacies
József Spielmann, Maior Ovidiu: Beginnings of Pharmaceutical Deontology in Transylvania
Ferenc Benkő: About Pharmacy Inspectors in Debrecen
Bertalan Zboray: Rules of House and Working Order of a Pharmacy in the Previous Century
István Hartai et al.: Thoughts on Stockpiling of Drugs in Pharmacies
Gábor Simon Kis: Company Characteristics in the Drug Supply System
Kurt Kempler: About the Legal Status of Pharmacy Managers
Kurt Kempler: Problems of Financial Motivation and Differentiated Wage System in Community Pharmacies
László Burgetti, Károly Zalai: Factors Determining Work Efficiency in Community Pharmacies
Éva Vass-Boros et al.: Thoughts on Organization of the Work in Community Pharmacies with Extended Responsibilities
István Grabarits, Ferenc Szigetváry: Protocols of Inspections of the Two Pharmacies of Kőszeg from the Year 1790
Zoltán Csapó, István Dudits: A Rating System of the Level of Modernity of Community Pharmacies
Béla Selmeczi, Ernő Stenszky: Ethical Requirements for Community Pharmacy Employees
Bertalan Zboray: Rules of House and Working Order of a Pharmacy in the Previous Century, Part 3
Kurt Kempler: 75 Years of the State Drug Control in Hungary
Laura Nehéz: Development of Processes for Safe Drug Dispensing
István Kaszanitzky: New Guidelines on the Planning of Community Pharmacies
László György, Károly Zalai: Examination and Prevention of Noise-induced Auditory Problems in Pharmacies
Józsefné Gábor, Julianna Szőcsényi: Development of State Pharmacy Control Examinations Part 1.
Józsefné Gábor, Julianna Szőcsényi: Development of Pharmacy State Control Examinations Part 2.
István Kaszanitzky: Practicing Pharmacist and Network Development
Mária Kolozsvári, Ernő Stenszky: Work and Situation of Pharmacists on the basis of Experiences Obtained in Hajdú-Bihar County , Part 2
Ernő Stenszky, Mária Kolozsvári: The Work and Situationof Pharmacists on the basis of Experiences Obtained in Hajdú-Bihar County, Part 3.
János Elmer: Relationship of the Chief County Pharmacist and the State Pharmacy Chain
István Kaszanitzky: Data Collection for Network Development
György Südy et al.: Modernization of Low-turnover Pharmacies
Gyula Rádóczy: Emergency Banknotes issued by Pharmacies
Károly Nikolics: Patient-oriented Drug Supply
Bertalan Zboray: Rules of House and Working Order of a Pharmacy in the Previous Century, Part 2.
Emil Minker: Dutiesof the Hospital Pharmacist at the Turn of the Century – Requirements – Preconditions
Kurt Kempler: The Importance of Organizational Tasks in Pharmacy
Krisztina Kocsis: Selected Passages from the Activity of the Pharmaceutical Association of Sopron County
Marianna Perjési-Rábik, András Perjési: An Analysis of Magistral Recipes Containing Industry-made Medicinal Products in Szolnok County
Editorial board: Modern Pharmacy
László Burgetti: Circular Letters as an Element of the Communication between the State Pharmacy Chains and their Pharmacies
István Bayer, Sándor Dörnyei: The Beginnings and Evolution of State Drug Control, Part 1.
István Bayer, Sándor Dörnyei: The Beginnings and Evolution of State Drug Control, Part 2.
Bertalan Zboray: Pharmacy Inspection in Nyitra in 1832
Bálint Mikola: About the Relationship of the State Pharmacy Chain and its Pharmacies
Gyula Rádóczy: Development of Drug Quality Control in Our Pharmacopoeias
Judit Molnár: Pharmaceutical Tools and Pieces of Equipment in Pharmacies of Tolna County in the Previous Century
Judit Molnár: Development of the Equipment of Drug Quality Contol in Hungary in the Pharmacopoeias
Judit Molnár, Gusztáv Gajdos: The Developement of High Precision Scales and Their Relevance to Pharmacy
István Bayer, Sándor Dörnyei: The Beginnings and Evolution of State Drug Control, Part 3.
Bertalan Zboray: Activities of the Chemistry Department of the National Institute for Public Health up to1944
Sándor Zádeczky: Quo vadis State Pharmacy Inspection?
László Burgetti: The Activity of Territorial, Regional and Town Chief-Pharmacists and the Organizational System
Tamás Paál: Position, Role and Future of Drug Control by Pharmaceutical Inspectors
József Hamvas: Basic Principles of Establishing and Equipment of Pharmacies
József Kotsy: Thoughts on the Equipment of Pharmacies
István Bayer et al: The Beginnings and Evolution of State Drug Control, 4.
Éva Lipták-Csekey et al.: New Aspects of Organization of Hungarian State Drug Control
László Burgetti, Zoltán Csapó: Thoughts on the Size of Community Pharmacies
József Kotsy: How to Design a New Pharmacy
István Bayer, Sándor Dörnyei: The Beginnings and Evolution of State Drug Control,
György Tatár, Adrienne Márkus-Kérészy: Experiences of Inspections of Private Pharmacies
Mária Kerekes-Nemes: Experiences of Health Insurance Inspections of Private Pharmacies
László Burgetti, Sándor Zádeczky: State Control and Inspection of Pharmacies
Ferenc Szigetváry: Pharmacy Containers– Archeological Findings in Szombathely
László Kovács Recollections on the Beginnings of the Pharmacy Inspection System
László Burgetti, István Rakoncza: Terms and Expressions in Drug Wholesale
Sándor Kisházi: Main Economic Characteristics of the Pharmacy Chain of Sanopharma Drug Wholesale Company, with Special Regard to the Privatization
István Hutás: Proposal on Continuous Reimbursement of Duty Hours and Magistral Preparations
Katalin Bakos, Árpád Torma: Data on and Experiences of Private Pharmacies Concerning the New System of Drug Reimbursement, Prescription and Dispensing
Gabriella Magyar-Pintér et al.: Development of our Community Pharmacy Network in the Period of Emerging Private Pharmacies
Ágnes Kálmán-Mende, József Lipták: Personal and Material Conditions in Community Pharmacies from 1990 to1994
Árpádné Torma, Árpád Torma: Analysis of Trends in Drug Utilisation and Reimbursement; Conclusions from Typical Data of Pharmacies
György Tatár: Pharmacy State Control Before the Appointment of the First Pharmacy Inspectors
József Lipták: Objectives of the State Pharmacy Inspection Service
Katalin Kokovay: Quality Assurance in Community Pharmacies as Seen by a Chief Pharmacy Officer
András Fodor: History of State Control of Pharmacies
Dénes Horváth: Pharmacy State Control of Győr-Moson-Sopron County
Dénes Horváth: Browsing an Old Protocol of the Sopron Branch of the Hungarian Pharmacist Association
Robert Offner, László Tuka: Pharmaceutical instructions of Tobias Mauksch, pharmacist in Kolozsvár (Cluj)
Mária Péter H.: Ferenc Nyulas’s survey upon pharmacies
Julianna Szőcsényi: Development of pharmacy inspections
Aurél Baranyai: Data from the period of nationalization of the pharmacies of Pécs. In “Janus Pannonius Múzeum Évkönyve 1978”
Ágnes Romhányi: The price of health. Pharmaceutical tariffs in Hungary at the end of the 18th century
Bertalan Zboray: Public health administration and pharmacy supervisions in Hungary
Famous Pharmacists
István Grabarits: Famous Hungarian Pharmacists
László András Magyar: Our Pharmacist Writers and Poets
Gyula Orient: Pharmacists of Transylvania
Erik Glässer: The Cults of Károly Than
Erik Glässer: Posters of the Than Memorial House
Erik Glässer: Life and Legacy of Károly Than
János Nyilasi: Károly Than
István Grabarits: Data to the Chininum tannicum by Rozsnyay
István Halmai: Some outstanding pharmacy students and professors of the Budapest University of Arts and Sciences
Attila Szabó: György Klösz
Mónika Ferenczi et al.: Transylvanian Years of SzerafinThinagl
László András Magyar: Spitzweg, the Painter Pharmacist
Zsuzsa Molnár: The Réthy Family
Szabolcs Dobson: “Gyógyszerész” (Pharmacist) as a Family Name
Elemér Schulek: In Memoriam Lajos Winkler: 20th Anniversary of his Death
János Halmai: Medicinal Herbs of Ferenc Pápai Páriz
Ilona Király: Unveiling the Statue of János Kabay in Tiszavasvári
Kálmán Burger: Greeting Professor Elemér Schulek upon his 70th Birthday
Jenő Lázár: Frigyes Doleschall (1897-1964)
Editorial board: Elemér Schulek (1893-1964)
József Bencze: Joel Franciscus
József Antall: Semmelweis (1818-1865)
Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy: Dániel Wägner (1800-1890)
Antal Végh: Jenő Székely (1889-1965)
Editorial board: Lajos Winkler
Károly Zalai: Zoltán Csipke (1899-1966)
Gyula Rádóczy: Jakab Szerecsen
István Vitéz: In Memoriam Max von Pettenkofer
Csaba Kolozs: Jáczint Rónay
Wojciech Roeske: Hungarian Pharmacists at the Jagellonian University of Cracow
János Halmai: In Memoriam János Kabay
Gyula Valovics: 30 Years of the Kabay Patent
Zoltán Szabó: Unveiling the Tombstone of Elemér Schulek
János Halmai: In Memoriam Endre Kazay
László Szabó: To the Anniversary of Professor Clauder
János Halmai: In Memoriam Tibor Téri
Árpád Blázy: In Memoriam Antal Vondra
Sándor Mozsonyi: Pharmaceutical and Chemical Aspects of the Work of Semmelweis
István Szentgyörgyi: Görgey the Chemist
Károly Zalai: Semmelweis
Board of Directors of Hungarian Society for Pharmacological Sciences: Professor Mozsonyi is 80
Antal Végh: Károly Than
Sándor Mozsonyi: Pharmaceutical Data of our Great Painter József Rippl-Rónai
Béla Láng: Egon Pandula
Károly Zalai: Miklós Matolcsy
Endre Táplányi: Károly Zipernovszky
Sándor Györgyi: János Nagy
Károly Zalai, Tibor Orient: Gyula Orient
Nándor Lóránd: In Memoriam the Pharmacist Lajos Fördős
József Morvay: Dénes Kőszegi
Pál Csiky: In Memoriam Gyula Balázs
Béla Láng: Dr. Pál Rózsa is 70
Endre Táplányi: Iván Janitsáry
Telbizov Ráskó, Károly Zalai: The Role of a Hungarian Pharmacist in the Development of the Bulgarian Pharmacy and Culture
Endre Táplányi: István Tanádi Schenek
Géza Szepessy: In Memoriam the Author of the First Systematic Chemistry in Hungary
Endre Táplányi: Comment on the Article of Géza Szepessy
Sándor Mozsonyi: Gedeon Richter, the Pharmacist, Founder of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry
Károly Zalai: The First Doctor of Pharmacie at the University of Pest Dr. Gusztáv Csanády (Scholtz)
Kurt Kempler: Sándor Schédy
Antal Végh: A Presentation in Memory of Lajos Winkler
Endre Táplányi: Lajos Ilosvay
Géza Szepessy: A Long Forgotten Transylvanian Pharmacist from the 18th Century
Béla Rédiger: Emil Felletár
Lajos Répay: The “Arany Oroszlán” Pharmacy in Kaposvár and József Rippl-Rónai
Géza Szepessy: In Memory of Dániel Fischer
Editorial board: In Memory of the Academic Doctor Elemér Schulek
Editorial board: Professor Antal Végh is 70
Kurt Kempler: In Memory of dr. Béla Lengyel the elder
Károly Zalai, Mária Hubatsek: Károly Than’s international scientific relations
Miklós Láng: Béla Réthy
Endre Taplányi: Károly Muraközy
Csba Kolozs: Ferenc Metelka and Ferenc Pillich – Two Hungarian Entomologist- Pharmacists
Csaba Kolozs: Mihály Tivadar Kosztka
Kurt Kempler: In Memoriam Professor István Győry
Bertalan Zboray: Literary Work of Professor János Halmai
Károly Várady: What did Zsuzsanna Kossuth do?
