
List of E-books in a thematic breakdown


Kalocsan2003 Annals of Summer Symposia on the History of Pharmacy
Edited by: Zsuzsa Molnár
Budapest, 2016.
Chapters From the History of Pharmacy in Hungary
(Textbook for students in higher education)
Károly Kapronczay, Katalin Kapronczay
Budapest, 2016.
gyszipar The rise of the pharmaceutical industry, the evolution of dominance of synthetic drugs; the relationship of the industrial society and complementer medicine  with special regards to Hungary
Szabolcs Dobson
Budapest, 2015.
fiatal gysz. Young Pharmacists – 2014
(demo version)
Budapest, 2014.
  The Hungarian Jewry and Pharmacy up to 1945
László Szmodits, Szabolcs Dobson
Budapest, 2014.
4europa_map Community Pharmacy in Europe
Austrian Health Institute (ÖBIG)
Bécs, 2006.
V4ek Medical Past of Central-East Europe
Károly Kapronczay
Budapest, 2013.
201407301109 Metamorphosis of the Serpent
Géza Stájer
Budapest, 2002.
158 Book on the History of the University Pharmacy and Institute for Pharmaceutical Organisation Science of the Semmelweis University
Budapest, 2007.
eros The 90th year anniversary of the Pharmaceutical Faculty in Szeged (Hungary)
Edited by: István Erős
Szeged, 2011.
The Pharmaceutical Faculty of Marosvásárhely
Edited by: Árpád Gyéresi
Marosvásárhely, 1999.
The sixth decade
Edited by: Árpád Gyéresi
Marosvásárhely, 2011.
Those nice student years – commemorations of pharmacists
Edited by: Árpád Gyéresi
Marosvásárhely, 2013.
 159 Evening conversations
Portraits of Hungarian Drug Researchers
Budapest, 2005.
201410081166 Mosaics of the History of Hospital Pharmacy Organization
Csongor Szabó, Ilona Higyisán
Budapest, 2013.
Magyary-Kossa_Gyula Old Hungarian medical heritage
Gyula Magyar-Kossa
Budapest, 1920.
patikamuzeumok Pharmacy Museums – Pharmacy Monuments in Hungary
Mária Vida
Budapest, 1996.
201407301118 Museum in the Manor
Zoltán Hankó
Budapest, 2008.
pro-cultura-et-sanitate Dedicated to healthcare and culture
Bogcha-Novák Zoltánné
Győr, 2006.
ahol a patika Where once a pharmacy stood….
János Csanádi, József Réhon
Arad, 2008.
pesti_patika A Repository of Pharmaceutical Companies of the Pre-nationalization Period
Compiled by: Antalné Sípos
Budapest, 2004.
Bekes_cimer Pharmacies – Apothecary
Lajos Gecsei
Békéscsaba, 1976.
gecsei Pharmacies – Pharmacists 1850-1875
Lajos Gecsei
Békéscsaba, 1986.
békés megye Establishment and Evolution of the Pharmacy Network in Békés County from 1770 to 1950
Katalin Kiss-Ábrahám
Gyula, 1989.
var1gyula The History of the Pharmacies of Gyula town
Katalin Kiss-Ábrahám
Gyula, 2014.
jászberény History of the pharmacies of Jászberény, Hungary from 1790 to 1950
Aranka Sugár-Koncsek
Jászberény, 1995
csongárd megye Pharmacies in Csongrád County
Márta T. Knotik
Szeged, 2007.
pest_cimer The History of the Civil Pharmacies of Pest county in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Júlia Lengyel
Budapest, 1993.
barangolas-erdelyben_1 History of Pharmacy in Transylvania and Bánát
Gyula Orient
Kolozsvár, 1926.
kolozsvar02 Hungarian Aspects of Pharmacy in Transylvania Vol. I.
Mária Péter H.
Kolozsvár, 2013.
segesvar_03 Hungarian Aspects of Pharmacy in Transylvania Vol. II.
Mária Péter H.
Kolozsvár, 2013.
2323 Pharmacist education at the Ferenc József University of Sciences (Kolozsvár/Cluj), from 1872 to 1919
Mária Péter H.
Kolozsvár (Cluj), 2019.
gyogyszereszettort gyujt History Museum of Transylvania  – Collection on the History of Pharmacy
Crisan Eva (translated by Ferenc Pap)
Kolozsvár, 1973.
B2 St. Catherine, the Healer
(Extracts from the History of Pharmacy of Kőbánya District of Budapest)
Kálmán Buzás
Budapest, 2009.
201406031072 Life of János Kabay, a Hungarian Inventor 
John J. Kabay
Tiszavasvári, 1992.
könyvfedő 2014.tif Fading Portraits 
István Budaházy
Nagyvárad, 2014.
idők Memoirs of László Somogyi, pharmacist from Nagyvárad    