Csilla Székely-Gáts: Lajos Gáts and Gyula Káposztássy
Zoltán Szepsy: Interview with the Grandchild of Mátyás Rozsnyay
Béla Láng: 50 Year Achievement of István Vitéz
Antal Végh: Elemér Schulek and the Pharmacopoeia Hungarica
Márta Maros-Lugosi: Educational Work of Professor Jakab Winterl and Pharmacy
Pál Varga: In Memoriam Professor Gyula Mikó
Mariann Bánó-Fleischman, Károly Zalai: The First Women in Pharmaceutical Practice and Science in Hungary
Lajos Répay: About Patron Saints of Healing, Cosmas and Damian
Károly Zalai: Remembering József Ernyey
Editorial board: Greeting Béla Issekutz Béla, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science
Antal Végh: In Memoriam László Szebellényi
György Kedvessy: Sándor Mozsonyi
Zoltán Szőkefalvy-Nagy, Endre Táplányi: The First Chemist in the Town of Pest – János Molnár, Pharmacist
Károly Zalai: Scientific, Technical and Industry-Historical Importance of János Kabay’s Life’s Work
Csaba Kolozs: János András Senger
Kálmán Szabó: In Memoriam Tibor Erdey-Grúz
Béla Rédiger: Emil Felletár and Interesting Complications of an Uninteresting Forensic Case
Antal Végh: László Szebellényi, the Pharmacist
Endre Táplányi: About Ferenc Kiss, the Pharmacist in Szeghalom
Editorial board: Professor Clauder is 70
Károly Zalai: The Importance of György Hintz’s University Lectures on Pharmaceutical Technology from the Point of View of Teaching and the History of Science
András Lendvay: Pharmacists in Hungarian Alchemist Trials in the 13th Century
László Larencz: Commemoration on Endre Kazay on the 100th Anniversary of his Birth
Endre Táplányi: The Role of Hungarian Pharmacists in the Development of Hungarian Chemical Industry and Technological Science
Lajos Hegedűs, Béla Láng: Béla Spergely
Sándor Király: Géza Doby
Nándor Lóránd, Mária Juhász: Bács-Kiskun County Connections in the Life of Mátyás Rozsnyay
Editorial board: Professor Antal Végh is 75 Years Old
Endre Táplányi: Life and Work of Lajos Száhlender, Pharmacist-Chemist
Dezső Lukács: Commemoration on Gábor Kátai on the 100th Anniversary of his Death
Károly Zalai: János Köves
László Szmodits: József Dorner, Pharmacist, Well-known Botanist
Kálmán Szendrei: István Novák
László Soproni: Gallik Géza, Pharmacist
Károly Fäller: Gusztáv Fritz
László Lárencz: Károly Than’s Unpublished Letters Concerning the Discovery of Sulphuric Thermal Water in Harkány
István Kerényi: Gábor Vastagh is 80 Years Old
Endre Táplányi: A Famous Scientist of the Reform Age in Hungary – Life and Work of Károly Nagy
Endre Táplányi: Pál Traugott Meissner
Géza Szepessy: The il divino Pharmacist
Ödön Menner: Postman and Pharmacist
Pál Varga: The Beőr-Muraközy Family
Lajos Hegedűs: Avicenna – The Pharmacist of Pharmacists
Csaba Kolozs: Ferenc Schams
Lajos Hegedűs: Impressons of My Journey in the Area where Károly Than was born
Mihályné Tusnády: The Last of the 48 Soldiers in Kisvárda. Rezső Somogyi, the Pharmacist
Ödön Menner: Mistaken Data in the Publications about János Kabay
Endre Táplányi: Ödön Menner Senior
Károly Váradi: President of the Directorium of “Red County Pest”
Dénesné Jánossy: György Klösz Pharmacist, Master of Photography and Printing
Endre Táplányi: Gudió Prodam
Csaba Kolozs: Dr. Gyula Szabó
Lajos Hegedűs: Dr. Richárd Windisch Pharmacist, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Lajos Hegedűs, László Szmodits: Tamás Nendvich
Árpád Fazekas: Memoirs of István Kazár, Pharmacist
László Larencz: Endre Kazay Manuscripts on the History of Chemistry Waiting to Be Published for 60 Years
Editorial board: Professor Antal Végh is 80 Years Old
Lajos Hegedűs: Dr. Endre Barta, Pharmacist
Julianna Szőcsényi: Ottó Koritsánszky
Viola Hidvégi: A Forgotten Pharmacist from Pest
Editorial board: Professor György Kedvessy is 70 Years Old
László Szmodits: Dr. Ferenc Darvas
Lajos Hegedűs: József Dorner
Editorial board: Dr. Béla Láng
Lajos Hegedűs, Endre Táplányi: Geyza Karlovszky
Lajos Hegedűs: Dr. Gyula Weszelszky
Bertalan Zboray: Dr. Dezső Wéber
István Grabarits: Data on the Chininum tannicum by Rozsnyay
Aurél Baranyai: Collector of Butterflies and Flowers, Tamás Nendtvich, a Pharmacist in Pécs
Editorial board: Dr. Ottó Clauder
Lajos Hegedűs: Péter Ráth
Ottó Mezei: The Life of Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka from his Years as Pharmacist in Gács
Mariann Bánó-Fleischmann, Károly Zalai: Cosmas and Damian have Returned Home on the Crown of Hungary
Editorial board: In Memoriam Tibor Széki
Endre Táplányi: Pharmaceutical Historical Data on Famous Pharmacists of Veszprém County
Editorial board: Dr. László Gyarmati
Ödön Menner, Sándor Hajdú: Youth, Origin and Career of János Kabay, Birth of the Idea of Morphine Production
Lajos Hegedűs, László Szmodits: Report about the Activity of the Reestablished Hungarian Pharmacy Pantheon Committee
Márta Marosn-Lugosi: Life and Work of István Lumnitzer
Editorial board: Dr. Géza Nyiredi
Pál Varga: In Memory of István Győry
László Larencz: In Memory of Károly Than
István Csejtei: Book of Recipes of József Csokonai, a Surgeon in Debrecen
Editorial board: Viktor Ligeti
Károly Zalai, Péter Gombos: Hungarian Connections of Dr. E.R. Haugseth, a Norwegian Professor
Editorial board: In Memoriam Béla Issekutz, the elder
Kurt Kempler: Proportion of Pharmacists among the Most Famous Hungarian People of 200 Years
Géza Szepessy: Prescriptions of Imre Fekete of Nagyszombat from the End of the 17th Century
Attila Dévay: Unveiling a Memorial Tablet and a Meeting on the 10th Anniversary of the Death of Professor Sándor Mozsonyi
Károly Zalai: Sándor Mozsonyi, Professor and Dean
Júlia Lengyel: János Molnár, the Scientist
Editorial board: Commemorating Endre Kazay at his Birtplace
Editorial board: László Ekkert
Endre Táplányi: In Memory of Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi
Lajos Hegedűs: József Ernyey
László Lárencz: Endre Kazay Endre Memorial Plaque and Medal
László Lárencz: Scientific Work of Károly Than in a Publication for Tourists
Károly Zalai: Contribution of Professor Albert Szent-Györgyi, a Nobel Prize Laurate in the Hungarian Drug Production
Györgyné Ernyey: Dr. Béla Nagy
Lajos Hegedűs, Endre Táplányi: Dr. Ferenc Rex
Andrea Ubrizsy in Savoia: Medico-botanical Data in a Few Less Known Works of Carolus Clusius
Károly Zalai: Pharmaceutical Facets of the Life of the Painter Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka
György Hart: Dr. Vidor Modor
Editorial board: Dr. Károly Nikolics is 70 Years Old
László Lárencz: Pharmaceutical Connections of the Batthyány Family
Editorial board: Professor Antal Végh is 85 Years Old
Takácsi Nagy, Géza: Béla Spergely was Born a 100 Years Ago
Táplányi, Endre: István Rómer
Hegedűs, Lajos: Lajos Winkler
Editorial board: Kurt Kempler
Károly Zalai: Commemorating Professor Sándor Mozsonyi on the 100th Anniversary of his Birth
Ilona Fekete-Bán: Dr. Géza Károly Dobay
Editorial board: Professor György Kedvessy is 75 Years Old
Gyula Rádóczy: Antal Bayer
György Kedvessy: Professor Mozsonyi, as a Professor and as a Man
Ágnes Domokos-Dávid: Lajos Dávid
Antal Brantner: I was brought up in a Pharmacy; Miklós Láng is 70 Years Old
Bertalan Zboray: Dr. Viktor Andriska
Gyula Rádóczy: Asklepios and his Family
Gusztáv Matolcsy: Gyula Piatsek, Pharmacist in Kaposvár was born 100 Years ago
László Kovács: A Meeting to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of dr. Lajos Dávid
Károly Zalai: Paracelsus in Tokaj
Károly Zalai: Paracelsus and Pharmacy
Editorial board: Professor Károly Zalai is 70 Years Old
László Kósa: Commemorating Dr. Antal Vondra on the 100th Anniversary of his Birth
Ferenc Szigetváry, Károly Zalai: Dr. Kurt Ryslavy
Editorial board: Dr. Károly Nikolics is 75 Years Old
Endre Kőrös: Elemér Schulek, Teacher of Generations of Pharmacists and Chemists
Editorial board: In Memoriam Dr. Zoltán Dirner
Ferenc Gaizer: A Late Obituary; Commemorating Gyula Kis, Pharmacist, Assistant Professor on the 40th Anniversary of his Death
Júlia Lengyel: János Sámuel Gertinger, Forgotten Pioneer of Hungarian Sugar Manufacturing
Editorial board: Dr. György Kedvessy is 80 Years Old
Editorial board: Prof. Dr. Elemér Vinkler is 85 Years Old
Editorial board: Dr. Bertalan Zboray is 95 Years Old
Katalin Forró: In Memoriam Döme Argenti
Ferenc Szigetváry: József Antall and the Hungarian History of Pharmacy
Júlia Lengyel: János Wéber, a Pharmacist and a Physician
József Bartus: Life and Work of Gedeon Richter
Editorial board: Antal Végh
Károly Zalai: Professor dr. Kurt Ganzinger
László Szmodits: Dr. János Harsányi, a Nobel Prize Laurate in 1994 Started his Career as a Pharmacist
Mihály Kata: Female Pharmacists; A Driving Force in our Profession
István Budaházy: Collection of Prescriptions from Ferenc Szabó, Pharmacist in Nagyvárad
László Lárencz: In Memoriam the Pharmacists dr. János Kenderes and dr. Zsigmond Bari
Géza Stájer: Representation of the Pharmacist in Literature; in Short Stories and Novels
Géza Stájer: Representation of the Pharmacy and Pharmacist in Films
István Bayer: János Kabay and the Poppy Straw-based Morphin Manufacturing Process
Sándor Hosztafi: János Kabay, Founder of Morphine Production in Hungary
Bertalan Zboray, László Szmodits: Dr. Károly Ottó Moller
Éva Szőke: Gizella Petri, Professor Emeritus is 70 Years Old
László Szmodits: Dr. Rezső Fridli
László Gy Szabó: Commemorating dr. Géza Kóczián, a Pharmacist from Nagyatád, a Respected Researcher of Ethnobotanics in Hungary
Editorial board: Károly Nikolics is 80 Years Old
Károly Zalai: Imre Némedy, a Full Private Professor was Born 100 Years ago
Kálmán Magyar: In Memory of Professor Zoltán Vámossy
Károly Zalai: József Antall and Pharmacy
László Lárencz: Endre Kazay Died 75 Years ago
Gabriella Légrádi: A Few Extracts of the Life and Work of dr. Kurt Kempler
Dezső Kirilly, Károly Zalai: Rezső Somogyi
Károly Zalai, Tibor Orient: Life and Work of Professor Gyula Orient in the Literature of the History of Pharmacy
Andor Zallár: Commemorating Lajos Dávid on the 110th Anniversary of his Birth
Bertalan Zboray, László Szmodits: Sámuel Kazzay
László Szmodits: Dr. Pál Halmi
Géza Stájer: Representation of the Pharmacist and the Pharmacy in the Literature, Part 2.
Béla Noszál: Kálmán Burger
Zoltán Vincze: Dr. Károly Nikolics
Károly Zalai: László Zathurecky
Zoltán Vincze: Dr. Bertalan Zboray
Géza Stájer: Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the Death of Labarraque
Géza Stájer: To the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Fridrich Wöhler
Ferenc Benkő: Pharmaceutical Aspects of the Baranyai Trial in Debrecen
László Gy Szabó.: Famous Pharmacist-Researchers in Pécs
Károly Zalai: Emlékbeszéd Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Death of Professor dr. Sándor Mozsonyi
Erzsébet Sági: Pharmacists, who died in World War II.
Erzsébet Sági: Pharmacists, who died in World War II., Part 2.
Zoltán Hankó: Profession and Public Life
György Kedvessy: Comments on the Festive Meeting in Honour of Professor Sándor Mozsonyi
Zoltán Vincze: Professor Károly Zalai is 80 Years Old
Zoltán Hankó: Loyalty and Service
Zoltán Hankó: Awareness of Proportion
Emil Minker: Where is the Burial Place of dr. Tibor Széki
Dénes Horváth: In Memoriam Professor Mozsonyi
László Lárencz, Jenő Kutas: Famous Hungarian Pharmacists; about the Relationship of Endre Kazay and Gedeon Richter
Zoltán Vincze, Zoltán Hankó: Dr. Károly Nikolics in the Policy of the Pharmacy
József Lipták: Summary of the Professional Activity of Károly Nikolics in the Mirror of the Pharmaceutical Literature
Editorial board: In Memoriam Professor Géza Mezey
Antal Brantner: 100 Years Anniversary of László Szebellédy, Professor of Pharmacy, a Famous Hungarian Pioneer of Analytical Chemistry
Mónika Ferenczi: Pharmacological Aspects of the Life of János Harsányi
Géza Stájer: The Image of the Pharmacologist in the Literature, Part 3.
Éva Hintz, Károly Zalai: From the History of the Transylvanian Hintz Pharmacist Family
Sándor Dörnyei: The Good citizen; a Country Pharmacist in the Last Decades of the 19th Century
Emil Minker: Who was dr. Hugó Issekutz
László Szmodits: Dr. Antal Fleischer
Zoltán Vincze: Professor Szász is 75 Years Old
Zoltán Hankó: 50 years in the Service of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacy
Endre Czeizel: János Harsányi, Pharmacist, Nobel Prize Laureate who was born in Hungary
István Erős: Professor Dr. György Kedvessy
György Tatár: Commemorating Gyula Mikó Professor of Pharmacy
Ágnes Vetsey-Körmendi: Dr. Dénes Horváth, Specialized Pharmacist, 65 Years after Graduation, is now 90
Tamás Aknai: On Csontváry’s Birthday
Gabriella Marczal: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Professor dr. János Halmai
László Pokorny: Professor Gábor Rácz is 75 Years Old
Zoltán Vincze: Professor István Bayer is 80 Years Old
Géza Stájer: Great Personalities and Medicine
Emil Minker: A Few More Features to Add to the Portrait of dr. István Novák
György Szász, Antal Brantner: Antal Végh
Antal Brantner, Zoltán Hankó: In the Spirit of Wisdom
Géza Stájer: Poisoners
István Antal: Ágó
László Józsa: Drugs and Pharmacology in Byzanth
Géza Stájer: Dezső Kosztolányi – Figures
Márkné Munha: In Memoriam Zsuzsanna Kossuth on the 150th Anniversary of her Death
István Erős: Dr. Béla Selmeczi, Professor Emeritus
Endre Táplányi: István Rómer; A Hungarian Pharmacist-Inventor in Vienna
Mónika Ferenczi, Mária Péter H.: Tableau – Kolozsvár, 1903.
Mária Péter H.: A Historical Review of the Female Representatives of the Transylvanian Pharmacy
Antal Brantner: A Pharmacist Family from Baranya County, Part 1.
Antal Brantner: A Pharmacist Family from Baranya County, Part 2.
Antal Brantner: A Pharmacist Family from Baranya County, Part 3.
Antal Brantner: Afterword, Greeting and Request
László Lárencz: About the Life of the Pharmacist Endre Kazay
Béla Dános: Pál Kitaibel
László Szmodits: The History of the Pantheon of Hungarian Pharmacy
László Lárencz, László Szmodits: Teaching Activity of the Famous Hungarian Pharmacist Endre Kazay
László Heneráry: Ferenc Metelka
László Szmodits: Life and Work of the Pharmacist Dr. Ferenc Darvas
László Vértes: Mátyás Rozsnyay and Szabadszállás
Gabriella Marczali, Andrea Balázs: Pharmacognosy in the Works of Alexander Tschirch
György Tatár, Mónika Ferenczi: Mikó vs. Schulek
István Erős, Portraits Turning Pale; Professor dr. Béla Selmeczi was Born 80 Years ago
István Bayer: Antal Bayer
Peroni Adalberto et al.: Some Data Regarding the Iconographic Representation of Sants Cosma and Damian
István Bayer: Honoured and Beloved by All – Dr. Károly Szász was Born 100 Years ago
Péter Tömpe: Geyza Karlovszy, the Discoverer of Thanatol was Born 150 Years ago
László Gy Szabó.: Professor Imre Máthé, academic, an Outstanding Herbal Researcher was Born 100 Years ago
László Szmodits: Life and Work of Aladár Béla Varró
Attila Kovács, J., László Gy. Szabó: Gábor Rácz, an Outstanding Herbalist
János Halmai: János Kabay and Morphine Production in Hungary
Árpád Gerecs: Géza Zemplén
István Bayer: Pál Tuzson
Zoltán Csipke: Imre Némedy
Gábor Rácz: Elemér Kopp
Editorial board: Elemér Schulek
Editorial board: Jenő Székely
Sándor Mozsonyi: Dr. Zoltán Csipke
Editorial board: Dr. Egon Pandula
Elemér Vinkler: Dr. Dénes Kőszegi
Sándor Görög: Dr. Jenő Bayer
Editorial board: Greeting Professor Antal Végh
Gizella Verzár-Petri: In Memoriam Professor Dr. János Halmai
Károlyné Nikolics, Károly Nikolics: Aspects Related to Sopron in Ottó Koritsánszky’s Work
Lajos Pillich: Gedeon Richter, the Pioneer of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry
Károly Nagymarosi: The Role of the Pharmacists of Kecskemét in Draft of the Public Health Bill
Editorial board: Sándor Mozsonyi
Antal Végh: Ferenc Kun
Editorial board: Professor Dr. Antal Végh is 75 Years Old
Editorial board: Ad memoriam
Editorial board: Dr. Kálmán Szász
István Bayer: Greeting Dr. Gábor Vastagh
Antal Végh: István Vitéz is 80
István Rácz: Dr. László Gyarmati
András Háznagy: In memoriam Miklós Békésy
Károly Zalai: Professor Sándor Mozsonyi
Editorial board: Greeting Professor Dr. Antal Végh
Editorial board: Greeting Professor Dr. György Kedvessy
Editorial board: Dr. Ottó Clauder
Editorial board: Greeting Professor Sándor Sárkány on his 80th Birthday
Editorial board: Dr. Gábor Vastagh
Kurt Kempler: The First Hungarian Female Pharmacist
Editorial board: Professor György Kedvessy is 75 Years Old
Sándor Görög: István Gyenes is 75 Years Old
Béla Selmeczi: György Kedvessy is 80 Years Old
Gábor Bernáth: Professor Elemér Vinkler is 85 Years Old
György Szász: Antal Végh
Gábor Bernáth: Dr. Elemér Vinkler
Zoltán Vincze: Dr. Károly Zalai is 75 Years Old
Gábor Szepesi: Good bye Géza
Gizella Petri: In Memoriam Professor Sárkány
Zoltán Vincze: Professor Szász is 70 Years Old
Sándor Görög: Dr. Gizella Petri is 70 Years Old
Sándor Görög: Greeting the 80 year-old Károly Nikolics
István Erős: Dr. Béla Selmeczi, Professor Emeritus is 70 Years Old
Editorial board: Taking Leave of Kálmán Burger
Béla Noszál: Károly Nikolics
Béla Noszál: Endre Kőrös Academic, Professor
Krisztina Takács-Novák: Professor György Szász is 75 Years Old
Romána Zelkó: Dr. Ágoston Dávid
Kálmán Szendrei: In Memoriam Szabolcs Nyiredy
Imre Klebovich: In Memoriam István Rácz, Professor Emeritus; Pharmacist Career of 50 Years
Sylvia Marton, János Plachy: In Memoriam Professor dr. István Rácz, the Scientist
Editorial board: Ernő Pungor
Editorial board: Lajos Barcza
Editorial board: Endre Morava
Krisztina Majoros, Károly Mazák: The Role of Pharmacist Members of the Academy in the Development History of Chemistry
Béla Noszál, György Szász: Greeting Professor László Szabó
Editorial board: Professor Dr. László Szabó
Béla Noszál: Dr. Klára Tóth
Béla Noszál: Dr. József Laszlovszky
Szilvia Pócsik: History of Dynasties of Pharmacists
Editorial board: In memoriam dr. Bertalan Zboray
Editorial board: In memoriam Gábor Maurer Specialized Pharmacist
Editorial board: In memoriam Sándorné Piliskó, Zsuzsanna Szécsi
Editorial board: In memoriam dr. Ede Kolos professor emeritus
Editorial board: Dini Bácsi – Greeting dr. Dénes Horváth, the Chief Pharmacist of Sopron on the 75th Anniversary of his Graduation
Mária Terplán-Balogh: Memorial Medals presented to Prof. Dr. István Bayer and Prof. Dr. József Laszlovszky
Mária Terplán-Balogh: Memorial Medals presented toIstván Kerényi and Károly Fäller
Mária Terplán-Balogh: Memorial Medals presented to László Kósa, János Borvendég and Ede Kolos
Mária Terplán-Balogh: Memorial Medals presented to Edit Kovács and Noémi Oltványi
Mária Terplán-Balogh, Mária Ildikó Abádi-Erdei: Memorial Medals presented to Ilona Török and József Hamvas
Editorial board: Professor József Laszlovszky is 85 Years Old
Editorial board: In memoriam Ferenc Kiss
Editorial board: In memoriam Zsuzsanna Perjés and István Écsy
Editorial board: Károly Fäller is 90 Years old
Editorial board: Prof. József Lipták is 70 Years Old
Editorial board: Károly Fäller Died
Editorial board: Prof. István Bayer is 90 Years Old
Tünde Ambrus: Pharmacy staff in the Hungarian Province of the Merciful Brethren Order in the first decades of 20th century
Robert Offner, László András Magyar: Obituary of Samuel Schvartz (1701-1749), “illustrious man” and former pharmacist of Kolozsvár
László Szmodits: The life and work of István Örkény, a famous Hungarian pharmacist and writer
László Szmodits: The role of the Burchard-Bélaváry family of Hungarian origin in pharmacy and medicine in Tallin (Estonia) between 1582 to 1911– a 600 year old pharmacy
Gábor Sey: Lajos Sey, owner of the Medallion of Professional Excellence died 30 years ago
László Szmodits: Women in the Hungarian Pharmacy with a full list of female pharmacists graduated in our universities (Budapest, Kolozsvár, Szeged) up to 1950
László Szmoidts: A full list of female pharmacists graduated in our universities (Budapest, Kolozsvár, Szeged) up to 1950
Obituary: Professor József Laszlovszky; with knowledge in the service of control of medicinal products (1923-2014)
Obituary: Dr. Tamás Mohr (1924-2014)
Obituary: Dr. Ernő Stenszky (1926-2014)
Obituary: Klára Tóth (1939-2014)
István Bayer: Commemoration of Professor Elemér Schulek, leading figure of the development of the regulatory drug control system, at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death
István Erős: History of a Department. Part 2. Golden Age – Prof. dr. dr. h.c. G. Kedvessy was born 100 years ago. Part II.1. Education – in focus
István Erős: Commemoration of Gyula Pálfy
Ödön Menner: The memory of János Kabay in works of fine arts
Ödön Menner: Patents of János Kabay on morphin manufacturing
László Gyula Szabó: Outstanding figures of Hungarian medicinal herb research 1.
László Gyula Szabó: Outstanding figures of Hungarian medicinal herb research 2.
László Gyula Szabó: Outstanding figures of Hungarian medicinal herb research 3.
László Szmodits: Anno….Anniversaries of famous pharmacists in 2015
György Tatár: Dr. Aba Hermény Sztankay, a disgracefully forgotten private university professor, pharmacist in Debrecen
János Ragettli: Curriculum vitae
Obituary: The history of Réthy family
László Szmodits: Life and work of Antal Frank, a pharmacist in Szeged, Hungary
Lajos Hegedűs: Life and work of Mátyás Rozsnyay
Mária Péter H.: Transylvanian Pharmacist Dynasties. Part I.
László Szmodits: The memory of Endre Kazay, pharmacist, in Vértesacsa, Fejér county
László Szmodits: Jesus Christ the Pharmacist
László Szmodits: The pharmaceutical activities of Endre Kazay (1876-1923)
Szabolcs Dobson, Károly Kapronczay, László Szmodits, Júlia Singer: Analysis of the lifespan of Hungarian medical doctors and pharmacists born between 1800 and 1925
Szabolcs Dobson, Károly Kapronczay, László Szmodits, Júlia Singer: Lifespan – Doctors – Pharmacists – Hungary – 1800-1925
Hilda Kőszegi-Szalai: Professor István Bayer is 90 years old
Anna Megyeri: The Kasztner family – A pharmacist family in Zalaegerszeg in the 19—20th centuries. In ‘Közlemények Zala megye múzeumaiból (Zalaegerszeg, 2008)’
Ernőné Rosztóczy: Chapters from the history of the Bereczk family. The life of Péter Bereczk and the problems of pharmacy. In ‘A Hódmezővásárhelyi Szeremlei Társaság Évkönyve 2011 (Hódmezővásárhely, 2012)’
Lajos Zombori: In the footsteps of Csontváry in Northern Hungary (Felvidék)
Pál Varga: The history of a pharmacist family of Debrecen. In ‘A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve 1979 (Debrecen, 1981)’
Ernő Csekő: About the relationship of Cecile Tormay and Ferenc Herczeg to Szekszárd and the history of their families in Szekszárd – I. (In ‘A Wosinszky Mór Múzeum Évkönyve 31.’ (Szekszárd, 2009))
Ernő Csekő: About the relationship of Cecile Tormay and Ferenc Herczeg to Szekszárd and the history of their families in Szekszárd – II. (In ‘A Wosinszky Mór Múzeum Évkönyve 31.’ (Szekszárd, 2009))
Attila Szabó, Miklós Vecsernyés, Ildikó Bácskay: The life of a Jewish Pharmacist (Jenő Gerle)
László Szmodits: The life and work of Sándor Faragó (1901-1991)
László Szabó: Hungarian ethno(pharmaco)botanists
László Szmodits: Life and works of the pharmacist Endre Táplányi
Peykovska Penka: A Hungarian Pharmacist in Central Balkans in the second half of the 19th century. Identity in the mirror of the life history and personal writings of György Szilágyi. Bácsország 61, 90-92 (2012)
Peykovska Penka: Hungarian pharmacist carriers in Bulgaria in the second half of the 19th century. Published in: Tradition and modernization in the 18th – 20th centuries. Eds. Bodnár Erzsébet, Demeter Gabor. Budapest: Hungarovox, 2008, pp. 140-148.
Károly Balázs: The life of Capesius, the pharmacist of Auschwitz, and his role in World War II.
György Tatár: The movement of László Muraközy, pharmacist, and his colleagues in Debrecen for the development of pharmacy
László Szmodits: Dr. László Lárencz
István Bayer: Commemoration on Elemér Schulek, the leading figure of the development of the system of government control of medicinal products, on the occasion of the 50 years of his death
Autoreferatum: An evening in the club of retired pharmacists
István Erős: Commemoration on Gyula Pálfy
László Veress: The multiple scientific interests of Transylvanian pharmacist, Pál Meissner (1778-1864) in the 18th – 19th centuries
Grlica Mirko: The followers of Galenus
Viktor Ligeti: In front of a double mirror
Irén Kollányi: The pharmacists of the Korányi family
Ed. board: The birth house of the Than brothers is to be rebuilt
György Szász – Krisztina Takács-Novák: The 150th birth anniversary of Lajos Winkler
István Erős: Fading faces. The 100th birth anniversary of András Háznagy
Attila Godzsák: A pharmacist and Cross-arrow Party member and military officer: Tibor barczikai Barczikay (1900-1969)
Szabolcs Dobson: The cases of Rezső Glück, pharmacist with Saint Peter, the police, wifes, medicines and bankruptcy
based on an article of Oliviu Cristian Gaidoş: Lajos Vértes (1856-1940), the most outstanding pharmacist of Lugos (Romania)
László Földvári: Géza Fekete, a Hungarian pharmacist who became a foreign legionary in France. A Hódmezővásárhelyi Szeremlei Társaság Évkönyve (2008)
Szabolcs Dobson: The history of a duel in 1934 because of the book “History of the Hungarian Pharmacy”
László Szmodits: Commemorations on my professional life in pharmacy
László Szmodits: The life and work of Dr Rezső Forgács (1887-1927), and the Pharmacist Division of the Galilei Circle.
Szmodits László: The medical doctor and pharmacist members of the Hainiss-Sperlágh family, Hungary
Klára Szeghy: Commemorations in the cemetery of Pécs (Hungary), at the graves of László Lárencz, István Hartai and Zsigmond Bari (05. 11. 2018.)