Addenda (Articles) to the memoirs of László Somogyi, pharmacist from Nagyvárad
István Budaházy
Nagyvárad, 2016.

baranyai Memorial book dedicated to the 100th birthday of Aurél Baranyai
Edited by: László Gy. Szabó, Dezső Vargha
Pécs, 2003.
baranyai János Szolcsányi – An outstanding figure of the pharmacology research group of Pécs and founder of the pharmacist university education in Pécs
Erika Pintér; Lajos Botz
Pécs, 2023.
baranyai „In the service of my country” – The achievements of László Lárencz, military pharmacist of Pécs, in the history of pharmacy.
László Gy. Szabó (ed.)
Pécs, 2023.
Kedvessy Kedvessy
Mihály Kata
Szeged, 2013.
katona Memoirs of József Katona
Edited by: Gergely Magos
Budapest, 2015.
Richter_portre Historical businessmen of Hungary: Gedeon Richter
Budapest, 2010.
ernyey József Ernyey
Lajos Hegedűs
Budapest, 1974.
ernyey konyvtar The improved Biography of József Ernyey – another 12 years of research data
Lajos Hegedűs
Budapest, 1986.
winkler Memory Book of Lajos Winkler
Edited by: István Bayer
Budapest, 1965.
393158 Mátyás Rozsnyay Memorial Competitions
Mátyás Rozsnyay Foundation
Budapest, 1995.
rozsnyai-matyas-emlekversenyek-eloadasai--1863617-90 Mátyás Rozsnyay Memorial Competitions
Békéscsaba, 1985.
Kempler Kurt Pharmacy in Hungary at the Turn of the Century
Kurt Kempler
Budapest, 1984.
1967 Hungarian Pharmacy 1967
Kurt Kempler
Budapest, 1968.
201407301110 80 Years in the Service of Hungarian Pharmacy
Zoltán Hankó
Budapest, 2004.
201407301114 50 Years of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society (1924-1974)
Károly Zalai
Budapest, 1974.
201407301115 History of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society (1975-1989)
Károly Zalai
Budapest, 1989.
201407301116 History of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society (1990-1999)
Károly Zalai
Budapest, 1999.
gyogyszereszeti-numizmatika--10729332 Pharmaceutical Numismatics
Károly Zalai
Budapest, 1998.
The Pharmaceutical Collection of the Medal and Antique Collection of the Transylvanian National Museusm
Gyula Orient
Kolozsvár, 1927.
bibliografia Hungarian Pharmaceutical Bibliography (1945-1960)
Barnabás Szabó
Budapest, 1966.
201407301117 Laureats of the Kazay Memorial Medal (1968-2003)
László Burgetti
Budapest, 2004.
201405061055 Famous Pharmacists in the South- Trans-Danubian Region
László Lárencz, László Gy. Szabó
Pécs, 2014.
szatmar1 Szatmár Jews for Healthcare
Csaba Csirák, Gyuri Elefánt
Szatmárnémedi, 2012.
20131216975 Old Hungarian Pharmacies
Lajosné Nékám
Budapest, 1971.
dok_fj_egyetem Documents from the Ferenc József University of Kolozsvár on Pharmacist Education (1872-1919)
István Budaházy
Nagyvárad, 2012.
201407301112 Drogs and People
István Bayer
Budapest, 2005.
Gyógyszertár az 'Isten Szeméhez' Pharmacy to God’s Eye
(a satirical novel)
István Putnoky
Budapest, 1942.
Vidám esetek Aesculap birodalmából Funny Stories from the Empire of Aesculap
(Memoirs and jests)
Zoltán Varságh
Budapest, 1925.
naplo Diary
(10 December 1944 – 17 October 1945)
László Kósa
Budapest, 2003.
epitokovek Building Blocks of the History of the Post 1940 Pharmacy in Hungary
Tamás Mohr
Budapest, 2003.
fono_szuletese The Birth of the Formulae Normales
(Hungarian National Formulary, Magistral Prescriptions)
Szabolcs Dobson
Budapest, 2003.
gyogyszereszi_eletkepek Genre Scenes in Pharmacy 
(Writings and Diary Extracts)
Károly Zalai
Budapest, 2004.
kirandulasok_a_gyogyszeres_terapia_multjaban Excursions in the Past of Pharmacotherapy
Szabolcs Dobson
Budapest, 2007.
neves_magyar_gyogyszereszek_kegyeleti_adattara Tributory Repository of Famous Hungarian Pharmacists
László Szmodits
Budapest, 2003.
magyar_gyogyszereszek_magyar_sorsok Hungarian Pharmacists, Hungarian Lifes
(Antology of Autobiographies)
Budapest, 2004.
merfoldkovek_a_gyogyszeres_terapia_multjaban Milestones in the History of Pharmacotherapy
Szabolcs Dobson
Budapest, 2002.
 20131216978 Book and Literature Collection of Hungarian Pharmaceutical Writings (1578-1909)
Miklós Matolcsy
Budapest, 1910.
gyogyszeresztorteneti_irodalom Bibliography on Literature of the Hungarian History of Pharmacy up to 1944
Sándor Dörnyei
Budapest, 2005.
mvhely Hungarian language papers and books of Transylvanian authors on the history of medicine and pharmacy
Mária Péter H., Mihály Péter
Marosvásárhely, 2016.
vondrasek Handbook of pharmaceutical practice and pharmaceutical manufacturing technology I.
József Vondrasek
Budapest, 1925.
vondrasek Handbook of pharmaceutical practice and pharmaceutical manufacturing technology II.
József Vondrasek
Budapest, 1925.
20131216976 Monocomponent Drugs with Registered Trade Names
József Vondrasek
Budapest, 1928.
phhg_1 Pharmacopoea Hungarica
First edition of Hungarian Pharmacopoea
Budapest, 1871.
phhg_2 Pharmacopoea Hungarica editio secunda
Second edition of Hungarian Pharmacopoea
Budapest, 1888.
phhg_3 Pharmacopoea Hungarica editio tertia
Third edition of Hungarian Pharmacopoea
Budapest, 1909.
phhg IV Pharmacopoea Hungarica editio quarta
Fourth edition of Hungarian Pharmacopoea
Budapest, 1934.
phhgv Pharmacopoea Hungarica editio V – tomus I
Pharmacopoea Hungarica editio V – tomus II
Pharmacopoea Hungarica editio V – tomus III
Budapest, 1954.
Pharmacopoea Hungarica editio V – Addendum
Budapest, 1958.
image Dispensatorium Pharmaceuticum Austriaco – 1729
Pharmacopoea Augustana Renovata – 1734
Pharmacopoea Austriaco Provincialis – 1774
Pharmacopoea Austriaco Provincialis Emen – 1794
Pharmacopoea Austriaca, Editio 1 – 1812