Attila Godzsák: Tobias Kaltenstein, first pharmacist in Zemplén county – Lajos Kossuth’s great-grandfather, Ferenc Kazinczy’s father’s doctor
Gábor Répay pharmacist (Kadarkút, Hungary), has died at the age of 78, on the 22nd of December
Tünde Gracza: A contribution to the history of the 9th pharmacy of Pécs (Hungary): the years of Ödön Abrudbányai Rédiger in Pécs
László Szmodits: László Orosz, pharmacist, and the Association of Employed Pharmacists
László Szmodits: The life and scientific work of Dr. László Vitéz, pharmacist
László Szmodits: The life and work of the medical doctor and pharmacist members of the Löcherer family (Hungary)
Árpád Fazekas: The Gyógyszerészi Közlöny (Pharmaceutical Bulletin) of Kálmán Csurgay
Ferenc Benkő: Benjámin Pókai, provisor of the City Pharmacy of Debrecen in 1733
László Szmodits: The life and work of dr. Kálmán Emszt, pharmacist
Fehér Andrásné Vincze Katalin: Miklós Vincze (Weiszberger) (1885. 04. 03. – 1945. 01. 10.), pharmacist of Kunszentmárton, Hungary
László Szmodits: The life and works of Kálmán Csurgay, pharmacist
Tamás Bozó: I am proud and happy to be a pharmacist – an interview with Mária H. Péter on her 85th birthday
Dániel Pifkó: From Kolozsvár to Szombathely – The career of a Hungarian female teacher, Elvira Valentini (Valentiny) (1883-1942)
László Szmodits: Aurél Stadler pharmacist, poet (1894-1973)
László Szmodits: Pharmacists of the Brenner and Decsy families
László Veress: One hundred years ago, in 1924 was published in Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár) Róbert Gajzágó’s book, the “Romanian folk names of over-the-counter medicines and a dictionary of words used in conversations, with their Latin and Hungarian meanings”
István Grabarits: Famous Hungarian Pharmacists
László András Magyar: Our Pharmacist Writers and Poets
Gyula Orient: Pharmacists of Transylvania
Erik Glässer: The Cults of Károly Than
Erik Glässer: Posters of the Than Memorial House
Erik Glässer: Life and Legacy of Károly Than
János Nyilasi: Károly Than
István Grabarits: Data to the Chininum tannicum by Rozsnyay
István Halmai: Some outstanding pharmacy students and professors of the Budapest University of Arts and Sciences
Attila Szabó: György Klösz
Mónika Ferenczi et al.: Transylvanian Years of SzerafinThinagl
László András Magyar: Spitzweg, the Painter Pharmacist
Zsuzsa Molnár: The Réthy Family
Szabolcs Dobson: “Gyógyszerész” (Pharmacist) as a Family Name
Elemér Schulek: In Memoriam Lajos Winkler: 20th Anniversary of his Death
János Halmai: Medicinal Herbs of Ferenc Pápai Páriz
Ilona Király: Unveiling the Statue of János Kabay in Tiszavasvári
Kálmán Burger: Greeting Professor Elemér Schulek upon his 70th Birthday
Jenő Lázár: Frigyes Doleschall (1897-1964)
Editorial board: Elemér Schulek (1893-1964)
József Bencze: Joel Franciscus
József Antall: Semmelweis (1818-1865)
Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy: Dániel Wägner (1800-1890)
Antal Végh: Jenő Székely (1889-1965)
Editorial board: Lajos Winkler
Károly Zalai: Zoltán Csipke (1899-1966)
Gyula Rádóczy: Jakab Szerecsen
István Vitéz: In Memoriam Max von Pettenkofer
Csaba Kolozs: Jáczint Rónay
Wojciech Roeske: Hungarian Pharmacists at the Jagellonian University of Cracow
János Halmai: In Memoriam János Kabay
Gyula Valovics: 30 Years of the Kabay Patent
Zoltán Szabó: Unveiling the Tombstone of Elemér Schulek
János Halmai: In Memoriam Endre Kazay
László Szabó: To the Anniversary of Professor Clauder
János Halmai: In Memoriam Tibor Téri
Árpád Blázy: In Memoriam Antal Vondra
Sándor Mozsonyi: Pharmaceutical and Chemical Aspects of the Work of Semmelweis
István Szentgyörgyi: Görgey the Chemist
Károly Zalai: Semmelweis
Board of Directors of Hungarian Society for Pharmacological Sciences: Professor Mozsonyi is 80
Antal Végh: Károly Than
Sándor Mozsonyi: Pharmaceutical Data of our Great Painter József Rippl-Rónai
Béla Láng: Egon Pandula
Károly Zalai: Miklós Matolcsy
Endre Táplányi: Károly Zipernovszky
Sándor Györgyi: János Nagy
Károly Zalai, Tibor Orient: Gyula Orient
Nándor Lóránd: In Memoriam the Pharmacist Lajos Fördős
József Morvay: Dénes Kőszegi
Pál Csiky: In Memoriam Gyula Balázs
Béla Láng: Dr. Pál Rózsa is 70
Endre Táplányi: Iván Janitsáry
Telbizov Ráskó, Károly Zalai: The Role of a Hungarian Pharmacist in the Development of the Bulgarian Pharmacy and Culture
Endre Táplányi: István Tanádi Schenek
Géza Szepessy: In Memoriam the Author of the First Systematic Chemistry in Hungary
Endre Táplányi: Comment on the Article of Géza Szepessy
Sándor Mozsonyi: Gedeon Richter, the Pharmacist, Founder of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry
Károly Zalai: The First Doctor of Pharmacie at the University of Pest Dr. Gusztáv Csanády (Scholtz)
Kurt Kempler: Sándor Schédy
Antal Végh: A Presentation in Memory of Lajos Winkler
Endre Táplányi: Lajos Ilosvay
Géza Szepessy: A Long Forgotten Transylvanian Pharmacist from the 18th Century
Béla Rédiger: Emil Felletár
Lajos Répay: The “Arany Oroszlán” Pharmacy in Kaposvár and József Rippl-Rónai
Géza Szepessy: In Memory of Dániel Fischer
Editorial board: In Memory of the Academic Doctor Elemér Schulek
Editorial board: Professor Antal Végh is 70
Kurt Kempler: In Memory of dr. Béla Lengyel the elder
Károly Zalai, Mária Hubatsek: Károly Than’s international scientific relations
Miklós Láng: Béla Réthy
Endre Taplányi: Károly Muraközy
Csba Kolozs: Ferenc Metelka and Ferenc Pillich – Two Hungarian Entomologist- Pharmacists
Csaba Kolozs: Mihály Tivadar Kosztka
Kurt Kempler: In Memoriam Professor István Győry
Bertalan Zboray: Literary Work of Professor János Halmai
Károly Várady: What did Zsuzsanna Kossuth do?
Csilla Székely-Gáts: Lajos Gáts and Gyula Káposztássy
Zoltán Szepsy: Interview with the Grandchild of Mátyás Rozsnyay
Béla Láng: 50 Year Achievement of István Vitéz
Antal Végh: Elemér Schulek and the Pharmacopoeia Hungarica
Márta Maros-Lugosi: Educational Work of Professor Jakab Winterl and Pharmacy
Pál Varga: In Memoriam Professor Gyula Mikó
Mariann Bánó-Fleischman, Károly Zalai: The First Women in Pharmaceutical Practice and Science in Hungary
Lajos Répay: About Patron Saints of Healing, Cosmas and Damian
Károly Zalai: Remembering József Ernyey
Editorial board: Greeting Béla Issekutz Béla, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science
Antal Végh: In Memoriam László Szebellényi
György Kedvessy: Sándor Mozsonyi
Zoltán Szőkefalvy-Nagy, Endre Táplányi: The First Chemist in the Town of Pest – János Molnár, Pharmacist
Károly Zalai: Scientific, Technical and Industry-Historical Importance of János Kabay’s Life’s Work
Csaba Kolozs: János András Senger
Kálmán Szabó: In Memoriam Tibor Erdey-Grúz
Béla Rédiger: Emil Felletár and Interesting Complications of an Uninteresting Forensic Case
Antal Végh: László Szebellényi, the Pharmacist
Endre Táplányi: About Ferenc Kiss, the Pharmacist in Szeghalom
Editorial board: Professor Clauder is 70
Károly Zalai: The Importance of György Hintz’s University Lectures on Pharmaceutical Technology from the Point of View of Teaching and the History of Science
András Lendvay: Pharmacists in Hungarian Alchemist Trials in the 13th Century
László Larencz: Commemoration on Endre Kazay on the 100th Anniversary of his Birth
Endre Táplányi: The Role of Hungarian Pharmacists in the Development of Hungarian Chemical Industry and Technological Science
Lajos Hegedűs, Béla Láng: Béla Spergely
Sándor Király: Géza Doby
Nándor Lóránd, Mária Juhász: Bács-Kiskun County Connections in the Life of Mátyás Rozsnyay
Editorial board: Professor Antal Végh is 75 Years Old
Endre Táplányi: Life and Work of Lajos Száhlender, Pharmacist-Chemist
Dezső Lukács: Commemoration on Gábor Kátai on the 100th Anniversary of his Death
Károly Zalai: János Köves
László Szmodits: József Dorner, Pharmacist, Well-known Botanist
Kálmán Szendrei: István Novák
László Soproni: Gallik Géza, Pharmacist
Károly Fäller: Gusztáv Fritz
László Lárencz: Károly Than’s Unpublished Letters Concerning the Discovery of Sulphuric Thermal Water in Harkány
István Kerényi: Gábor Vastagh is 80 Years Old
Endre Táplányi: A Famous Scientist of the Reform Age in Hungary – Life and Work of Károly Nagy
Endre Táplányi: Pál Traugott Meissner
Géza Szepessy: The il divino Pharmacist
Ödön Menner: Postman and Pharmacist
Pál Varga: The Beőr-Muraközy Family
Lajos Hegedűs: Avicenna – The Pharmacist of Pharmacists
Csaba Kolozs: Ferenc Schams
Lajos Hegedűs: Impressons of My Journey in the Area where Károly Than was born
Mihályné Tusnády: The Last of the 48 Soldiers in Kisvárda. Rezső Somogyi, the Pharmacist
Ödön Menner: Mistaken Data in the Publications about János Kabay
Endre Táplányi: Ödön Menner Senior
Károly Váradi: President of the Directorium of “Red County Pest”
Dénesné Jánossy: György Klösz Pharmacist, Master of Photography and Printing
Endre Táplányi: Gudió Prodam
Csaba Kolozs: Dr. Gyula Szabó
Lajos Hegedűs: Dr. Richárd Windisch Pharmacist, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Lajos Hegedűs, László Szmodits: Tamás Nendvich
Árpád Fazekas: Memoirs of István Kazár, Pharmacist
László Larencz: Endre Kazay Manuscripts on the History of Chemistry Waiting to Be Published for 60 Years
Editorial board: Professor Antal Végh is 80 Years Old
Lajos Hegedűs: Dr. Endre Barta, Pharmacist
Julianna Szőcsényi: Ottó Koritsánszky
Viola Hidvégi: A Forgotten Pharmacist from Pest
Editorial board: Professor György Kedvessy is 70 Years Old
László Szmodits: Dr. Ferenc Darvas
Lajos Hegedűs: József Dorner
Editorial board: Dr. Béla Láng
Lajos Hegedűs, Endre Táplányi: Geyza Karlovszky
Lajos Hegedűs: Dr. Gyula Weszelszky
Bertalan Zboray: Dr. Dezső Wéber
István Grabarits: Data on the Chininum tannicum by Rozsnyay
Aurél Baranyai: Collector of Butterflies and Flowers, Tamás Nendtvich, a Pharmacist in Pécs
Editorial board: Dr. Ottó Clauder
Lajos Hegedűs: Péter Ráth
Ottó Mezei: The Life of Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka from his Years as Pharmacist in Gács
Mariann Bánó-Fleischmann, Károly Zalai: Cosmas and Damian have Returned Home on the Crown of Hungary
Editorial board: In Memoriam Tibor Széki
Endre Táplányi: Pharmaceutical Historical Data on Famous Pharmacists of Veszprém County
Editorial board: Dr. László Gyarmati
Ödön Menner, Sándor Hajdú: Youth, Origin and Career of János Kabay, Birth of the Idea of Morphine Production
Lajos Hegedűs, László Szmodits: Report about the Activity of the Reestablished Hungarian Pharmacy Pantheon Committee
Márta Marosn-Lugosi: Life and Work of István Lumnitzer
Editorial board: Dr. Géza Nyiredi
Pál Varga: In Memory of István Győry
László Larencz: In Memory of Károly Than
István Csejtei: Book of Recipes of József Csokonai, a Surgeon in Debrecen
Editorial board: Viktor Ligeti
Károly Zalai, Péter Gombos: Hungarian Connections of Dr. E.R. Haugseth, a Norwegian Professor
Editorial board: In Memoriam Béla Issekutz, the elder
Kurt Kempler: Proportion of Pharmacists among the Most Famous Hungarian People of 200 Years
Géza Szepessy: Prescriptions of Imre Fekete of Nagyszombat from the End of the 17th Century
Attila Dévay: Unveiling a Memorial Tablet and a Meeting on the 10th Anniversary of the Death of Professor Sándor Mozsonyi
Károly Zalai: Sándor Mozsonyi, Professor and Dean
Júlia Lengyel: János Molnár, the Scientist
Editorial board: Commemorating Endre Kazay at his Birtplace
Editorial board: László Ekkert
Endre Táplányi: In Memory of Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi
Lajos Hegedűs: József Ernyey
László Lárencz: Endre Kazay Endre Memorial Plaque and Medal
László Lárencz: Scientific Work of Károly Than in a Publication for Tourists
Károly Zalai: Contribution of Professor Albert Szent-Györgyi, a Nobel Prize Laurate in the Hungarian Drug Production
Györgyné Ernyey: Dr. Béla Nagy
Lajos Hegedűs, Endre Táplányi: Dr. Ferenc Rex
Andrea Ubrizsy in Savoia: Medico-botanical Data in a Few Less Known Works of Carolus Clusius
Károly Zalai: Pharmaceutical Facets of the Life of the Painter Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka
György Hart: Dr. Vidor Modor
Editorial board: Dr. Károly Nikolics is 70 Years Old
László Lárencz: Pharmaceutical Connections of the Batthyány Family
Editorial board: Professor Antal Végh is 85 Years Old
Takácsi Nagy, Géza: Béla Spergely was Born a 100 Years Ago
Táplányi, Endre: István Rómer
Hegedűs, Lajos: Lajos Winkler
Editorial board: Kurt Kempler
Károly Zalai: Commemorating Professor Sándor Mozsonyi on the 100th Anniversary of his Birth
Ilona Fekete-Bán: Dr. Géza Károly Dobay
Editorial board: Professor György Kedvessy is 75 Years Old
Gyula Rádóczy: Antal Bayer
György Kedvessy: Professor Mozsonyi, as a Professor and as a Man
Ágnes Domokos-Dávid: Lajos Dávid
Antal Brantner: I was brought up in a Pharmacy; Miklós Láng is 70 Years Old
Bertalan Zboray: Dr. Viktor Andriska
Gyula Rádóczy: Asklepios and his Family
Gusztáv Matolcsy: Gyula Piatsek, Pharmacist in Kaposvár was born 100 Years ago
László Kovács: A Meeting to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of dr. Lajos Dávid
Károly Zalai: Paracelsus in Tokaj
Károly Zalai: Paracelsus and Pharmacy
Editorial board: Professor Károly Zalai is 70 Years Old
László Kósa: Commemorating Dr. Antal Vondra on the 100th Anniversary of his Birth
Ferenc Szigetváry, Károly Zalai: Dr. Kurt Ryslavy
Editorial board: Dr. Károly Nikolics is 75 Years Old
Endre Kőrös: Elemér Schulek, Teacher of Generations of Pharmacists and Chemists
Editorial board: In Memoriam Dr. Zoltán Dirner
Ferenc Gaizer: A Late Obituary; Commemorating Gyula Kis, Pharmacist, Assistant Professor on the 40th Anniversary of his Death
Júlia Lengyel: János Sámuel Gertinger, Forgotten Pioneer of Hungarian Sugar Manufacturing
Editorial board: Dr. György Kedvessy is 80 Years Old
Editorial board: Prof. Dr. Elemér Vinkler is 85 Years Old
Editorial board: Dr. Bertalan Zboray is 95 Years Old
Katalin Forró: In Memoriam Döme Argenti
Ferenc Szigetváry: József Antall and the Hungarian History of Pharmacy
Júlia Lengyel: János Wéber, a Pharmacist and a Physician
József Bartus: Life and Work of Gedeon Richter
Editorial board: Antal Végh
Károly Zalai: Professor dr. Kurt Ganzinger
László Szmodits: Dr. János Harsányi, a Nobel Prize Laurate in 1994 Started his Career as a Pharmacist
Mihály Kata: Female Pharmacists; A Driving Force in our Profession
István Budaházy: Collection of Prescriptions from Ferenc Szabó, Pharmacist in Nagyvárad
László Lárencz: In Memoriam the Pharmacists dr. János Kenderes and dr. Zsigmond Bari
Géza Stájer: Representation of the Pharmacist in Literature; in Short Stories and Novels
Géza Stájer: Representation of the Pharmacy and Pharmacist in Films
István Bayer: János Kabay and the Poppy Straw-based Morphin Manufacturing Process
Sándor Hosztafi: János Kabay, Founder of Morphine Production in Hungary
Bertalan Zboray, László Szmodits: Dr. Károly Ottó Moller
Éva Szőke: Gizella Petri, Professor Emeritus is 70 Years Old
László Szmodits: Dr. Rezső Fridli
László Gy Szabó: Commemorating dr. Géza Kóczián, a Pharmacist from Nagyatád, a Respected Researcher of Ethnobotanics in Hungary
Editorial board: Károly Nikolics is 80 Years Old
Károly Zalai: Imre Némedy, a Full Private Professor was Born 100 Years ago
Kálmán Magyar: In Memory of Professor Zoltán Vámossy
Károly Zalai: József Antall and Pharmacy
László Lárencz: Endre Kazay Died 75 Years ago
Gabriella Légrádi: A Few Extracts of the Life and Work of dr. Kurt Kempler
Dezső Kirilly, Károly Zalai: Rezső Somogyi
Károly Zalai, Tibor Orient: Life and Work of Professor Gyula Orient in the Literature of the History of Pharmacy
Andor Zallár: Commemorating Lajos Dávid on the 110th Anniversary of his Birth
Bertalan Zboray, László Szmodits: Sámuel Kazzay
László Szmodits: Dr. Pál Halmi
Géza Stájer: Representation of the Pharmacist and the Pharmacy in the Literature, Part 2.
Béla Noszál: Kálmán Burger
Zoltán Vincze: Dr. Károly Nikolics
Károly Zalai: László Zathurecky
Zoltán Vincze: Dr. Bertalan Zboray
Géza Stájer: Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the Death of Labarraque
Géza Stájer: To the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Fridrich Wöhler
Ferenc Benkő: Pharmaceutical Aspects of the Baranyai Trial in Debrecen
László Gy Szabó.: Famous Pharmacist-Researchers in Pécs
Károly Zalai: Emlékbeszéd Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Death of Professor dr. Sándor Mozsonyi
Erzsébet Sági: Pharmacists, who died in World War II.
Erzsébet Sági: Pharmacists, who died in World War II., Part 2.
Zoltán Hankó: Profession and Public Life
György Kedvessy: Comments on the Festive Meeting in Honour of Professor Sándor Mozsonyi
Zoltán Vincze: Professor Károly Zalai is 80 Years Old
Zoltán Hankó: Loyalty and Service
Zoltán Hankó: Awareness of Proportion
Emil Minker: Where is the Burial Place of dr. Tibor Széki
Dénes Horváth: In Memoriam Professor Mozsonyi
László Lárencz, Jenő Kutas: Famous Hungarian Pharmacists; about the Relationship of Endre Kazay and Gedeon Richter
Zoltán Vincze, Zoltán Hankó: Dr. Károly Nikolics in the Policy of the Pharmacy
József Lipták: Summary of the Professional Activity of Károly Nikolics in the Mirror of the Pharmaceutical Literature
Editorial board: In Memoriam Professor Géza Mezey
Antal Brantner: 100 Years Anniversary of László Szebellédy, Professor of Pharmacy, a Famous Hungarian Pioneer of Analytical Chemistry
Mónika Ferenczi: Pharmacological Aspects of the Life of János Harsányi
Géza Stájer: The Image of the Pharmacologist in the Literature, Part 3.
Éva Hintz, Károly Zalai: From the History of the Transylvanian Hintz Pharmacist Family
Sándor Dörnyei: The Good citizen; a Country Pharmacist in the Last Decades of the 19th Century
Emil Minker: Who was dr. Hugó Issekutz
László Szmodits: Dr. Antal Fleischer
Zoltán Vincze: Professor Szász is 75 Years Old
Zoltán Hankó: 50 years in the Service of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacy
Endre Czeizel: János Harsányi, Pharmacist, Nobel Prize Laureate who was born in Hungary
István Erős: Professor Dr. György Kedvessy
György Tatár: Commemorating Gyula Mikó Professor of Pharmacy
Ágnes Vetsey-Körmendi: Dr. Dénes Horváth, Specialized Pharmacist, 65 Years after Graduation, is now 90
Tamás Aknai: On Csontváry’s Birthday
Gabriella Marczal: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Professor dr. János Halmai
László Pokorny: Professor Gábor Rácz is 75 Years Old
Zoltán Vincze: Professor István Bayer is 80 Years Old
Géza Stájer: Great Personalities and Medicine
Emil Minker: A Few More Features to Add to the Portrait of dr. István Novák
György Szász, Antal Brantner: Antal Végh
Antal Brantner, Zoltán Hankó: In the Spirit of Wisdom
Géza Stájer: Poisoners
István Antal: Ágó
László Józsa: Drugs and Pharmacology in Byzanth
Géza Stájer: Dezső Kosztolányi – Figures
Márkné Munha: In Memoriam Zsuzsanna Kossuth on the 150th Anniversary of her Death
István Erős: Dr. Béla Selmeczi, Professor Emeritus
Endre Táplányi: István Rómer; A Hungarian Pharmacist-Inventor in Vienna
Mónika Ferenczi, Mária Péter H.: Tableau – Kolozsvár, 1903.
Mária Péter H.: A Historical Review of the Female Representatives of the Transylvanian Pharmacy
Antal Brantner: A Pharmacist Family from Baranya County, Part 1.
Antal Brantner: A Pharmacist Family from Baranya County, Part 2.
Antal Brantner: A Pharmacist Family from Baranya County, Part 3.
Antal Brantner: Afterword, Greeting and Request
László Lárencz: About the Life of the Pharmacist Endre Kazay
Béla Dános: Pál Kitaibel
László Szmodits: The History of the Pantheon of Hungarian Pharmacy
László Lárencz, László Szmodits: Teaching Activity of the Famous Hungarian Pharmacist Endre Kazay
László Heneráry: Ferenc Metelka
László Szmodits: Life and Work of the Pharmacist Dr. Ferenc Darvas
László Vértes: Mátyás Rozsnyay and Szabadszállás
Gabriella Marczali, Andrea Balázs: Pharmacognosy in the Works of Alexander Tschirch
György Tatár, Mónika Ferenczi: Mikó vs. Schulek
István Erős, Portraits Turning Pale; Professor dr. Béla Selmeczi was Born 80 Years ago
István Bayer: Antal Bayer
Peroni Adalberto et al.: Some Data Regarding the Iconographic Representation of Sants Cosma and Damian
István Bayer: Honoured and Beloved by All – Dr. Károly Szász was Born 100 Years ago
Péter Tömpe: Geyza Karlovszy, the Discoverer of Thanatol was Born 150 Years ago
László Gy Szabó.: Professor Imre Máthé, academic, an Outstanding Herbal Researcher was Born 100 Years ago
László Szmodits: Life and Work of Aladár Béla Varró
Attila Kovács, J., László Gy. Szabó: Gábor Rácz, an Outstanding Herbalist
János Halmai: János Kabay and Morphine Production in Hungary
Árpád Gerecs: Géza Zemplén
István Bayer: Pál Tuzson
Zoltán Csipke: Imre Némedy
Gábor Rácz: Elemér Kopp
Editorial board: Elemér Schulek
Editorial board: Jenő Székely
Sándor Mozsonyi: Dr. Zoltán Csipke
Editorial board: Dr. Egon Pandula
Elemér Vinkler: Dr. Dénes Kőszegi
Sándor Görög: Dr. Jenő Bayer
Editorial board: Greeting Professor Antal Végh
Gizella Verzár-Petri: In Memoriam Professor Dr. János Halmai
Károlyné Nikolics, Károly Nikolics: Aspects Related to Sopron in Ottó Koritsánszky’s Work
Lajos Pillich: Gedeon Richter, the Pioneer of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry
Károly Nagymarosi: The Role of the Pharmacists of Kecskemét in Draft of the Public Health Bill
Editorial board: Sándor Mozsonyi
Antal Végh: Ferenc Kun
Editorial board: Professor Dr. Antal Végh is 75 Years Old
Editorial board: Ad memoriam
Editorial board: Dr. Kálmán Szász
István Bayer: Greeting Dr. Gábor Vastagh
Antal Végh: István Vitéz is 80
István Rácz: Dr. László Gyarmati
András Háznagy: In memoriam Miklós Békésy
Károly Zalai: Professor Sándor Mozsonyi
Editorial board: Greeting Professor Dr. Antal Végh
Editorial board: Greeting Professor Dr. György Kedvessy
Editorial board: Dr. Ottó Clauder
Editorial board: Greeting Professor Sándor Sárkány on his 80th Birthday
Editorial board: Dr. Gábor Vastagh
Kurt Kempler: The First Hungarian Female Pharmacist
Editorial board: Professor György Kedvessy is 75 Years Old
Sándor Görög: István Gyenes is 75 Years Old
Béla Selmeczi: György Kedvessy is 80 Years Old
Gábor Bernáth: Professor Elemér Vinkler is 85 Years Old
György Szász: Antal Végh
Gábor Bernáth: Dr. Elemér Vinkler
Zoltán Vincze: Dr. Károly Zalai is 75 Years Old
Gábor Szepesi: Good bye Géza
Gizella Petri: In Memoriam Professor Sárkány
Zoltán Vincze: Professor Szász is 70 Years Old
Sándor Görög: Dr. Gizella Petri is 70 Years Old
Sándor Görög: Greeting the 80 year-old Károly Nikolics
István Erős: Dr. Béla Selmeczi, Professor Emeritus is 70 Years Old
Editorial board: Taking Leave of Kálmán Burger
Béla Noszál: Károly Nikolics
Béla Noszál: Endre Kőrös Academic, Professor
Krisztina Takács-Novák: Professor György Szász is 75 Years Old
Romána Zelkó: Dr. Ágoston Dávid
Kálmán Szendrei: In Memoriam Szabolcs Nyiredy
Imre Klebovich: In Memoriam István Rácz, Professor Emeritus; Pharmacist Career of 50 Years
Sylvia Marton, János Plachy: In Memoriam Professor dr. István Rácz, the Scientist
Editorial board: Ernő Pungor
Editorial board: Lajos Barcza
Editorial board: Endre Morava
Krisztina Majoros, Károly Mazák: The Role of Pharmacist Members of the Academy in the Development History of Chemistry
Béla Noszál, György Szász: Greeting Professor László Szabó
Editorial board: Professor Dr. László Szabó
Béla Noszál: Dr. Klára Tóth
Béla Noszál: Dr. József Laszlovszky
Szilvia Pócsik: History of Dynasties of Pharmacists
Editorial board: In memoriam dr. Bertalan Zboray
Editorial board: In memoriam Gábor Maurer Specialized Pharmacist
Editorial board: In memoriam Sándorné Piliskó, Zsuzsanna Szécsi
Editorial board: In memoriam dr. Ede Kolos professor emeritus
Editorial board: Dini Bácsi – Greeting dr. Dénes Horváth, the Chief Pharmacist of Sopron on the 75th Anniversary of his Graduation
Mária Terplán-Balogh: Memorial Medals presented to Prof. Dr. István Bayer and Prof. Dr. József Laszlovszky
Mária Terplán-Balogh: Memorial Medals presented toIstván Kerényi and Károly Fäller
Mária Terplán-Balogh: Memorial Medals presented to László Kósa, János Borvendég and Ede Kolos
Mária Terplán-Balogh: Memorial Medals presented to Edit Kovács and Noémi Oltványi
Mária Terplán-Balogh, Mária Ildikó Abádi-Erdei: Memorial Medals presented to Ilona Török and József Hamvas
Editorial board: Professor József Laszlovszky is 85 Years Old
Editorial board: In memoriam Ferenc Kiss
Editorial board: In memoriam Zsuzsanna Perjés and István Écsy
Editorial board: Károly Fäller is 90 Years old
Editorial board: Prof. József Lipták is 70 Years Old
Editorial board: Károly Fäller Died
Editorial board: Prof. István Bayer is 90 Years Old
Tünde Ambrus: Pharmacy staff in the Hungarian Province of the Merciful Brethren Order in the first decades of 20th century
Robert Offner, László András Magyar: Obituary of Samuel Schvartz (1701-1749), “illustrious man” and former pharmacist of Kolozsvár
László Szmodits: The life and work of István Örkény, a famous Hungarian pharmacist and writer
László Szmodits: The role of the Burchard-Bélaváry family of Hungarian origin in pharmacy and medicine in Tallin (Estonia) between 1582 to 1911– a 600 year old pharmacy
Gábor Sey: Lajos Sey, owner of the Medallion of Professional Excellence died 30 years ago
László Szmodits: Women in the Hungarian Pharmacy with a full list of female pharmacists graduated in our universities (Budapest, Kolozsvár, Szeged) up to 1950
László Szmoidts: A full list of female pharmacists graduated in our universities (Budapest, Kolozsvár, Szeged) up to 1950
Obituary: Professor József Laszlovszky; with knowledge in the service of control of medicinal products (1923-2014)
Obituary: Dr. Tamás Mohr (1924-2014)
Obituary: Dr. Ernő Stenszky (1926-2014)
Obituary: Klára Tóth (1939-2014)
István Bayer: Commemoration of Professor Elemér Schulek, leading figure of the development of the regulatory drug control system, at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death
István Erős: History of a Department. Part 2. Golden Age – Prof. dr. dr. h.c. G. Kedvessy was born 100 years ago. Part II.1. Education – in focus
István Erős: Commemoration of Gyula Pálfy
Ödön Menner: The memory of János Kabay in works of fine arts
Ödön Menner: Patents of János Kabay on morphin manufacturing
László Gyula Szabó: Outstanding figures of Hungarian medicinal herb research 1.