Pharmacopoea Austriaca, Editio 2 – 1814
Pharmacopoea Austriaca, Editio 3 – 1820
Pharmacopoea Austriaca, Editio 4 – 1834
Pharmacopoea Austriaca, Editio 5 – 1855
1301282 Military Pharmacopoeia in Hungarian language
Budapest, 1898.
Győry István: Magistral Prescriptions
(Liber Manualis)
kazay_1 MPharmaceutical Lexicon
Volume 1
Endre Kazay
Nagybánya, 1900
kazay_2 Pharmaceutical Lexicon
Volume 2
Endre Kazay
Nagybánya, 1900.
kazay_3 Pharmaceutical Lexicon
Volume 3
Endre Kazay
Nagybánya, 1900.
kazay_4 Pharmaceutical Lexicon
Volume 4
Endre Kazay
Nagybánya, 1900.
420 Medical-pharmaceutical vocabulary
József Barts
Budapest, 1884.
nostra_eloirat_gyujtemeny Recipe Booklet of the NOSTRA Movement
Volume 1
Budapest, 1935
fono Formulae Normales
Hungarian National Formulary
Budapest, 1940.
fono Formulae Normales
Hungarian National Formulary
Budapest, 1948.
fono_1954 Formulae Normales
Hungarian National Formulary
Budapest, 1954.
Venykeszítes A Handbook of Compounding: Comments on the  Formulae Nominales
Zoltán Csipke, Imre Némedy
Budapest, 1940.
20131216981 New Drugs
Árpád Bókai
Budapest, 1891.
tud_alapvonalai Outlines of Pharmaceutical Sciences 
Emil Felletár, Gábor Kátai
Budapest, 1867.
20131216983 Pharmaceutical Technology
Gyula Orient
Kolozsvár, 1902.
20131216980 Textbook of Pharmacy
Kálmán Csurgay
Budapest, 1883.
20131216982 Pharmaceutical Propaedeutics
Dezső Wéber
Budapest, 1944.
Botanica Botanics
An Outline of Botanics for Pharmacy Students
A Textbook for Pharmacy
Chemia Chemia
Organic chemistry
A Textbook of Pharmacy
gyakorlati_gyogyszereszet_1 A Textbook of Pharmacy for Beginners
Book 3 Part 1
Pharmacy Practice
gyakorlati gyogyszereszet_2 Pharmacy Practice in Two Volumes