László Gyula Szabó: Outstanding figures of Hungarian medicinal herb research 2.
László Gyula Szabó: Outstanding figures of Hungarian medicinal herb research 3.
László Szmodits: Anno….Anniversaries of famous pharmacists in 2015
György Tatár: Dr. Aba Hermény Sztankay, a disgracefully forgotten private university professor, pharmacist in Debrecen
János Ragettli: Curriculum vitae
Obituary: The history of Réthy family
László Szmodits: Life and work of Antal Frank, a pharmacist in Szeged, Hungary
Lajos Hegedűs: Life and work of Mátyás Rozsnyay
Mária Péter H.: Transylvanian Pharmacist Dynasties. Part I.
László Szmodits: The memory of Endre Kazay, pharmacist, in Vértesacsa, Fejér county
László Szmodits: Jesus Christ the Pharmacist
László Szmodits: The pharmaceutical activities of Endre Kazay (1876-1923)
Szabolcs Dobson, Károly Kapronczay, László Szmodits, Júlia Singer: Analysis of the lifespan of Hungarian medical doctors and pharmacists born between 1800 and 1925
Szabolcs Dobson, Károly Kapronczay, László Szmodits, Júlia Singer: Lifespan – Doctors – Pharmacists – Hungary – 1800-1925
Hilda Kőszegi-Szalai: Professor István Bayer is 90 years old
Anna Megyeri: The Kasztner family – A pharmacist family in Zalaegerszeg in the 19—20th centuries. In ‘Közlemények Zala megye múzeumaiból (Zalaegerszeg, 2008)’
Ernőné Rosztóczy: Chapters from the history of the Bereczk family. The life of Péter Bereczk and the problems of pharmacy. In ‘A Hódmezővásárhelyi Szeremlei Társaság Évkönyve 2011 (Hódmezővásárhely, 2012)’
Lajos Zombori: In the footsteps of Csontváry in Northern Hungary (Felvidék)
Pál Varga: The history of a pharmacist family of Debrecen. In ‘A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve 1979 (Debrecen, 1981)’
Ernő Csekő: About the relationship of Cecile Tormay and Ferenc Herczeg to Szekszárd and the history of their families in Szekszárd – I. (In ‘A Wosinszky Mór Múzeum Évkönyve 31.’ (Szekszárd, 2009))
Ernő Csekő: About the relationship of Cecile Tormay and Ferenc Herczeg to Szekszárd and the history of their families in Szekszárd – II. (In ‘A Wosinszky Mór Múzeum Évkönyve 31.’ (Szekszárd, 2009))
Attila Szabó, Miklós Vecsernyés, Ildikó Bácskay: The life of a Jewish Pharmacist (Jenő Gerle)
László Szmodits: The life and work of Sándor Faragó (1901-1991)
László Szabó: Hungarian ethno(pharmaco)botanists
László Szmodits: Life and works of the pharmacist Endre Táplányi
Peykovska Penka: A Hungarian Pharmacist in Central Balkans in the second half of the 19th century. Identity in the mirror of the life history and personal writings of György Szilágyi. Bácsország 61, 90-92 (2012)
Peykovska Penka: Hungarian pharmacist carriers in Bulgaria in the second half of the 19th century. Published in: Tradition and modernization in the 18th – 20th centuries. Eds. Bodnár Erzsébet, Demeter Gabor. Budapest: Hungarovox, 2008, pp. 140-148.
Károly Balázs: The life of Capesius, the pharmacist of Auschwitz, and his role in World War II.
György Tatár: The movement of László Muraközy, pharmacist, and his colleagues in Debrecen for the development of pharmacy
László Szmodits: Dr. László Lárencz
István Bayer: Commemoration on Elemér Schulek, the leading figure of the development of the system of government control of medicinal products, on the occasion of the 50 years of his death
Autoreferatum: An evening in the club of retired pharmacists
István Erős: Commemoration on Gyula Pálfy
László Veress: The multiple scientific interests of Transylvanian pharmacist, Pál Meissner (1778-1864) in the 18th – 19th centuries
Grlica Mirko: The followers of Galenus
Viktor Ligeti: In front of a double mirror
Irén Kollányi: The pharmacists of the Korányi family
Ed. board: The birth house of the Than brothers is to be rebuilt
György Szász – Krisztina Takács-Novák: The 150th birth anniversary of Lajos Winkler
István Erős: Fading faces. The 100th birth anniversary of András Háznagy
Attila Godzsák: A pharmacist and Cross-arrow Party member and military officer: Tibor barczikai Barczikay (1900-1969)
Szabolcs Dobson: The cases of Rezső Glück, pharmacist with Saint Peter, the police, wifes, medicines and bankruptcy
based on an article of Oliviu Cristian Gaidoş: Lajos Vértes (1856-1940), the most outstanding pharmacist of Lugos (Romania)
László Földvári: Géza Fekete, a Hungarian pharmacist who became a foreign legionary in France. A Hódmezővásárhelyi Szeremlei Társaság Évkönyve (2008)
Szabolcs Dobson: The history of a duel in 1934 because of the book “History of the Hungarian Pharmacy”
László Szmodits: Commemorations on my professional life in pharmacy
László Szmodits: The life and work of Dr Rezső Forgács (1887-1927), and the Pharmacist Division of the Galilei Circle.
Szmodits László: The medical doctor and pharmacist members of the Hainiss-Sperlágh family, Hungary
Klára Szeghy: Commemorations in the cemetery of Pécs (Hungary), at the graves of László Lárencz, István Hartai and Zsigmond Bari (05. 11. 2018.)
Attila Godzsák: Tobias Kaltenstein, first pharmacist in Zemplén county – Lajos Kossuth’s great-grandfather, Ferenc Kazinczy’s father’s doctor
Gábor Répay pharmacist (Kadarkút, Hungary), has died at the age of 78, on the 22nd of December
Tünde Gracza: A contribution to the history of the 9th pharmacy of Pécs (Hungary): the years of Ödön Abrudbányai Rédiger in Pécs
László Szmodits: László Orosz, pharmacist, and the Association of Employed Pharmacists
László Szmodits: The life and scientific work of Dr. László Vitéz, pharmacist
László Szmodits: The life and work of the medical doctor and pharmacist members of the Löcherer family (Hungary)
Árpád Fazekas: The Gyógyszerészi Közlöny (Pharmaceutical Bulletin) of Kálmán Csurgay
Ferenc Benkő: Benjámin Pókai, provisor of the City Pharmacy of Debrecen in 1733
László Szmodits: The life and work of dr. Kálmán Emszt, pharmacist
Fehér Andrásné Vincze Katalin: Miklós Vincze (Weiszberger) (1885. 04. 03. – 1945. 01. 10.), pharmacist of Kunszentmárton, Hungary
László Szmodits: The life and works of Kálmán Csurgay, pharmacist
Tamás Bozó: I am proud and happy to be a pharmacist – an interview with Mária H. Péter on her 85th birthday
Dániel Pifkó: From Kolozsvár to Szombathely – The career of a Hungarian female teacher, Elvira Valentini (Valentiny) (1883-1942)
László Szmodits: Aurél Stadler pharmacist, poet (1894-1973)
László Szmodits: Pharmacists of the Brenner and Decsy families
László Veress: One hundred years ago, in 1924 was published in Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár) Róbert Gajzágó’s book, the “Romanian folk names of over-the-counter medicines and a dictionary of words used in conversations, with their Latin and Hungarian meanings”
László Szmodits: Life and achievements of László Hűvös (1993-1973) pharmacist
László Gy. Szabó: Book Launch: Brandner – A polyhistor pharmacist
Armamentarium of Drugs, Pharmacopoeias
István Grabarits: History of the Armamentarium of Drugs, Recipes and Pharmacopoeias
István Grabarits: The Birth of Pharmacopoeias
István Grabarits: Rare Books in Kalocsa
István Grabarits: Rare Books in Kalocsa, Part 2
István Grabarits: Minerals in the Armamentarium of Drugs
István Grabarits: Occurrence of Grapes and Wine in Old Drugs
István Grabarits: Data on the Evolution of Hungarian Names of Drugs
Bertalan Zboray: The 100 Year Old Pharmacopoeia Hungarica
Ödön Füves: Greek Translations of the Pharmacopoeia of Dávid Sámuel Madai
Mihály Kőhegyi: Tried and Tested Medicines from 1684
Antal Angyal: Pharmaceutical Dissertation about the Hydrargyrum Iodatum and the Nitrea Lixivae
Máté Theodorovits: Pharmaceutical Dissertation about Murias Stibii and the Subacetas Plumbi liquidus
Ignác Lamer: Pharmaceutical Dissertation about Jodoretum Plumbi and Acetas Argentici
János Halmai: Botanical Achievements of the Pharmacists in Hungary in the First Half of the 19th Century
Gyula Rádóczy: Official Drug Norms in Hungary
János Halmai: Pharmacist Instructions from the 18th Century
András Bognár: Old Drugs
Gyula Rádóczy: Old Pharmaceutical Measures and the History of their Origin
László András Magyar: Scatotherapy
László András Magyar: A Short History of Enema
László András Magyar: Leech Therapy
László András Magyar: Panacea; Plaster for All Sores
László András Magyar: Ruland’s Scatotherapy
Gyula Benczúr: An Outline of Domestic and Foreign Mineral Waters
Szabolcs Dobson: Authorized Drug Methuselahs in Hungary
Szabolcs Dobson: Birth of the Formulae Normales (FoNo); A Conflict between Community Pharmacists and the Pharmaceutical Industry in Hungary
SzabolcsDobson, Anna Dobson V.: Authorized Drugs of the 1940-ies still in Use Today
Szabolcs Dobson, Anna Dobson V.: Soviet Drugs in Hungary
Szabocs Dobson: Activities of the National Institute of Pharmacy in the Pharmaceutical Co-operation of COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)
Éva Pleck-Makk, Anita Nagy: On the Way to the Current Pharmacopoeia
József Antall: The First Medicinal Pharmaceutical Chemisty Book in Hungarian Language
Károly Nikolics: Presenting the 4th Edition of Formulae Normales
István Éllő: Recipies in the 4th Edition of Formulae Normales
László Kovács: Dermatological Aspects of the 4th Edition of Formulae Normales
János Halmai: Pharmacological Aspects of 18th Century Drug Names
Erik Zajta: New Hungarian Drugs
Elemér Schulek: Preparation of the 6th Edition of Pharmacopoeia
Endre Siftár: New Hungarian Drugs – K-Strophantosid
Endre Siftár: New Hungarian Drugs – Digoxin
Erik Zajta: Modern Androgenes
István Éllő: About Magistral Preparations
Zathureczky Ladislav: Current Issues in Galenic Pharmacy
Béla Rimay: Ways of Development for the Galenic Pharmacy
János Halmai: Instuctions in Taxa Pharmaceutica Posoniensis (1745)
Béla Láng: Addendum to the 5th Edition of Pharmacopoeia
László Kálmán: Formal Requirements of Writing Prescriptions
Imréné Bozsai et al.: Chemical Control of Drugs Prepared According to the 4th Edition of FoNo
Kurt Kempler: About Pricing in Pharmacies
Anna Kovách: Chemical Control of Drugs Prepared According to the 4th Edition of Formulae Normales
Editorial board: 6th Edition of Pharmacopoeia Hungarica in Preparation
Árpád Blázy: Data about Taxa Pharmaceutica Posoniensis
Zsuzsanna Pollák, Miksa Almásy: Phlogosam Ointment
István Éllő: The 5th Edition of Formulae Normales in Preparation
Erzsébet Gidai: Some Principles of Pricing in Pharmacies and some Problems of Price System
János Halmai: Pharmacopoeia Humorica Ed. 1.
János Halmai: Pharmacopoeia Humorica Ed. 2.
János Halmai: Pharmacopoeia Humorica Ed. 3.
László Takáts: About a170 Year Old Military Pharmacopoeia
Béla Láng: The 6th Edition of Pharmacopoeia Hungarica
István Szentgyörgyi: A Pharmaceutical Textbook in the Reform Age
Tiborné Forray: The New Pharmacopoeia Comes into Effect
György Seregély, István Szentgyörgyi: Data on the History of Pharmacy and Ethnography Related to Abortives and Contraceptives in Hungary
Zoltánné Szirovicza: Notes on Some Pill Formulations of the Formulae Normales V
Emil Haits: Treatment with Freshly Compounded (magistral) Preparations from the Physician’s Point of View
Lajos Répay: Alchemy and Pharmacy
Balbaa S: Past and Present of Egyptian Pharmacy
István Vitéz: Hygenic Prevention of Cholera
Gyula Simon: Some Practical Comments on the 6th Edition of Pharmacopoeia Hungarica and the 5th Edition of Formulae Normales
Tiborné Forray: Additional Comments on the Pharmacopoeia
Kurt Ganzinger: History of Pharmacy as Reflected in the Austrian Pharmacopoeias Published from the Age of Maria Theresia to 1855
Editorial board: 100th Anniversary of the Pharmacopoeia Hungarica
Géza Szepessy: Moxa, an Ancient Japanese Healing Practice
Lajos Répay: The Origin of the Symbol of Pharmacies
Géza Szepessy: On the History of Serpent Cult
Géza Szepessy: Interesting Data of the Old Herbal Book of András Beythe
Géza Szepessy: Advice on Healthy Life from the 18th Century
Géza Szepessy: Additional Data on the History of Hungarian Iatrochemistry
Géza Szepessy: Febris Ungarica in a 200-Year Old German Book
Géza Szepessy: A Machina Magica from Kolozsvár (Cluj) from the 17th Century
Kurt Kempler: A 100 Year Old Forerunner of Formulae Normales
Antal Végh: Analytical Tasks of the Pharmacopoeia Working Committee
Lajos Répay: Invocation of Prescriptions and the Recipe
Norbert Duka Zólyomi: Business Record Books of a Pharmacy in Nagyszombat in the 17th Century
Dezső Tóth et al.: Unit-Dose Dispensing System in Hospital Pharmacies
József Hamvas: Mistaken Drug Switches in the 19th Century based on Emil Felletár’s Works
Editorial board: About the Editorial Work of the 7th Pharmacopoeia Hungarica
György Kedvessy: Current Technological Problems of Editing the Pharmacopoeia Hungarica
Géza Kóczián et al.: Data on Folk Medicine of Kalotaszeg
Lajos Répay: About Serpent Symbols
Balázs Bugyi: About the Originator of the Name Camelia
József Spielmann, Mihály Spielmann: János Kájoni’s Herbarium
Norbert Duka Zólyomi: Application of Analytic Methods to Identify Old Drugs
Kurt Kempler: Price Level of Drugs from Coming Into Effect of the 1st Hungarian Pharmacopoeia
Anna Homoki, Balázs Gémes: Medicine Chest and Home Remedies among the People of Szálka
Norbert Duka Zólyomi: Drug Dispensing Service of a Pharmacy in Pozsony (Bratislava) in the 16th Century
Júlia Ádám: Aromatic Waters in the 16th-17th Century
Vilmos Miklóssy V.: János Kájoni’s Useful Medical Book and its Sources
István Grabarits, Károly Zalai: Classification and Evaluation of the Hungarian Armamentarium of Drugs of the 18th Century
László Burgetti: Analysis of the Turnover of Veterinary Medicines of a Pharmacy during Ten Years
Pál Varga: A 100 Year Old Drug Manual
Editorial board: Development Opportunities of Magistral Recipies
Kurt Kempler: Political Difficulties during the Compilation of the First Hungarian Pharmacopoeia
Gyula Rádóczy: 18th Century Dispensatories in Vienna
Gyula Rádóczy: The Pharmacopoeia Austriaco-Provincialis
Mariann Bíróné Menyhért: From the “Dirt Pharmacy” to Penicillin
Árpád Szabó: Records of Folk Medicine Used from 1850 to 1880
Gyula Rádóczy: Official Editions of Pharmacopoeia Austriaca in Hungary
István Grabarits: Centenary of the Addendum to the First Pharmacopoeia Hungarica
Gyula Rádóczy: About the Hungarian Pharmacopoeias
Brauner H.: Herbal Medicines in the Pharmacies
István Bayer: Introduction of New Drugs
András Háznagy: Are Pharmacists Interested in Medicinal Plants?