Athenaeum, Budapest
jogszabaly_komp A Textbook of Pharmacy for Beginners
Book 4
Compendium of Pharmaceutical Legislation
argenti_0 Homeopathy and its pharmacology, 1868
Döme Argenti
Pest, 1868.
gyogyszeratn_kilenc Pharmacology (published in 1944)
Zoltán Vámossy, Géza Mansfeld
Budapest, 1944.
hirneves_gyszereszek Famous Pharmacists
János Studényi, Antal Vondra
Budapest, 1929.
gyogyszeresz_ertekezesek Pharmacological theses
Printed Dissertations of Pharmacists between 1827-1844
Sándor Dörnyei
Budapest, 2010.
debrecenbihar_testulet The History of the Debreczen-Bihar County Pharmacist Association from 1861
Edited by: Emil V. Róthschnek
humorarium Humorarium Medicorum
(Medical Anecdotes)
Ödön D. Bélay
Budapest, 1937.
magyar gyogyszereszt_tortenete The History of Pharmacy in Hungary 
(From prehistoric times to the present) Vol. 1.
János Baradlay, Elemér Bársony
Budapest, 1930.
magyar_gyogyszereszt_tort_2 The History of Pharmacy in Hungary 
(From prehistoric times to the present) Vol. 2.
János Baradlay, Elemér Bársony
Budapest, 1930.
magyar_patika Hungarian Apothekary; Animals and Plants for Pharmaceutical Use in Hungary and in Transylvania
Mihály Kováts
Budapest, 1835.
hivatalos_gyogyszereink_jegyzeke Register of our Official Drugs 
József Ernyey
Budapest, 1905.
magyar_gyogyszereszeti_torvenyek Pharmaceutical Legislation in Hungary 
Dezső Merényi
Budapest, 1884.
taxa_phamaceut_poson Taxa Pharmaceutica Posoniensis
A Faximile Edition of the Original Found in the Library of the Archbishop of Kalocsa
201408181132 Taxa Medicamentorum
Budapest, 1910.
RG vegyészeti gyár Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter 1901-1941
Budapest, 1942.
a-richter-gedeon-rt-100-eves-tortenete--2896754-150 100-year history of the Gedeon Richter Ltd.
Budapest, 2001.
chinoin A perpetually innovative company – the history of Chinoin pharmaceutical company (Hungary)
Budapest, 1996.
alkaloidajubileum 50 years of Alkaloida Pharmaceutical Company
researc Pharmaceutical Industry and Research in Hungary
Budapest, 1973.
hungpharind The Hungarian Pharmaceutical Industry
Budapest, 1980.
gyki Bibliography of the Institute for Drug Research
Edited by: Gyula Horváth
Budapest, 2000.
20131216977 Modern Organotherapy
Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter.
20131216979 Soaps and Cosmetic Products 
Imre Némedy
Budapest, 1945.
201405061053 Chemistry at Home
Sándor Raksányi
Budapest, 1935.
Patients’ advisor. A collection of excellent household medicines and other pharmaceutical items
Lajos Vértes
Lugos, 1892.
kémia Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Aloyz Mannó
Pest, 1841.
winkler Pocket Commentary on the Chemistry Part of the Hungarian Pharmacopoeia 
Geyza Karlovszky, Lajos Winkler
Budapest, 1905.
csipke Testing and use of unofficial medicines and chemicals 
Zoltán Csipke
Budapest, 1936.
materia Materia Medica de Trasylvanie 
Eva Crisan
Cluj-Napoca, 1996.
ormeny Data on the History of Hungaro-armenian Physicians and Pharmacists
Károly Kapronczay
Budaörs, 2002.
1_020a The Hungarian pharmacy during the Hungarian Soviet Republic (1919) and political transitions
Koritsánszky, Ottó
Budapest, 1920.
szocialista The 30 years of Socialist pharmacy in Baranya county (Hungary)
Pál Szabó
Pécs, 1985.
szocialista The socialist development of pharmacy
Ministry of Health
Budapest, 1961.
utazas emlekei Memories of a trip. (An account on the 1930 Stockholm congress of FIP)    