Károly Nikolics: Magistral Drug Supply of Hospitals from Community Pharmacy
Gyula Rádóczy: The Norma Pauperum
Gyula Rádóczy: About the Formulae Normales
György Kedvessy: Preface to the New Edition of the Formulae Normales
László Szmodits: Volatile Oils in a Drug Booklet from the 18th Century
Gyula Rádóczy: About the Formulae Normales Veterinariae
Tamás Paál: Comments on the New Hungarian Pharmacopoeia
Editorial board: The 7th Edition of the Hungarian Pharmacopoeia
Géza Szepessy: The Role of Mercury in Medicine and in Alchemy
Károly Szász: How can the Manual be Utilized in Practice?
László Pávics: The 6th Edition of the Formulae Normales has been published
János Balogh: The History of the Ointment and Solution of Burow
Mária Budaházy, István Budayházy, István Rácz: Data on Important Books from Medical Biology Point of View between the 16th and 18th Centuries available in the Libraries at Marosvásárhely
Erzsébet Némethné Rokaly: Insight in the History of Volatile Oils
Gyula Rádóczy: The Antidotarium Nicolai
László András Magyar: Tobacco Poems of Scriverius and Tobacco Names in the 16th – 17th Centuries
Dénes Horváth: Problems Associated with Using Pharmaceutical Industry-made Preparations in Magistral Preparations
Tamás Paál: Remedies of Natural Origin in Hungary
Katalin Kissné Ábrahám: Therapy of Diseases at the Beginning of the 19th Century in Békés County, Part 1.
Katalin Kissné Ábrahám: Therapy of Diseases at the Beginning of the 19th Century in Békés County, Part 2.
László Lárencz: Flora Budensis, a 200 Year Old Herbarium
Mária Papné Patkós, Ferenc Endrényi: Past, Present and Future of our Armamentarium of Drugs
Iván Halm: Drug Chest of Hildegard von Bingen
Katalin Kissné Ábrahám: Therapy in the Mirror of Official Ordinances at the Turn of the 19th Century
Katalin Kissné Ábrahám: Data on the Folk-therapy of Rabies in the 19th Century
József Hamvas: For the the 7th Edition of Formulae Normales
Károly Zalai: Christoph Wirsung’s Pharmacopoeia from the Year 1568
Szabolcs Dobson: New Governmental Guidelines on the Therapy of Widespread Diseases in Hungary
György Bagó, Mihály Kata, György Stampf: The Manuscript of the 3rd Edition of the Formulae Normales Veterinariae has been Finished
Erzsébet Sági: About Drug and Bandage Supply of Military Pharmacies
Erzsébet Sági: About Civilian Drug Supply
Tamás Grynaeus: A Critical Overview of the Historical Sources on the Health Conditions of the Era of the Hungarian Conquest of the Carpathian Basin
Tamás Grynaeus: Words and Expressions Related to Human Anatomy, Body Functioning, Internal Diseases and Diseases of the Eye in the Era of the Hungarian Conquest of the Carpathian basin and the House of Árpád
Tamás Grynaeus: Pregnancy, Delivera and Breast Feeding
Tamás Grynaeus: Infections, Metabolic, Tumor and Skin Diseases and Parasites
Tamás Grynaeus: An Example of Medieval Healthcare; St. Anthony’s Fire and the Antonite Order
László Nagy et al.: Guidelines and Modernization Efforts during the Editorial Work of the 7th Edition of Formulae Normales
József Budai: Epidemics in History
Tamás Paál: Switch of Paramedicines to the OTC category
Dénes Horváth: Are Magistral Medicines Still Needed in Hungary?
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible, 3.
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible, 5.
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible, 6.
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible, 7.
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible, 8.
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible, 9.
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible, 10.
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible, 11.
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible, 12.
László Józsa: Diseases and Healing in the Bible, 14.
Gábor Krajsovszky: Comment on Part “Sex and Marriage” Published in the Series ‘Diseases and Healing in the Bible’
Zoltán Hankó: The New Formulae Normales is about to be Published
Zoltán Hankó: Cosmetics in the Pharmacy
Szabolcs Dobson: Excursions in the Past of Medicinal Therapy
Géza Stájer: Freud, Sherlock Holmes, Cocaine and the Coca Cola
Hilda Kőszeginé Szalai: Volume 1 of the 8th Edition of the Hungarian Pharmacopoeia has been published
Erzsébet Bozsik et al.: The New Edition of Formulae Normales
Mária Péter H.: Drugs Recommended for Gastric Complaints in Ars Medica by György Lencsés
Miklós Gábor: Recollections on the Product Development Process of Azulenol
Bertalan Galambosi, Zsuzsanna Galambosné Szebeni: The Finnish Garden Posoniensis
Mária Péter H. et al.: Collection of Handwritten Recipes of the Solymossy Pharmacists in Székelyudvarhely, Part 1
Mária Péter H. et al.: Collection of Handwritten Recipes of the Solymossy Pharmacists in Székelyudvarhely, Part 2.
István Bayer: The 200th Birthday of Pharmacognosy
István Budaházy: Collection of Handwritten Recipes as Documents of the History of Pharmacy
Árpád Kiss: The Dreaded Bay of Benin and the Quinine, Part 1.
Árpád Kiss: The Dreaded Bay of Benin and the Quinine, Part 2.
Árpád Kiss: The Dreaded Bay of Benin and the Quinine, Part 3.
Tibor Vályi-Nagy: Development and Novel Trends in Drug Research
Károly Zalai: Medico-Pharmacological References in a Hungarian Codex in the 12th Century
Antal Simay: History and Main Achievements of the Institute for Drug Research (GYKI)
József Iván Székely: Discovery of the Pain Killing Effect of the Endorphins – as Seen by a Biased Pharmacologist
Ferenc Andrási: Research of Anti-Peptic Ulcer Substances in the Institute for Drug Research (GYKI)
Gábor Ambrus: Microbiological Research in the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry
János Kuszmann: Research of Anti-Cancer Substances in the Institute for Drug Research (GYKI)
Péter Mátyus: Research of Cardiovascular Active Substances in the Institute for Drug Research (GYKI)
Katalin Horváth: Research of Central Nervous System Drugs in the Institute for Drug Research (GYKI); a successful compound family, the 2,3-benzodiazepines
Hilda Kőszeginé Szalai et al.: Quo vadis, Hungarian Pharmacopoeia
Sándor Hosztafi: The History of Heroin
Sándor Görög: The Role of Analytical Chemistry in the Pharmacy of the 21st Century
Sándor Antus: Research of Biologically Active Compounds at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Debrecen between 1992 and 2009, Part 1.
Sándor Antus: Research of Biologically Active Compounds at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Debrecen between 1992 and 2009, Part 2.
Sándor Antus: Research of Biologically Active Compounds at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Debrecen between 1992 and 2009, Part 3.
Sándor Antus: Research of Biologically Active Compounds at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Debrecen between 1992 and 2009, Part 4.
Judit Forrai et al.: Ways and Means of Treating Syphylis in the 16th Century
Réka Hanyecz: The Beginnings of Parfume Usage in the Beauty Industy
Eszter Ágnes Fazekas: The Relationship of Folk Medicine and Modern Medicine in the 19th Century Hungary
Csilla Kátai: The History and Culture of Coffee
Erzsébet Bozsik, Tamás Paál: The new Edition of Formulae Normales – A Summary Especially for Physicians
Szabolcs Dobson: PIPACH – the first Hungarian pharmaceutical care study
György Stampf, Mihály Kata: Magistral preparations for veterinary medicine
Ádám Panker: From the Medical Bag to the Toolbar Healers – 100 years of colloidal silver
Mónika Ferenczi: Pharmacopoea Universalis, Weimar, 1845
Tamás Németh et al: Published VIII. EUR Pharmacopeia IV. volume
Mónika Ferenczi: Dr. Árpád Bókay – newer drugs
Veronika Horvath: The road leading to the discovery of hirudin, or the medical history of the therapeutic use of leeches
Edina Zvara: Hungarian plant denominations and old disease names from the 16th century
Mária Péter H.: András Zey’s 18th century Medical Book
Szabolcs Dobson: The everlasting pill or pilula perpetua
Ágost Trebbin: History of the “Mecseki gyógyitóka” /Mecsek healing liqueur/. Yearbook of the Mecsek Egyesület (Pécs, 2010)
Ferenc Rakiás: Authorisation of radioactive medicinal products: past and present
Árpád Kiss: Ship’s logbooks from West-Africa and the malaria
Zoltán Pallag: The golden age and dawn of herbal books – an interview with László András Magyar
Nóra Papp: What is inside the books – herbal books today and in the past
László András Magyar: Tokaji vine as medicine
Nándor Lóránd: About the written data of folk medicine in the pharmacy history collection of Bács-Kiskun county
Nándor Lóránd: Learn more on the history of medicine in Bács-Kiskun county
Nándor Lóránd: Rabbit fat and ox bile
Nándor Lóránd: Organotherapy in the past
Nándor Lóránd: More data on the history of the 19th century cholera epidemics in Hungary
Nándor Lóránd: Take a bit of hamster blood powder
Mária Péter H.: The use of medicinal herbs in actual fitotherapy presented in Nadányi’s thesis, “Alexikepus”
Mária Péter H.: Presentation of the Hungarian Herbarium wrote by János Kájoni in 1673 and few medicinal plant’s evaluation based on our current knowledge
István Grabarits, Szabolcs Dobson, Viktória Szima: A comparative study of materia medicas on the 18. century drawer labellings of pharmacy furniture in the Kőszeg and Székesfehérvár Jesuit pharmacies
István Grabarits, Szabolcs Dobson, Viktória Szima: A comparative study of materia medicas on the 18. century drawer labellings of pharmacy furniture in the Kőszeg and Székesfehérvár Jesuit pharmacies – ATTACHMENT 1
István Grabarits, Szabolcs Dobson, Viktória Szima: A comparative study of materia medicas on the 18. century drawer labellings of pharmacy furniture in the Kőszeg and Székesfehérvár Jesuit pharmacies – ATTACHMENT 2
László Gy. Szabó: Medicines used 1000 years ago in the Pécsvárad Monastery
Béla Issekutz: The history of Hungarian drug research
István Sugár: The History of the Eger water (“egri víz”)
János Halmai: Antidotarium Cassoviense 1732. In ’ Az Országos Orvostörténeti Könyvtár közleményei 33 (Budapest, 1964)
Szabolcs Dobson: The history of use of animal fats in Hungary in the official pharmacy and folk medicine
Szabolcs Dobson: Enlightenment, medicines and complementary therapy
Gyula Orient: Transylvanian alchimists – The alchimia of Gábor Bethlen, the monarch of Transylvania
Szabolcs Dobson: The history of OTC medicines in Hungary
The 30.000 Ordinance of 1912 of the Home Secretary of the Hungarian Kingdom on the list of acknowledged branded medicinal products – 1
The 30.000 Ordinance of 1912 of the Home Secretary of the Hungarian Kingdom on the list of acknowledged branded medicinal products – 2
The list of branded medicinal products issued by the 56.218 Ordinance of 1914 of the Home Secretary of the Hungarian Kingdom, which has been offically acknowledged by the Home Secretary of the Hungarian Kingdom, the Governor of Croatia-Slavonia-Dalmatia and the Imperial Home Secretary of Austria – 1
The list of branded medicinal products issued by the 56.218 Ordinance of 1914 of the Home Secretary of the Hungarian Kingdom, which has been offically acknowledged by the Home Secretary of the Hungarian Kingdom, the Governor of Croatia-Slavonia-Dalmatia and the Imperial Home Secretary of Austria – 2
Tamás Horányi: Paramedicinal preparations (past, present and possible future)
György Stampf: Participation of pharmacists in animal health care
Róbert György Vida – Lajos Botz: A magisztrális gyógyszerkészítés hazai és nemzetközi helyzetének áttekintése
István Bayer: A 100 year old tariff book of medicinal products: a mirror of pharmacy of that time
Mihály Kata, Árpád Gyéresi: Registered medicinal products in 1943. 1. Hungarian pharmacies manufacturing registered medicinal products and their products
Árpád Gyéresi, Mihály Kata, Mária Gyéresi: Registered medicinal products in 1943. 2. Transylvanian pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies, and their registered medicinal products
Árpád Gyéresi, Mihály Kata, Emese Sipos, Gabriel Hancu, Hajnal Kelemen: From the national Pharmacopoeia to the linguistic adaptation of the European Pharmacopoeia – 140 years of the Hungarian Pharmacopoeia
Géza Balázs: Spirits and liqueurs produced by monks in monasteries of Hungary
Katalin Simon: Echoes of the Contergan Tragedy in Hungarian journals and medical literature of the Kádár Era
Szabolcs Dobson: Viperin ointment – probably the most bizarr therapy of rhinitis in the 20th century
Szabolcs Dobson: The oral antidiabetic drops of Lajos Fördős (1893-1948), a Hungarian pharmacist
Zoltán Losonczy: An interview with Anna Csillag, the inventor and marketing personality of the most famous Hungarian hair-restorer
Mária Nagy-Tóth: Pharmacists and pharmacist familiaris associates. Apothecary bills of Ádám Batthyány I. and his wife, Auróra Katalin Formentini from 1650 to 1654. In: Társadalom- és életmód-történeti kalandozások térben és időben a nyugat-dunántúli végektől a Kárpátokig (ed.: J. Újváry Zsuzsanna). Piliscsaba, 2014. ISBN 978-963-308-199-0
Szabolcs Dobson: A life from the apst: Dr. Márta Dózsa, a teacher and pharmacist (1900, Pancsova – 1981, Miskolc)
Szabolcs Dobson,Viktória Szima: To what extent was medicinal therapy uniform in Hungary of the 18th centrury? A comparative analysis of the drawer labels of two pieces of furniture in the Jesuit apothecaries of Kőszeg and Székesfehérvár
Dobson Szabolcs: The 1937 flu outbreak: cheap quinine for the poeple or the „selfless offering of the pharmacist community”
Gyula Rádóczy: About the predecessors of the Formulae Normales
Antal Csipes: Two prescriptions from the 16. century
Dobson Szabolcs, Körmendy Adrienn, Gyéresi Árpád: Our experiences with a reproduced tooth powder from 1910.