Tamás Löcherer
Budapest, 1932.

eloleptetes On the carreer of pharmacists (articles by Gyula Jankó on his efforts to promote the careers of countryside pharmacists)    


Gyula Jankó
Szeghalom, 1940.

dinarium Proceedings of the Hungarian Society of Pharmacy on the History of Pharmacy – 1972
Proceedings of the Hungarian Society of Pharmacy on the History of Pharmacy – 1973
Proceedings of the Hungarian Society of Pharmacy on the History of Pharmacy – 1974
Proceedings of the Hungarian Society of Pharmacy on the History of Pharmacy – 1975
György Elek: Contributions to the history of pharmacies and health care in Karcag (Hungary)
Karcag, 2014
tudomany Szabolcs Dobson: Faith and Science in the Industrial Society – the Evolution of the Modern (Synthetic) Medicines

Budapest, 2019.
András Emődi:
Data on the pharmacy and hospital history of Nagyvárad (Romania) in the 18th and 19th century
Nagyvárad, 2010
Mária Horváth-Smudla: Pharmacists and pharmacies in Tata and its surroundings (Hungary)
László Csizmadia: With faith and humility – The history of pharmacy in Ónod (Hungary)
Miskolc, 2014
Gábor Krajsovszky, PhD (ed.): The history of the Insitute of Organic Chemistry of the Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary) from 1957 to 1997
Budapest, 2017
Romanian folk names of over-the-counter medicines and a dictionary of words used in conversations, with their Latin and Hungarian meanings

Róbert Gajzágó
Cluj Napoca (Kolozsvár), 1924
tudomany Szabolcs Dobson: COVID-19 and Community Pharmacies

Budapest, 2020.
tudomany Szabolcs Dobson: Interesting stories on the pharmaceutical compounding with a historical background, inside and outside of the National Compounding Standards

Budapest, 2020.
We live for each other. Personal commemorations about botanists, teacher-scientiscts and researchers
Dr. László Gy. Szabó
Pécs 2020.
The current legislation on pharmacy
Edited by Antal Tiborcz, Ottó Gellyén, Béla Hatvani
Budapest 1948.
An old Pest pharmacy
Pál Voit
Budapest 1940.
Zsigmond Jakabházy, Géza Nyíredy, Hugó Issekutz
Kolozsvár 1895.
Taxa Medicamentorum Emendata pro Regno Hungariae et Adnexis Partibus

Buda 1810.
Pro memoria: Pharmacy Company – the Pharmacy Center of the Capital Municipal Council 1950-1957-1990

László Szél
Budapest, 2020
Materia medica – 18.-19. century apothecary jars of the Segesvár pharmacy museum

László Veress
Segesvár, 2020
The history of the Kóczián and Sperlágh pharmacist dynasties. Birth and death of pharmacies in the Carpathian basin

Gergely Zoltán Kóczián
Green island in Pécs, peace of God – Memorial sites in the 70-year old botanical garden
György Mánfai & László Gy. Szabó
Pécs, 2022
Non-official medicines and their use, with special regard to their chemical synthesis

Dr. József Vondrasek
Budapest, 1916
Pharmacy in Somogy county

Dr. Sziliné dr. Decsi Márta
Kaposvár, 1990
Hungarian scientific, folk and Latin names of medicines.
A handbook for pharmacists
Geyza Karlovszky (ed.)
Budapest, 1887
A short history of Hungarian pharmacy
Sándor Shédy, Sen
Budapest, 1987
A 25-year history of the Association of Hungarian Pharmacists
Sándor Shédy, Sen
Budapest, 1987
Compendium of pharmaceutical legislation
József Réthelyi
Budapest, 1926
Medicines, Pharmacists and pharmacies – interesting stories from three centuries
Szabolcs Dobson
Budapest, 2023
Recipe book and pharmacology of modern cosmetics
Ernő Weirtheimer
Budapest, 1935
History of pharmacy in Voivodina (Serbia) (ИСТОРИЈА АПОТЕКАРСТВА НА ТЛУ ДАНАШЊЕ ВОЈВОДИНЕ)
Ilia Savkov
Novi Sad, 2014

Szél László
Budapest, 2020
Pharmacy Company – Pharmacy Centre of the Capital Municipal Council (FTGYK) 1950 – 1957 – 1990
Photo collection on the pharmacies and the office building of the FTGYK up to 1990
In the footsteps of a decaying heritage, fading memories and remaining values

László Szél
Budapest, 2023

Annex 1: A few words about pieces of pharmacy equipment and facilities

Annex 2: A few images of dispensing areas from the socialist pharmacy network of Budapest

Annex 3: The 10th District (Csillagvirág u. 8.) Central Headquarters; Central Warehouse and Galenic Laboratory – a brief description in text and photos; The largest investment of pharmacy companies ever in 40 years

The successor of the ” Blue Unicorn” Material Goods Shop, Frigyes Kochmeister’s Successors Pharmaceutical Wholesaler Company from 1842 to 1949; a short illustrated history from the Hungarian Reform Era to 1949

László Szél
Budapest, 2023

  Collection of Modern Prescriptions
Dr.Vilmos Müller
Budapest, 1932
A history of the „Golden Beehive” drug and pharmaceutical wholesale company (owners: Nándor Neruda Sen., druggist; Nándor Neruda Jr., druggist; Dr. Nándor Neruda, pharmacist) 1872-1937 and its SUCCESSOR, the “Molnár and Moser” drugstore and perfume factory, wholesale drugstore company (owners: István Bartha pharmacist and Dr. Lajos Bartha Kovács, physician-druggist) 1889-1949.

László Szél
Budapest, 2024

Golden Lion Pharmacy-Holy Spirit Pharmacy-Török Pharmacy Ltd.-Holy Spirit Pharmacy Ltd.; 1786-1950; Török József Ltd. – Török-Labor Pharmacy and Chemical Factory Ltd.; (1860)-1918-1932-1948

László Szél
Budapest, 2024

The wonderful trees of the Countess

Dr. Árpád Kiss
Budapest, 2023

Pharmaceutical commemoration aid – names, dates, birtplaces and events

Dr. László Szmodits, Dr. Szabolcs Dobson
Budapest, 2024

Pharmaceutical aspects of our technical culture from the past – Part I
1) In light and shadow: Guido Prodam (1882-1948) pharmacist – aviatrician – pilot; from the lockable coat hanger to the design of the aeroplane.
2)His father-in-law, the forgotten inventor, Károly Mayering (1856-?), pharmacist – optician – photographer; from the copy making machine to the optical fluid lens.

László Szél
Budapest, 2024

Pharmaceutical aspects of our technical culture from the past – Part I
Lajos Kramolin (1810-1892), Antal Rohrbach (1825-1889), Károly Divald sen. (1830- 1897) pharmacist-photographers

László Szél
Budapest, 2024