The very first vaccine against COVID-19: the Gam-KOVID-Vak combination vectorial vaccine (Summary of Product Characteristics)
The World’s second (first Western) vaccine against COVID-19: the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 (Summary of Product Characteristics)
Uršula Ambrušová: Healing in the Changes of Time – Species Tychonis Brahe
Uršula Ambrušová: Healing in the Changes of Time – Bezoar
Uršula Ambrušová: Healing in the Changes of Time – Aqua Reginae Hungariae
Uršula Ambrušová: Healing in the Changes of Time – Aurum potabile
Uršula Ambrušová: Healing in the Changes of Time – Laudanum
Uršula Ambrušová: Healing in the Changes of Time – Opodeldoc
Gyula Rádóczy: Development of official drug normatives in Hungary from 1729 to our days. Theses of PhD dissertation; Budapest, 1985
Dželajlija D.; Milošević Georgijev A.: Bibijana hand-care lotion
Dželajlija D.; Milošević Georgijev A.: Flavors and essences from Joanović pharmacy
Dželajlija D.; Milošević Georgijev A.: The lost glamour of pharmacy in Debeljaća
Szabolcs Dobson: Emerging dominance of synthetic medicines before the era of modern clinical trials
Lívia Kölnei, Mária Kóczián: History of Homeopathy in Hungary (1820-2000)
Mária Kóczián, Lívia Kölnei: History of Homeopathic Treatment in Hungary from 1820 to 1990
Hortenzia Váradi: History of Homeopathy in Hungary
Lívia Kölnei: Similar with Similar
Lívia Kölnei: Homeopathy and Health Education in the 19th Century
Lívia Kölnei: Trends in Alternative Medicine in Hungary in the 19th Century
László Kiss: The First Association of the Hungarian Homeopaths (1843-1845)
Lajos Groák: Salicyl Therapy, Homeopathy and the History of Medicine
Mária Kóczián, Lívia Kölnei: Vitam et sanguinem; an Interview with dr. Erik Zajta
Erik Zajta: A Short Review of the Homeopathic Drug Making in Hungary
Károly Váradi: Homeopathy
Lajos Simon; Mihály Kata: Homeopathy, survival of an alternative medication practice without any scientific evidence
State Contol of Drugs
Tamás Paál: Drug Registration at the (OGYI) National Institute of Pharmacy
János Borvendég et al: Evaluation of Toxicological Pharmacological and Clinical Documentation at the (OGYI) National Institute of Pharmacy
János Borvendég et al.: Authorization of Clinical Trials at the (OGYI) National Institute of Pharmacy
Mária Varjúné Bogdán, Kinga Markovihné Králik: Evaluation and Registration of Paramedicines
Sándor Elek: Monitoring, Evaluation and Archiving of Adverse Reactions in National Institute of Pharmacy
János Borvendég: Medicine Clinical Trials in Hungary
János Borvendég: Tasks, Structure, Operation and Future Transformation Plans of EMEA
Gyuláné Mészáros: Marketing Authorization
Hilda Kőszeginé Szalai: Drug Quality in Hungary after Joining the EU
Judit Eggenhofer: Clinical Trials in Hungary before and after 01st of May, 2004
István Bayer: A review of the foundation and first years of the National Institute of Pharmacy (NIP) (1962-1967)
Szabolcs Dobson: A pre-history and development of the Hungarian system of marketing authosisation up to the foundation of the National Institute of Pharmacy (1962)
István Bayer: The beginnings and development of government control of medicinal products in Hungary. Part VII. The development of fields of competence of the National Institute of Pharmacy from 1968 to 1984
Tamás Paál: The activities of the National Institute of Pharmacy from 1984 to 2008
The 2/1962 (III. 22.) Ordinance of the Minister of Healthcare on the National Institute of Pharmacy (Hungary)
Dr. István Simonovits (1907-1985) – obituary. Orvosi Hetilap 126 (26), 1575-1576 (1975)
Szabolcs Dobson: The biggest, longest and most unexplainable Hungarian pharmacovigilance blunder: the urethane
Dobson Szabolcs: Is the annual purchasing, keeping and Authority inspection of pharmacy reagent kits justified?
Csilla Tuza, Katalin Kincses, Szabolcs Dobson: Articuli Pharmacopolarum Tyrnaviensium(Pharmacist regulations of Trnava); Hungarian translation and the original latin-language text
László Szél: A brief description of the XIX. century listed building of Budapest, Zrínyi street 3.
Pharmaceutical Industry
Szabolcs Dobson: The History of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry between 1945 and 1989
Szabolcs Dobson: The History of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry between 1852 and 1945
Anikó Fehérvári: The Development of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry from the 1920-ies
Zsuzsanna Szalkai: From Kalmopyrin to Cavinton – Great Periods of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Hungary
Antalné Sipos (Compiled by): A Repertory of the Pharmaceutical Companies
István László: The Foundations are 100 Years Old (1912 – 2012)
Péter Heinrich-Tamáska: Art of Advertizing of the “EGIS” Pharmaceutical Factory and its Predecessors
Béla Láng: From the History of the 50 Year Old Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works “Chinoin”
László Kósa: “EGYT” (United Drug and Nutrient Works) is 50 Years Old
Pál Szentmiklósi: The Economic History of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry up to1945, Part 1.
Pál Szentmiklósi: The Economic History of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry up to1945, Part 2.
Pál Szentmiklósi: The Economic History of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry up to1945, Part 3.
Pál Szentmiklósi: The Economic History of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry up to1945, Part 4.
Pál Szentmiklósi: The Economic History of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry up to1945, Part 5.
Gyula Horváth: 100 Years of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry
Jenő Purman: The Place of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry in the World
Pál Szentmiklósi: The Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry after 1945
Gyula Horváth: International Cooperations of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry
László Kósa: 25th Anniversary of the Nationalization and 60th of the Foundation of EGYT (United Drug and Nutrien Works)
Szerk.bizottság: “Kőbányai” Pharmaceutical Works is 75 Years Old
Pál Varga: The First Drug Manufacturing Plant in Debrecen
Rudolf Szebei, Ferenc Hadi: The Current Situation and Trends in Drug Information in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works “Chinoin”
László Lárencz: The Importance of Reanal Fine Chemical Works in the History of Domestic Drug Manufacturing
László Lárencz: More Data on the History of Reanal Fine Chemical Works
Mihály Kata: Drug Manufacturing Plant in Szeged
Mária Teréz Selmeczy, Károly Zalai: Organization of On-the-Spot Inspection of Drug Manufacturing Plants
István Orbán: Pharmaceutical Industry, Drug Trade, Privatization
Istvánné Solti: The History of the “Alkaloida” Chemical Works in Tiszavasvári (Tiszavasvári Alkaloida Vegyészeti Gyár) from its Foundation to 1945
Ádám Orbán: Past, Present and Opportunities of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry
Sztaricskai, Ferenc: Drug Manufacturing in Debrecen, Biogal Pharmaceutical Company is 50 Years Old
Károly Zalai: Hundred Years in the Service of Health, Part 1.
Károly Zalai: Hundred Years in the Service of Health, Part 2.
Károly Zalai: Hundred Years in the Service of Health, Part 3.
Károly Zalai: Hundred Years in the Service of Health, Part 4.
Károly Zalai: Hundred Years in the Service of Health, Part 5.
Zoltán Hankó, Károly Zalai: All Companies have Corporate Social Responsibilty
László Hegedűs: “Human” PLC (Human Rt) is 50 Years Old, Part 2.
László Hegedűs: “Human” PLC (Human Rt) is 50 Years Old, Part 3.
László Hegedűs: “Human” PLC (Human Rt) is 50 Years Old, Part 4.
László Hegedűs: “Human” PLC (Human Rt) is 50 Years Old, Part 5.
László Hegedűs: “Human” PLC (Human Rt) is 50 Years Old, Part 6.
György Lányi: About the 100 Year Old “Chinoin” between 1910 and 2010
Mariann Bánóné Fleischmann: Main Characteristics of Drug Supply of Industial Workers in the Capitalist Era on the Basis of the Model of the Town Újpest as well as Comparative Data of Surrounding Suburban Settlements
Mariann Bánóné Fleischmann: Circumstances of Foundation of the Pharmaceutical Works “Chinoin” in Újpest, the Flagship of Domestic Industry
István Perjés, Béla Lukáts: The Role of the 75 Year Old “Kőbányai” Pharmaceutical Company in the Development of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry
Lajos Pillich: 100 Years of “ Gedeon Richter Ltd“
János Illés et al.: Zinc-Hyaluronate: an Original Organotherapeutic Compound of Gedeon Richter Ltd.
Egon Kárpáti et al.: Research of Indole Compounds at “ Gedeon Richter Ltd“
Egon Kárpáti et al: Research of Steroid Muscle Relaxants at “ Gedeon Richter Ltd“
Pál Kocsis et al.: Mydeton; A Centrally Acting Muscle Relaxant Drug from “ Gedeon Richter Ltd“
Ádám Sarkadi et al.: Research of TRH analogues at “ Gedeon Richter Ltd“
József Iván Szekely: Farewell to the Medicines (industrial) research Institute
Marcell Benyusz: Exhibition on the history of Alkaloida Pharmaceutical Factory, Hungary
Szabolcs Dobson: Szentgyörgyi Albert as pharmaceutical consultant – the history of the Servita Company – 1945-1948
Szabolcs Dobson: Rise of the pharmaceutical industry and synthetic drugs
Lajos Hegedűs: The history of Certa Laboratory, Hungary (Budapest)
Ferenc Andrási: The history of the most successful medicine of the 20th century or why has not become EGYT (Hungary) one of the largest pharmaceutical company of the Word?
Anna Orosz: The 100 year of the Pharmaceutical Works EGIS – One hundred years of history, 80 years of scientific research
Szabolcs Dobson: A trip to Pluto and back, or the story of the first Hungarian Tablet Factory and contract manufacturer
Dobson Szabolcs: A proposal for the reform of the Summaries of Product Characteristics and the generic/WEU marketing applications., 2018. 07. 24.
Szabolcs Dobdon: Advertisement postcards of Dr. Wander Pharmaceutical and Nutriment Inc. from 1933
In the lure of the past of pharmacy – an interview with Dr. Pál Farkas
12th Summer Symposium on the History of Pharmacy, Szeged, Hungary
Comm. de Hist. Artis Med. 230-233 (2015)
Report on the 12th Summer Symposium on the History of Pharmacy (Szeged, 2015) and Abstracts of lectures of the 12th Summer Symposium on the History of Pharmacy (Szeged, 2015)
Gyógyszerészettörténet, December, 2015
Congress of the International Society for the History of Pharmacy, Istanbul (2015)
Gyógyszerészet, November, 2015
12th Summer Symposium ont he History of Pharmacy, Szeged
Gyógyszerészet, November, 2015
A little poor pharmacy
Fejér Megyei Hírlap – 14. 10. 2015.
Halmos, Sándor: The Hungarian Jewry and Pharmacy up to 1945
Új Kelet – 2015.07.23.
“Many come to the pharmacy because of the nice Lady pharmacist only”
Pharmaonline – 2015. 03. 08.
11th Summer Symposium on the History of Pharmacy, Gyula, Hungary
Comm. de Hist. Artis Med. 226-229 (2014)
Summer Symphosium
Gyógyszerészet – September 2014
A Journey through the Middle Class and Palaces
Pharmaonline – 21 July 2014
The Réthy Award is 10 years old
28 June 2014
Unveiling a Memorial Tablet in Muraszombat; the Bölcs Family has returned
25 June 2014
The Past is not Dragging You Down, but Inspire Creativity;
an Interview with Szabolcs Dobson Pharmaonline – 17 June 2014
Unveiling the Memorial Tablet of Ferenc Szigetváry in Kőszeg
Invitation to the Unveiling of the Memorial Tablet of Szigetváry
The Address of Szabolcs Dobson at the Unveiling of the Memorial Tablet of Szigetváry
An interview with Szabolcs Dobson
Piece of News – PirulaTrend, May 2013
Report on the 10th Summer Symposium in the September 2013 Issue of Gyógyszerészet
Piece of News – Gyógyszerészet, September 2013
Summer Symposium 2013 – Kalocsa
Piece of News – Gyógyszerészi Hírlap, September 2013.
ÓBECSE, THAN Memorial House
Piece of News – An Article on the Than Memorial House in the paper Becsei Mozaik
ÓBECSE, THAN Memorial House
Piece of News – An Article on the Than Memorial House in the paper Becsei Mozaik
ÓBECSE, THAN Memorial House Part 1.
Video – News in the Pannon TV about the Than Memorial House.
ÓBECSE, THAN Memorial House 2.
Video – The Program-block “Közel-Kép” in Pannon TV about the Than Memorial House.
ÓBECSE, THAN Memorial House 3.
Video – The Program-block “Közügyek” in Pannon TV about the Than Memorial House